A nice tip on Adwords from Anik Singal, Founder & CEO of
Affiliate Classroom:
Whether you're promoting an affiliate program or your own
product, using pay per click traffic is almost necessary.
Wait, let me re-phrase that - pay per click traffic is
almost necessary to TEST. Let's be frank, this form of
traffic does NOT work for all niches and businesses.
Also, succeeding with pay per click traffic is not as easy
as just putting up an ad and sending traffic to your main
There are lots of elements involved such as your ad, your
competition, the landing page, and how much you're paying.
Obviously, to discuss all these elements, we'd need to
write a book - however, this particular article is going to
make you an expert on how to pay less than all your
competition and out rank them at the same time.
Google has a unique system of ranking their ads that allows
you to be on the top even if you're paying the least per
Just make sure you have the highest click-through rate on
your ad...
There are two main things you need to do to make sure you
can get to the top while paying the least.
1. Have a killer start - don't be cheap, spend the most in
the beginning.
2. Consistently test your ads to improve your click
through rate.
#1 - Killer Start
One of the biggest mistakes people make when they launch a
PPC campaign is that they get cheap in the beginning and
try to start slow.
That's all wrong.
You need to spend the most in the beginning. Go in with a
bang...here are two reasons why.
1. If the strategy just isn't going to work, find out
early and get out - don't waste precious time.
2. More importantly, spend the most on PER click in the
beginning. Why?
If you spend the most on "per click" in the beginning,
that's the only way you can convince Google to put you on
the top. You have no click through record, so you have to
make up for that by spending more.
By spending the most in the beginning, you'll get your ad
on the front page and get quick exposure.
This way you'll quickly build up your click-through record
and can immediately start decreasing your "cost per click"
without losing your spot.
Now, if you had started with a low cost per click, you'd
end up on some page far down, never really get any exposure
and could potentially take weeks/months
before you build up any kind of click through rate.
So, first lesson, start fast - go in with a higher
"per-click" budget. Get in strong and you'll see the best
#2 - Test, Test!
The next best way to increase your ad rankings and decrease
your "per-click" costs is to always test new ads.
Google allows you to run two ads at the same time for the
same keywords, they will automatically rotate your ads, one
after the other.
This way you can slowly tweak the headlines, the ad, the
domain name - everything and find what works best.
Always do this and you'll slowly see your click through
rates increase - as your click through rises, you can
decrease your "cost per click" without losing your spot in
the ad.
So, bottom line, even if you're in a niche with a lot of
competition - you can still dominate.
Go in strong, try to get your ad some quick exposure to
build a clickthrough rate fast. Then, quickly start
decreasing your per click costs.
Just a quick word of caution, if you use this strategy,
make sure to actively monitor your Adwords account. ALSO,
make sure you set your daily limit to something you can
afford losing.
You'd be surprised how quickly Google can eat up your
Alright, now you're equipped with some advanced tips on how
to quickly take over a niche in Google.
This article is written by Anik Singal, an
extremely successful and young internet entrepreneur
and affiliate marketing consultant. Anik has
developed his own affiliate marketing system that
helped him earn over $10,466 in 60 days. Enroll
in his FREE Course today...
Copyright © 2006 Anik Singal
Tags: pay+per+click+advertising Adwords pay+per+click
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Friday, March 28, 2008
eToro - The Ultimate Forex Trading Experience
Important Update:
All links (urls) on this page NO LONGER work as
Etoro-OfferForge relationship ceased.
"Trading in the Foreign Exchange market might carry potential
rewards, but also potential risks. You must be aware of the risks
and are willing to accept them in order to trade in the foreign
exchange market. Don't trade with money you can't afford to
eToro is an innovative and creative approach to online foreign
exchange trading and has become one of the most frequently
visited trading platforms online since it first started in 2006.
Prior to the establishment of eToro the Forex market was considered
by many to be distant and over complex territory. Here at eToro,
the belief in fair and equal opportunity has lead to development of a
platform which would connect between the individual trader and the
high end world of international finance, leaving those old fashioned
boundaries behind.
Unlike other trading platforms eToro caters to the entirety of the
Forex community, particularly to this community’s retail segment.
eToro makes sure that the Forex community receives all manner
of exclusive and fundamental services—from unique trading
conditions to excellent customer service, not to mention remarkable
practice opportunities together with constantly improved and
updated trading technologies.
The easy-to-use eToro platform allows you to use real or virtual
money to execute real-time trades with a click of a button,
making the complex world of international finance simple and
- Trades are visually displayed, enabling you to literally watch
your trades as they make their way in the international markets.
- Sharpen your trading abilities by trading virtual money with
real market rates.
- Compete with other traders in free-to-enter championships for
valuable prizes and the chance to impress.
- Discuss your progress with fellow traders in private or public
- Carry out real money trades instantly, all in real-time.
