Sunday, May 27, 2007

Can I show you a way to earn extra commission?

I want to show you an exciting opportunity that is
currently earning thousands of other netrepreneurs
huge incomes every single month without the
headaches of actually selling your own product!

The fact is, I don't typically endorse other people's
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The "Insider Secrets to Marketing Your Business on
the Internet" course is the #1 best-selling Internet
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This means that you can easily:

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... All without the usual hassles and expense of product
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It's extremely easy to do because you just post a link, a
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You don't ever worry about:

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Typically, affiliates who have web sites with low traffic
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So if you'd like to learn how you can join the Internet
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Tagged :

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Ojeez is all set to launch !

Membership has gone beyond 7,500, and Ojeez is all
set to launch before the end of this month, according
to an official message which I've received from Ojeez.

Here's the latest issue of Ojeez Newsletter for your
reading pleasure :

Greetings Ojeezians,

I wanted to take a moment to acknowledge the
unwavering dedication and tremendous loyalty that
the men and women of our development team have
displayed. Ojeez is not meant to be just another site
on the Internet; rather we want to create a family of
people. Whether you are strangers, the best of friends,
occasional business associates or even neighbors;
Ojeez can be a place that galvanizes strength in
numbers with a specific purpose. Ojeez will be what
you make of it, which is the beauty of a social network
because you contribute the content, the media, and the
community support and together it evolves under your
watchful eyes.

I would like to use one of the simplest, yet most profound
of quotes from Mahatma Gandhi which explains this,
"We must become the change we want to see."

Our tech staff became our family members; we have
broken bread with them, gone camping with them in the
wilderness, attended their weddings and shared in their
grief. Now we would like to extend that family to the
Internet, to each of you as Ojeez becomes the destination
for your insight, experience and success, no matter how
large or small.

Wow, I just had to get that off my chest, makes me feel
almost prolific. (insert hearty laughter here)

This is it folks, the home stretch, the light at the end of
the tunnel... Launch Time!!!

After this newsletter, during the last week in May, we
will send out a short email to everyone letting you know
that you can come over and finally create your profile.
Ojeez just hit 7,500 members and we probably have
several hundred emails from people that want to promote
Ojeez, but they also want to see a live product, which
we completely understand. Again I want to stress the
fact that this is going to be a "Beta" launch, which means
that over the next several weeks we will be replying on
each and every one of you to tell us if you see something
wrong, if you would like to see some new feature or if
you have any suggestions for improvement of the site.
Remember, Ojeez is synonymous with "family" and
together we can create profound change in the world.

Send all your friends an invite to Ojeez

Thank you all for your support and kind words, get
ready world because here comes Ojeez!

Jim & Zach
One Voice* One World* No Borders

Are you looking for a legitimate, money-making affiliate
program with proven track records and high credibility for
Visit: Internet Business Opportunities.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

What is so great about Ojeez?

This is a message from Jim & Zach, Founders of It explains what you can expect from this
new social networking site...

So what is so great about joining Ojeez?

Well we are partial so don't take our word for it, but
here are just a few of the incredible aspects of Ojeez
that we think will make this the best community on
the web.
We have built Ojeez with not only the work at home
professional in mind, but with the entire entrepreneurial
culture of the Internet as its backbone. It is foolish to
ignore the fact that if properly utilized to its fullest,
the Internet can create the opportunity to sell
products, find information and network with people
that might have been previously inaccessible to you
before. Not all of us know how to use the internet to
its fullest, my 7 year old niece shows me something
new every time I see her. Wouldn't it be nice to have
great features that can help manage your business,
stay connected with friends and family, new
networking opportunities and even the ability to
participate in your own e-commerce store; all in
one place?

At Ojeez you have all of the features that you have
come to find in a great social network like; Email, Blogs,
customizable pages, Forums, Chat, Video/ Photo sharing
and more. Well we have gone to the next level!
Now Ojeez is going to be bringing you some great
internet tools like collaborative worksheets,
e-commerce capabilities to sell or barter your products
or services, video conferencing and contact management
systems just to name a few of them.

Wait, we aren't done yet. It wasn't good enough to go
this extra step and create excellent tools that everyone
from the busiest executive to the stay at home
entrepreneur could use to enhance their lives.
You see we recognize one very simple fact that has
conveniently escaped the notice of some of those other
social networks. What is that you say? Well, the one
thing that actually makes a social network a success
are the people that become its members, use their
services, see their advertisements, refer new members
and contribute to the overall growth. But they,
meaning the people, never get rewarded for working
to grow and being loyal to these amazing websites.
At Ojeez we understand this and we wanted to give
back in some way, so here it goes, we are actually
giving you ownership in the company.