These and more innovative features make eToro the perfect
solution to experience the exciting world of foreign exchange
trading, enabling you to take part in the world’s largest financial
Tags: eToro Foreign+Exchange+Trading Forex foreign+currency+trading forex+software
All links (urls) on this page NO LONGER work as
Etoro-OfferForge relationship ceased.
"Trading in the Foreign Exchange market might carry potential
rewards, but also potential risks. You must be aware of the risks
and are willing to accept them in order to trade in the foreign
exchange market. Don't trade with money you can't afford to
eToro is an innovative and creative approach to online foreign
exchange trading and has become one of the most frequently
visited trading platforms online since it first started in 2006.
Prior to the establishment of eToro the Forex market was considered
by many to be distant and over complex territory. Here at eToro,
the belief in fair and equal opportunity has lead to development of a
platform which would connect between the individual trader and the
high end world of international finance, leaving those old fashioned
boundaries behind.
Unlike other trading platforms eToro caters to the entirety of the
Forex community, particularly to this community’s retail segment.
eToro makes sure that the Forex community receives all manner
of exclusive and fundamental services—from unique trading
conditions to excellent customer service, not to mention remarkable
practice opportunities together with constantly improved and
updated trading technologies.
The easy-to-use eToro platform allows you to use real or virtual
money to execute real-time trades with a click of a button,
making the complex world of international finance simple and
- Trades are visually displayed, enabling you to literally watch
your trades as they make their way in the international markets.
- Sharpen your trading abilities by trading virtual money with
real market rates.
- Compete with other traders in free-to-enter championships for
valuable prizes and the chance to impress.
- Discuss your progress with fellow traders in private or public
- Carry out real money trades instantly, all in real-time.
These and more innovative features make eToro the perfect
solution to experience the exciting world of foreign exchange
trading, enabling you to take part in the world’s largest financial
Tags: eToro Foreign+Exchange+Trading Forex foreign+currency+trading forex+software
Monday, March 24, 2008
The Rubicon Project Grew by 100% in One Month
The Rubicon Project, a company with a mission to automate
the large, yet highly inefficient Internet advertising industry,
updates notable statistics from its private Beta program on
March 18, 2008.
* To date, the Rubicon Project has optimized 8 billion† ads across
more than 50 of the top ad networks; a 100% increase from the
4 billion ads served through February.
* Since launching the Beta program in October 2007, more than
4000 websites have signed up for the Rubicon Project ad network
optimization service.
* The Rubicon Project has already earned website publisher
customers more than $1.5M in revenue.
The Rubicon Project wins again!
* Last month Rubicon Project were selected as a finalist for
PriceWaterhouseCoopers Entretech award, honoring technology
leaders in the Greater Los Angeles area. It was selected as the
award winner in March.
* Previous awards for 2008 included being selected as an
AlwaysOn OnMedia 100 winner, a list of the top private game-
changing players in the marketing, branding, advertising, and
public relations industries; and as the Favorite Startup in a popular
vote at TwiistUp.
Quote from Frank Addante, CEO of the Rubicon Project:
- "the Rubicon Project is more than a company, it's an
innovation movement powered by a team that is dedicated
to real technological advancement for online advertising,"
said Frank Addante, CEO and Founder of the Rubicon Project.
"Our technology has facilitated 7 billion smart matches
between websites and ad networks. Ad networks get great
inventory. Websites make mad cash. Our warp speed growth
has us filled with adrenaline. With 4000 websites signing up
for our service, the market has sent us a clear message.
It is screaming for innovation. We are committed to
delivering it."
About the Rubicon Project
the Rubicon Project is a group of industry-experienced, aggressive
and passionate renegades dedicated to bringing a new level of
efficiency to the fragmented Internet advertising space.
The founders of the Rubicon Project shook up the online advertising
industry in 1998 when they created L90/adMonitor, one of the most
successful Internet advertising platforms that served over 3,000 of
the web's most recognized sites, reaching 65% of the Internet
population before DoubleClick acquired it.
Rubicon Project does NOT have a referral program.
If you're interested to join this money-making opportunity,
please visit:
Tags: Rubicon+Project
Frank+Addante ad+networks online+advertising monetization
Saturday, March 22, 2008
New audiobook titles released by Leisure Audio Books
It's always a good idea to invest in your own education...
5 New Audiobooks that focus within the business niche:
*Leadership*, *Management*, *Starting Your Own Business*
and *Internet Marketing*, have been released recently by
Leisure Audio Books. Some titles are offered at promotional
download prices (discounts).
Check them out.
Please be aware that your expenses on business audio-books are
classified under "business-related educational tool" --
-They are tax-deductible.
1. Winning By Jack Welch
Chairman and CEO of General Electric between 1981 and 2001,
His honest, be-the-best style of management became the gold
standard in business, with his relentless focus on people, teamwork,
and profits. Welch's optimistic, no excuses, get-it-done mind-set is
riveting. Packed with personal anecdotes and written in Jack's
distinctive no-b.s. voice, Winning is a great read and a great
business book. It offers deep insights, original thinking, and
nuts-and-bolts advice that are bound to change the way people
think about work.
2. How To Win Friends & Influence People By Dale Carnegie
For over 60 years the rock-solid, time-tested advice in this
audiobook has carried thousands of now-famous people up the
ladder of success in their business and personal lives.
3. Rich Dad's Before You Quit Your Job By Bob T. Kiyosaki
Robert Kiyosaki has been an entrepreneur since he was nine years
old. In Before You Quit Your Jobb, Robert shares his successes,
but more importantly, he shares his failures and the lessons he has
learned from them. This audiobook will give you a jump-start to
becoming a successful entrepreneur.
4. Quick Start Seminar Success System By David R. Portney
Seminars are the fastest, easiest and most fun way to increase business
and double your income. BUT, there are dozens of important details
to attend to - miss only one and you risk chaos and disaster!
5. Lawyer Up By William Brand
Who Else Dreads The Thought Of Searching For An Attorney At
The Last Minute? Be Prepared With The Legal Guidance That Will
Save Your Business Before You Need It, So You Will Be Prepared
When You Do Need It! Lawyer Up Is The Most Complete, Hands
-On Guide For Finding, Interviewing, And Retaining a Lawyer.
Have you ever considered getting an attorney for your business?
Tags: audiobooks download+audiobooks Leisure+Audio+Books business+audiobooks
5 New Audiobooks that focus within the business niche:
*Leadership*, *Management*, *Starting Your Own Business*
and *Internet Marketing*, have been released recently by
Leisure Audio Books. Some titles are offered at promotional
download prices (discounts).
Check them out.
Please be aware that your expenses on business audio-books are
classified under "business-related educational tool" --
-They are tax-deductible.
1. Winning By Jack Welch
Chairman and CEO of General Electric between 1981 and 2001,
His honest, be-the-best style of management became the gold
standard in business, with his relentless focus on people, teamwork,
and profits. Welch's optimistic, no excuses, get-it-done mind-set is
riveting. Packed with personal anecdotes and written in Jack's
distinctive no-b.s. voice, Winning is a great read and a great
business book. It offers deep insights, original thinking, and
nuts-and-bolts advice that are bound to change the way people
think about work.
Primary Category: Management Regular Price: $39.95 Special Price: $25.95 Availability: All Markets |
2. How To Win Friends & Influence People By Dale Carnegie
For over 60 years the rock-solid, time-tested advice in this
audiobook has carried thousands of now-famous people up the
ladder of success in their business and personal lives.
Primary Category: Self-Help Regular Price: $49.95 Special Price: $23.95 Availability: All Markets |
3. Rich Dad's Before You Quit Your Job By Bob T. Kiyosaki
Robert Kiyosaki has been an entrepreneur since he was nine years
old. In Before You Quit Your Jobb, Robert shares his successes,
but more importantly, he shares his failures and the lessons he has
learned from them. This audiobook will give you a jump-start to
becoming a successful entrepreneur.
Primary Category: Starting A Business Regular Price: $24.98 Special Price: $17.49 Availability: All Markets |
4. Quick Start Seminar Success System By David R. Portney
Seminars are the fastest, easiest and most fun way to increase business
and double your income. BUT, there are dozens of important details
to attend to - miss only one and you risk chaos and disaster!
Primary Category: Success Regular Price: $19.95 Special Price: $17.96 Availability: All Markets |
5. Lawyer Up By William Brand
Who Else Dreads The Thought Of Searching For An Attorney At
The Last Minute? Be Prepared With The Legal Guidance That Will
Save Your Business Before You Need It, So You Will Be Prepared
When You Do Need It! Lawyer Up Is The Most Complete, Hands
-On Guide For Finding, Interviewing, And Retaining a Lawyer.
Have you ever considered getting an attorney for your business?
Primary Category: Leadership Regular Price: $27.85 Availability: All Markets |
Tags: audiobooks download+audiobooks Leisure+Audio+Books business+audiobooks
Friday, March 21, 2008
Info Biz Creator by Derek Gehl of IMC Now Accepting Another 150 People!
Great News...Info Biz Creator is back!
When Derek launched Info Biz Creator on Jan 24, 2008 ALL
250 were sold out really fast.
Due to extreme demand, Derek is opening the doors once again!
With the waiting list just passing 5,000 people, he has decided
to briefly open up the registration to allow YOU access to
absolutely ALL of the tools, resources, and expert support you
need to start your own BOOMING, fully-automated Internet
business from scratch.