What better way to get you involved than to offer you
a part of ownership in Ojeez, wouldn't you take better
care of Ojeez if that were the case, wouldn't you want
to give everyone you know a ride in your new Ojeez?
We thought so too! Basically as you network grows,
so to does your percentage of ownership.

Sounds cool huh?

Good Luck

Jim & Zach

Ojeez is set to launch during the 3rd week of May,
which should be any time between now and May 25.

Join Ojeez

Are you looking for a legitimate, money-making affiliate
program with proven track records and high credibility for
Visit: Internet Business Opportunities.

Saturday, May 12, 2007

All Bloggers should join Ojeez!

Why do you blog?
...To make money? Then blogging becomes a home
...As a hobby and for fun? Then you need more readers.
Where's the fun if no one reads your 'fun stuff' or
'hobby stuff'?
...Other reasons? You still want more readers.

Whatever the reasons may be, I suggest you take a
really close look at Ojeez and join the community.
Good place for you, I believe so.

Ojeez is the place to network all your home business
opportunities, get connected and find more prospects
while at the same time build your Ojeez Network to
Earn Company Shares!

"One Stone, Two Birds"
Wouldn't it be nice!

Join Ojeez Here

Are you looking for a legitimate, money-making affiliate
program with proven track records and high credibility for
Visit: Internet Business Opportunities.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Ojeez is about to launch !

Ojeez is set to launch during the third week of May
as I previously mentioned in my post.

Here's a copy of newsletter which I received today from
Ojeez's Founders :

Greetings Ojeezians,

Incredibly and in just 10 weeks your contributions
helped us grow to an amazing 4,500 members
representing 132 different countries with 200 new
members joining every day. Break out the Tamiflu
because Ojeez is a viral machine!

Ojeez is launching this month so mark your calendars,
set your alarms and get ready to dive in. We will email
everyone the day before going live to let you know
that you can take a swim in the Ojeeziness, but bring
your business bathing suits as this is not a nude site.

This will be an official Beta launch, which means that
we are relying on everyone to point out little mistakes,
make suggestions and submit ideas that will help us to
refine the site. Our number 1 goal is to make Ojeez
into something you can be proud of while becoming
a member of our family and a most valued source of
tools, support and services that you rely upon.
And we promise to have your daughter home by
eleven o'clock.

As you can tell we are feeling upbeat and full of humorous
indulgences, please forgive us, but levity is good for the

Thank you again for your kind words, continued support
and faith in Ojeez.

Take care for now folks.

Jim & Zach
One Voice* One World* No Borders

My Ojeez Site

Are you looking for a legitimate, money-making affiliate
program with proven track records and high credibility
for years?
Visit: Internet Business Opportunities.


Thursday, May 3, 2007

Ojeez--A Mighty Good Social Networking Site !

Ojeez is a NEW Social Networking Community to be
launched in May 2007. According to an email which
I've received from Zachary Schenkler, President of
Ojeez, the official launch has been planned to take place
during the 3rd week of May.

Designed and created with the purpose of providing the
entrepreneurial, work-at-home professional and small
business owner a destination on the Internet where
they can gain easy access to specialized marketing
tools and services, while at the same time members/users
are given the opportunity to own SHARES in the company !

Old Idea But New Concept......
...."Ojeez...Where Agloco Meets MySpace" ?

Ojeez is a global networking community. You, your peers,
friends and like-minded entrepreneurs will build it.
Anyone can join Ojeez, anybody can use Ojeez and
everyone can have Ownership in the company.

To date, more than 3,500 have joined from more than
100 countries.

Site is under construction currently.

--Ojeez is Free to join

--Ojeez is NOT a network marketing program.

As a member, you're entitled to have :

# Interesting tools, gadgets and gizmos

# Peer-to-peer video & audio networks

# Opportunity, opportunity, opportunity...

# Training, advice & support

# Everything you "usually" find in a great social community site

# Ownership--what a great concept ! Refer others and build
your network...The bigger the network, the bigger will be
your ownership/shares of the company !

You can join Ojeez Here

Contact information :

Founders :
Zachary Schenkler, President
Jim Lupkin, CEO

Telephone :

Email address :
Are you looking for a legitimate, money-making affiliate
program with proven track records and high credibility
for years?
Visit: Internet Business Opportunities.