The doors are open to just 150 individuals who are ready to get
right at it...
So, if you've missed the first opportunity, now is the time to act
Info Biz Creator is the equivalent of having Derek Gehl standing
over your shoulder, walking you through every step of how to
set up your own wildly profitable Internet business from scratch...
A business that will generate money for you in as little as 7 days
from now.
- A private, password-protected website that contains all of the tools
and applications you need to set-up and run an Internet business
- Helpful wizards, step-by-step video tutorials, and action
checklists — all broken down into easy-to-follow steps that will
walk you through precisely how to find your niche and set up a
"sticky" website that will capture prospects and orders on the
- The Info Biz Creator Mastery Club... where The Internet
Marketing Center's E-Biz Experts will hold group training calls,
answer your questions, and tip you off on little-known shortcuts...
- Live Q & A Calls — Conference calls hosted by IMC's Info-Biz
Experts, where you can call in, ask your most pressing questions,
and get the exact "laser coaching" you need to move past your
challenges and build your business with lightning speed.
Here's the Info Biz Creator Website
Related Posts:
IMC to launch Info Biz Creator on Jan, 2008
IMC launched Info Biz Creator on Jan 24 - It's Now Your Turn
to become an Instant Info-publishing Entrepreneur!
Tags: Info+Biz+Creator Info-publishing+business Derek+Gehl Internet+Marketing+Center IMC
When Derek launched Info Biz Creator on Jan 24, 2008 ALL
250 were sold out really fast.
Due to extreme demand, Derek is opening the doors once again!
With the waiting list just passing 5,000 people, he has decided
to briefly open up the registration to allow YOU access to
absolutely ALL of the tools, resources, and expert support you
need to start your own BOOMING, fully-automated Internet
business from scratch.
The doors are open to just 150 individuals who are ready to get
right at it...
So, if you've missed the first opportunity, now is the time to act
Info Biz Creator is the equivalent of having Derek Gehl standing
over your shoulder, walking you through every step of how to
set up your own wildly profitable Internet business from scratch...
A business that will generate money for you in as little as 7 days
from now.
- A private, password-protected website that contains all of the tools
and applications you need to set-up and run an Internet business
- Helpful wizards, step-by-step video tutorials, and action
checklists — all broken down into easy-to-follow steps that will
walk you through precisely how to find your niche and set up a
"sticky" website that will capture prospects and orders on the
- The Info Biz Creator Mastery Club... where The Internet
Marketing Center's E-Biz Experts will hold group training calls,
answer your questions, and tip you off on little-known shortcuts...
- Live Q & A Calls — Conference calls hosted by IMC's Info-Biz
Experts, where you can call in, ask your most pressing questions,
and get the exact "laser coaching" you need to move past your
challenges and build your business with lightning speed.
Here's the Info Biz Creator Website
Related Posts:
IMC to launch Info Biz Creator on Jan, 2008
IMC launched Info Biz Creator on Jan 24 - It's Now Your Turn
to become an Instant Info-publishing Entrepreneur!
Tags: Info+Biz+Creator Info-publishing+business Derek+Gehl Internet+Marketing+Center IMC
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
In Search of Affiliate Marketing Excellence? Go to The New Affiliate Classroom
It's been over 2 years...
Not sure if you were around in this industry back then (2 years
in internet talk is like 2 decades!). But, I still remember back in
January 2005 when Affiliate Classroom, led by Anik Singal
launched their first training center!
It swept the industry by storm, the biggest break-through was
their "Step By Step" training program that is a web-based software
that actually gives you small step by step instructions AND
tracks your progress (on as many websites as you want).
See, most training programs recently, have a BIG bang launch,
make money for the owner and then a year later, they're dead.
But, Affiliate Classroom has been around for well over 2 years
and is now industry-wide recognized as a premium affiliate
training center.
Talk about results, actually over 50% of the students reported
seeing an increase in their business of over 23%!
From newbie to expert marketers...
Affiliate Classroom just announced a completely new training center! They took the last
2 years of experience and have revamped their entire training.
Made the step by step EVEN simpler Added free tools...
...Keyword research is one of them, new interviews, case studies
& more!
The best part is the SUPPORT that Affiliate Classroom provides
it's students...It's absolutely fantastic!
They now have a team of over 10 people dedicated JUST to
helping their AC students build their business.
Affiliate Classroom doesn't charge you a crazy fee
to use their training and participate in their 24/7 community
- all Affiliate Classroom asks for you to get started is $1.
Don't drink coffee today!
So, today, skip your coffee or soda and invest in the training that
over the last 2 years is helping their students increase their
business by 11-40%!
If nothing else, just go read the types of results they've produced
--This really proves that anyone CAN make money online...
...just needs the right training!
Affiliate Classroom Home Page
Don't forget to download the Affiliate Classroom Magazine.
Our March 2008 issue shows:
- How affiliates can use article marketing to boost sales!
- Cover Story - Writing Money Making Articles
- The Basics of Article Writing
- Choosing the Right Domain Name
- How to Submit to Article Syndication Directories
And, in the same website (Affiliate Classroom Magazine), check
out our 2 Tier Affiliate Program - It's a genuinely 5-Star
money-making affiliate program.
Tags: Affiliate+Classroom Affiliate+Training+Center Affiliate+Marketing Anik+Singal Affiliate+Classroom+Magazine
Not sure if you were around in this industry back then (2 years
in internet talk is like 2 decades!). But, I still remember back in
January 2005 when Affiliate Classroom, led by Anik Singal
launched their first training center!
It swept the industry by storm, the biggest break-through was
their "Step By Step" training program that is a web-based software
that actually gives you small step by step instructions AND
tracks your progress (on as many websites as you want).
See, most training programs recently, have a BIG bang launch,
make money for the owner and then a year later, they're dead.
But, Affiliate Classroom has been around for well over 2 years
and is now industry-wide recognized as a premium affiliate
training center.
Talk about results, actually over 50% of the students reported
seeing an increase in their business of over 23%!
From newbie to expert marketers...
Affiliate Classroom just announced a completely new training center! They took the last
2 years of experience and have revamped their entire training.
Made the step by step EVEN simpler Added free tools...
...Keyword research is one of them, new interviews, case studies
& more!
The best part is the SUPPORT that Affiliate Classroom provides
it's students...It's absolutely fantastic!
They now have a team of over 10 people dedicated JUST to
helping their AC students build their business.
Affiliate Classroom doesn't charge you a crazy fee
to use their training and participate in their 24/7 community
- all Affiliate Classroom asks for you to get started is $1.
Don't drink coffee today!
So, today, skip your coffee or soda and invest in the training that
over the last 2 years is helping their students increase their
business by 11-40%!
If nothing else, just go read the types of results they've produced
--This really proves that anyone CAN make money online...
...just needs the right training!
Affiliate Classroom Home Page
Don't forget to download the Affiliate Classroom Magazine.
Our March 2008 issue shows:
- How affiliates can use article marketing to boost sales!
- Cover Story - Writing Money Making Articles
- The Basics of Article Writing
- Choosing the Right Domain Name
- How to Submit to Article Syndication Directories
And, in the same website (Affiliate Classroom Magazine), check
out our 2 Tier Affiliate Program - It's a genuinely 5-Star
money-making affiliate program.
Tags: Affiliate+Classroom Affiliate+Training+Center Affiliate+Marketing Anik+Singal Affiliate+Classroom+Magazine
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Russell Brunson Giving Away 250 Copies of His Wealth Building Portfolio !
One of the things that holds people back from making money
online is lack of money, time, and experience.
People have families to feed and mortgages to pay. The boss
expects that report at the end of the week. And you have other
responsibilities that suck up time and energy.
Guess what? It's now possible to get started with as little as one
hour a day. And you don't need any business experience
How do I know this? Because internet millionaire Russell Brunson
went through the same obstacles when he was in college!
He had only one hour a day between college classes and wrestling
practice. And he still was able to make more than $250,000
during his senior year.
You can read all about it here:
Wealth Building Portfolio
But you have to hurry! Russell's going to give away his Wealth
Building Portfolio to 250 people for Free at the moment! And
the site can go down at any second.

Tags: Wealth+Building+Portfolio Russell+Brunson DotComSecrets
online is lack of money, time, and experience.
People have families to feed and mortgages to pay. The boss
expects that report at the end of the week. And you have other
responsibilities that suck up time and energy.
Guess what? It's now possible to get started with as little as one
hour a day. And you don't need any business experience
How do I know this? Because internet millionaire Russell Brunson
went through the same obstacles when he was in college!
He had only one hour a day between college classes and wrestling
practice. And he still was able to make more than $250,000
during his senior year.
You can read all about it here:
Wealth Building Portfolio
But you have to hurry! Russell's going to give away his Wealth
Building Portfolio to 250 people for Free at the moment! And
the site can go down at any second.
Tags: Wealth+Building+Portfolio Russell+Brunson DotComSecrets
Sunday, March 16, 2008
SBI! $100 Spring Special Is Here!

Ahhhhhh... spring! New beginnings. New possibilities.
Rebirth. SBI! has the power to change lives, and what better
time to sprout up a new site and a new life?
The $100 Spring Special is here!
SBI! is a bargain at triple its usual $299 price.
Those shameful Get-Rich-Quick products waste your time
and money. And "cheap-quick," old-fashioned Web hosting
and site builders only deliver near-certain failure for most
people looking to start a small business online.
So $299 is an unbeatable bargain, with unbeatable results.
Now folks get a $100 "Spring Break" on the price!
Time to "break through" all the noise and grow something
wonderful this spring... a brand new, profitable business.
SBI! Spring Special
Tags: SBI! SBI!+Spring+Special+Offer Site+Build+It!
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Make money with PayDotCom in multiple ways
PayDotCom is an online marketplace started in 2005 with
a catalog of hundreds (thousands, perhaps) of products
and services.
Mike Filsaime is the Founder, President and CEO of
PayDotCom. The company is based in New York, USA.
You'd most probably know something about Mike Filsaime...
Mike entered the world of online marketing in 2002.
Within a short 2/3 years he made millions in profits
and rose to the rank of "Internet Marketing Guru" in
Mike has created several dozens of products for Internet
Marketing over the past several years. Here are some of
the most popular ones:
1. Viral Marketing Concepts and software by Mike Filsaime
Butterfly Marketing
2. Sales Page Templates For Plug and Play Resale Rights Site
The Best Selling Website Ever
3. Discover The Secrets to A Top 10 Ranking
Search Engines 4 Newbies
4. How to Write, Publish, and Promote your Own Profitable
Ebook Marketing 4 Newbies
5. How To Start YOUR OWN Highly Profitable Internet
Membership Web Site
Membership Sites 4 Newbies
6. Start Making Serious Money With An Ezine Business
Ezine Marketing 4 Newbies
7. 9 Packages of Software
The Best Deal Ever
8. Copy Your Fully Configured Blog Without Touching Cpanel
Word Press Cloner
9. The Power of Great Looking Links Gets You Higher Click
Thru's and reduce affiliate commission theft
PowerLink Generator
10. The Secret Weapon To Multiply Your Business Fast
Viral Friend Generator
All are fine products that can add more money to your online
marketing effort. Please take a good look at them.
You can also promote all the above products yourself to
earn commissions after creating your affiliate account with
Now, let me go back to PayDotCom...
As one of the fastest growing affiliate marketplaces in the world
PayDotCom is belived to be the first to offer all of the following
features along with a Marketplace:
- Digital Products
- Physical Products
- Membership site billing monthly
- Integration with PayPal
- Easy tools
- Manage Affiliates
- Stats and Campaign tracking
- Instant Payment for Vendors
- Easy to use interface to add buttons to your site
- Manage unlimited products with one account
- Affordability
You can make money in the following ways:
1. As an affiliate - Join Free
You can earn sales commissions up to 80% by linking your
customers to any of PayDotCom products and services.
The Vendor will pay your earned commissions each month by
mass pay to your PayPal account or by check.
2. Sell your products (if you've any) at PayDotCom as a merchant
or vendor (as it's called in PayDotCom) and earn money.
3. Refer vendors to PayDotCom to earn 7% of the fees produced
by every Vendor that you refer.
4. Palce a "PayDotCom Widget" (free to use) in your blog to
advertise the Top 25 products of each category.
These products will rotate through PayDotCom's top sellers in
the marketplace and if anyone clicks on any of the ads in your
widget, it will redirect your site reader (in a new window) to
the sales page for the ads with you affiliate ID tracked the whole
way through. You earn commissions.
Note: The Beta version of this New Profit Widget went live on
March 07, 2008.
Here's a sample widget:
Join PayDotCom
Tags: PayDotCom Mike+Filsaime affiliate+marketing internet+marketing
Saturday, March 8, 2008
Introducing Instant Automated Web Sites with Fast-selling Hot Products to immediately Profit Online
Imagine having your own profit-pulling websites launched
ECONOMICALLY, complete with everything you need to
succeed online?
Yes, it's now Super-Easy to set up in just minutes with
"Instant Automated Web Sites"...And the best part - It's
very very affordable!
What exactly is an Instant Automated Website?
A website that focus on Unique High-Value, Fast-Selling Products
to a targeted audience.
You can acquire each Complete, Automated Turnkey Web Sites
at a price starting at just $27 (excluding domain and hosting).
Each Instant Automated Website comes with ALL of the following
1. Professionally Designed Sites and Graphics
2. Professionally Written Pre-Tested Sales Pages
3. All Products, E-books, Software and Scripts that are Sold on
the Site (Sell and/or use the products for yourself!)
4. Proven Marketing Plan with Pre-Tested Fast-Selling Products
5. Built-in Order-Taking Links
6. Built-in Thank-You Pages for Easy Product Download
7. All pages are ready-to-use and yet Fully Editable if you want
to make Your Own Changes
8. EZ-to-Set Up Instructions
9. Video Tutorials for Easy Editing and Set Up
10. Instant Access - Set up Your Web Business in Minutes!
We've 16 different designs now available for you to choose from
(more will be added from time to time). You may acquire just
1 or all 16 of them - It's totally up to you to decide which products
appeal more to you.
Click Here To View
How It Works :
1. Order and Download an Instant Automated Website of your
2. Follow the E-Z-Install Instructions (Just edit a few lines of text)
3. Upload to your Web Server
(If you don't have web hosting?...we can provide that for you at
a discount at TeknonMedia Web Hosting).
Click Here
And go to "HOSTING" at the top navigation menu of the site.
You can also order your domains and we'll get them registered
for you (Go to "Domains" at top navigation menu).
Now you're in business! ....Just promote your web site and make
Tags: Instant+Automated+Website turnkey+website profit-pulling+website TeknonMedia+Webhosting
ECONOMICALLY, complete with everything you need to
succeed online?
Yes, it's now Super-Easy to set up in just minutes with
"Instant Automated Web Sites"...And the best part - It's
very very affordable!
What exactly is an Instant Automated Website?
A website that focus on Unique High-Value, Fast-Selling Products
to a targeted audience.
You can acquire each Complete, Automated Turnkey Web Sites
at a price starting at just $27 (excluding domain and hosting).
Each Instant Automated Website comes with ALL of the following
1. Professionally Designed Sites and Graphics
2. Professionally Written Pre-Tested Sales Pages
3. All Products, E-books, Software and Scripts that are Sold on
the Site (Sell and/or use the products for yourself!)
4. Proven Marketing Plan with Pre-Tested Fast-Selling Products
5. Built-in Order-Taking Links
6. Built-in Thank-You Pages for Easy Product Download
7. All pages are ready-to-use and yet Fully Editable if you want
to make Your Own Changes
8. EZ-to-Set Up Instructions
9. Video Tutorials for Easy Editing and Set Up
10. Instant Access - Set up Your Web Business in Minutes!
We've 16 different designs now available for you to choose from
(more will be added from time to time). You may acquire just
1 or all 16 of them - It's totally up to you to decide which products
appeal more to you.
Click Here To View
How It Works :
1. Order and Download an Instant Automated Website of your
2. Follow the E-Z-Install Instructions (Just edit a few lines of text)
3. Upload to your Web Server
(If you don't have web hosting?...we can provide that for you at
a discount at TeknonMedia Web Hosting).
Click Here
And go to "HOSTING" at the top navigation menu of the site.
You can also order your domains and we'll get them registered
for you (Go to "Domains" at top navigation menu).
Now you're in business! ....Just promote your web site and make
Tags: Instant+Automated+Website turnkey+website profit-pulling+website TeknonMedia+Webhosting
Special discounted offers for Audiobook Downloads from Leisure Audio Books for the month of March 2008
If you haven't tried listening to an audiobook before, you can
test it now by visiting our "sampling" section.
What I really mean is that you can download a list of "Samplers"
for Free, listen to them and see how you like audiobooks.
What you've to do to get some free downloads is to follow the
following steps:
(1) Click Here
(2) The link will take you to the Leisure Audio Books Store.
Next go to "FREE" at the top navigation menu, click it and you
should see a list of audiobooks (about 20 of them)
(3) Pick what you want and follow the written instructions
to download (you'll have to register as a new user).
(4) There is no #4. It's done. Enjoy your listening pleasure!
Five very interesting audiobook titles have been offered at very
special prices this month.
Here's the list:
1. Phantom By Terry Goodkind
On the day that she awoke remembering nothing but her name,
Kahlan Amnell became the most dangerous woman alive. For
everyone else, that was the day when the world began to end.
As her husband, Richard, desperately searches for his beloved,
whom only he remembers, he knows that if she doesn’t soon
discover who she really is, she will unwittingly become the
instrument that will unleash annihilation.
Primary Category: Thriller
Regular Price: $29.95
Special Price: $23.04
Availability: All Markets
Get "Phantom" Here
2. The Night Johnny Ace Died By James Lee Burke
A short story from one of the country’s most-acclaimed and popular
novelists James Lee Burke's story collection, Jesus Out to Sea.
The backdop of the hurricane-ravaged Gulf Coast proves to be a
versatile setting for Burke's stories, which cover the scope of the
human experience -- from love and sex to domestic abuse to war
and death and friendship.
Primary Category: General
Regular Price: $1.95
Special Price: $1.50
Availability: All Markets
Get "The Night Johnny Ace Died" Here
3. The Intelligent Investor By Bejamin Graham
The classic bestseller by Benjamin Graham, perhaps the greatest
investment advisor of the Twentieth Century, The Intelligent
Investor has taught and inspired hundreds of thousands of people
worldwide. Since its original publication in 1949, Benjamin
Graham's book has remained the most respected guide to
investing, due to his timeless philosophy of "value investing,"
which helps protect investors against areas of (possible)
substantial error and teaches them to develop long-term strategies
which they will be comfortable with down the road.
Primary Category: Finance & Investment
Regular Price: $22.95
Special Price: $9.96
Availability: All Markets
Get "The Intelligent Investor" Here
4. The Duchess of Malfi By John Webster
Barbara Jefford, Robert Stephens and Alec McCowen lead a
distinguished company in this haunting performance of Webster’s
powerful tragedy of murder, revenge and thwarted love.
Primary Category: Horror & Suspense
Regular Price: 13.25$
Special Price: $11.44
Availability: All Markets
Get "The Duchess of Malfi" Here
5. The Burnt House By Faye Kellerman
New York Times bestselling author Faye Kellerman spins a gripping
tale of a modern-day nightmare that ensnares L.A. Homicide
Detective Peter Decker and his wife Rina Lazarus in a web of secrets
and murder. A small commuter plane carrying forty-seven passengers
crashes into an apartment building and L.A.P.D. Lieutenant Peter
Decker works overtime to calm rampant fears. But a grisly mystery
lives inside the plane's wreckage: the unidentified bodies of four
extra travelers.
Primary Category: Dective
Regular Price: $39.95
Special Price: $29.95
Availability: US Markets (Alternate Versions, also on special,
are available for the UK)
Get "The Burnt House" Here
Tags: audiobooks download+discounted+audiobooks free+audiobooks Leisure+Audio+Books
test it now by visiting our "sampling" section.
What I really mean is that you can download a list of "Samplers"
for Free, listen to them and see how you like audiobooks.
What you've to do to get some free downloads is to follow the
following steps:
(1) Click Here
(2) The link will take you to the Leisure Audio Books Store.
Next go to "FREE" at the top navigation menu, click it and you
should see a list of audiobooks (about 20 of them)
(3) Pick what you want and follow the written instructions
to download (you'll have to register as a new user).
(4) There is no #4. It's done. Enjoy your listening pleasure!
Five very interesting audiobook titles have been offered at very
special prices this month.
Here's the list:
1. Phantom By Terry Goodkind
On the day that she awoke remembering nothing but her name,
Kahlan Amnell became the most dangerous woman alive. For
everyone else, that was the day when the world began to end.
As her husband, Richard, desperately searches for his beloved,
whom only he remembers, he knows that if she doesn’t soon
discover who she really is, she will unwittingly become the
instrument that will unleash annihilation.
Primary Category: Thriller
Regular Price: $29.95
Special Price: $23.04
Availability: All Markets
Get "Phantom" Here
2. The Night Johnny Ace Died By James Lee Burke
A short story from one of the country’s most-acclaimed and popular
novelists James Lee Burke's story collection, Jesus Out to Sea.
The backdop of the hurricane-ravaged Gulf Coast proves to be a
versatile setting for Burke's stories, which cover the scope of the
human experience -- from love and sex to domestic abuse to war
and death and friendship.
Primary Category: General
Regular Price: $1.95
Special Price: $1.50
Availability: All Markets
Get "The Night Johnny Ace Died" Here
3. The Intelligent Investor By Bejamin Graham
The classic bestseller by Benjamin Graham, perhaps the greatest
investment advisor of the Twentieth Century, The Intelligent
Investor has taught and inspired hundreds of thousands of people
worldwide. Since its original publication in 1949, Benjamin
Graham's book has remained the most respected guide to
investing, due to his timeless philosophy of "value investing,"
which helps protect investors against areas of (possible)
substantial error and teaches them to develop long-term strategies
which they will be comfortable with down the road.
Primary Category: Finance & Investment
Regular Price: $22.95
Special Price: $9.96
Availability: All Markets
Get "The Intelligent Investor" Here
4. The Duchess of Malfi By John Webster
Barbara Jefford, Robert Stephens and Alec McCowen lead a
distinguished company in this haunting performance of Webster’s
powerful tragedy of murder, revenge and thwarted love.
Primary Category: Horror & Suspense
Regular Price: 13.25$
Special Price: $11.44
Availability: All Markets
Get "The Duchess of Malfi" Here
5. The Burnt House By Faye Kellerman
New York Times bestselling author Faye Kellerman spins a gripping
tale of a modern-day nightmare that ensnares L.A. Homicide
Detective Peter Decker and his wife Rina Lazarus in a web of secrets
and murder. A small commuter plane carrying forty-seven passengers
crashes into an apartment building and L.A.P.D. Lieutenant Peter
Decker works overtime to calm rampant fears. But a grisly mystery
lives inside the plane's wreckage: the unidentified bodies of four
extra travelers.
Primary Category: Dective
Regular Price: $39.95
Special Price: $29.95
Availability: US Markets (Alternate Versions, also on special,
are available for the UK)
Get "The Burnt House" Here
Tags: audiobooks download+discounted+audiobooks free+audiobooks Leisure+Audio+Books
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