If you’ve ever wonder what it really takes to drive waves of 100% free search engine traffic and social media traffic to any niche, product or affiliate link with foolproof ease, blinding speed and near total automation, then Alex Goad's quick video presentation is the most important you will ever watch...
Usually when people tell you that they can show you how to increase your search engine rankings and dominate niche markets with organic search engine traffic, they show little proof or solid results…
The video on that page is a quick case study about a site he took from a measely 6 visitors a day to over 23,000 visitors a month – all non-paid, 100% free search engine traffic
Not only that, but this site is ranking #2 out of 90 million competitors in Google for the term "Internet marketing blog"… This is one of the most competitive in an already highly competitive niche.
And he also shows how he syndicated, and automatically fed his content to 349,000 pages that are all indexed in Google – building over 20,000 backlinks in the process.
Truth be told, this Rank Builder video is absolutely insane and especially because he also reveals the secret to how he achieved these results, which by the way, is completely automated.
Introducing Alex Goad's Latest SEO Secret Weapon:
Rank Builder
Recently launched and stormed the Internet marketing world...
In a nutshell, Rank Builder is a IM tool which is capable of getting your videos, articles, blurbs in front of your prospects in 2 ways:
1. By creating hundreds of profiles, listings and web 2.0 sites, it goes to where the traffic is and prominently displays your links and offers in front of your target audience.
2. Everyone of those links is counted by Google, who constantly improves your search engine positioning based on the constantly increasing authority and link popularity of your properties.
The end result?
Getting you free, targeted search engine traffic to any web property you may want!
Here's how Rank Builder does the job to benefit you:
Rank Builder -
- Creates blogs on web 2.0 sites
- Creates bookmarks on over 25 of the social media properties
- Creates profiles on some of the most heavy traffic websites in the world
- Submits your (spun) articles to directories with your links
- Creates advanced link wheels (a network of sites belonging to you which all point to your money pages)
- Leverages the link booster function, which automatically creates links to your links and to the properties Rank Builder already created for you.
The end result means hundreds or even thousands of links available at your finger tips -- ALL Fully Automated.
You could of course do all that manually but it would take almost a week or longer to do what Rank Builder can do in mere minutes!
One of the most useful services to get your sites to the top of Google is what's called "Link Networks". As a member of the Rank Builder community, you NOT only get the full traffic getting automation suite, but you ALSO get access to Rank Builder's Authority Link Network.
So for those who feel that SEO is too complicated or difficult but are ready for an avalanche of free search engine traffic and a flood of high quality links from all over the web, all you need to do is to...
Join Rank Builder.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Monday, September 13, 2010
Outsourcing of Internet Marketing Products
Outsource products in the IM niche?
Yes. Why not? In fact most Internet marketers employ at lease some degree of outsourcing. The most common aspects of Internet marketing which are outsourced are copywriting and website design. Ideally these tasks will be delegated to individuals who are skilled in search engine optimization (SEO). Additionally, those who manage multiple niches may opt to outsource the responsibilities of managing some of their niche markets. This article will take a look at some of the commonly outsourced tasks and provide information regarding why outsourcing these tasks is ideal
Managing Multiple Niches
Many involved in Internet niche marketing become involved in managing multiple niche marketing campaigns. When this happens it can become difficult for one individual to oversee all of the campaigns without compromising the quality of the niche markets. Therefore, he will often outsource the oversight responsibilities related to managing some of the niche markets. This gives him the freedom to focus more on developing new niches and marketing strategies as opposed to overseeing minute details.
Care should be taken when outsourcing this type of work to ensure the employee hired to undertake these tasks is an honest individual with a great deal of integrity. Those who are lacking in integrity may take advantage of this situation to learn about the marketing strategies for the express purpose of stealing sensitive information and creating competition in these niches.
Outsourcing Copywriting
Copywriting services are also commonly outsourced in niche marketing. Those involved in Internet niche marketing realize the importance of providing high quality content that is also optimized for search engines. This applies to copywriting which is included on niche websites, in e-newsletters, in press releases and in ebooks. The content provided is critical to the success of the niche marketing campaign because it is often the first impression members of the target audience get of the campaign. Their opinion of the copy can determine whether or not they are willing to visit the niche website in the future or further research products or services for sale.
When selecting a writer to provide the content for the niche marketing campaign, it is important to consider a writer with SEO experience. This is important because the content provided on websites can have an impact on the search engine rankings of the website. The use of keywords is the most important part of copywriting relevant to SEO. The keywords should be used in a manner that creates informative and interesting copy that appeals to both website visitors and search engines.
Outsourcing Website Design
Web design is another aspect of Internet niche marketing that is often outsourced. Most marketers recognize website design as an important part of their success. They need their websites to be well designed both aesthetically and technically to ensure visitors enjoy the website and all of the features of the website operate smoothly.
Additionally, it is very important for the website designer chosen to understand how to implement SEO strategies into the design of the website. There are many different strategies available for SEO and there are also always new techniques being developed, tested and evaluated. The SEO of a website is pretty much a full time job. This is why it is essential for marketers to outsource this work so they can ensure they have someone working on their website optimization constantly.
Highly Recommended Outsourcing Resource
The Definitive Resource for Automating Your Life, Creating More Time, and Outsourcing:
Source Control
Yes. Why not? In fact most Internet marketers employ at lease some degree of outsourcing. The most common aspects of Internet marketing which are outsourced are copywriting and website design. Ideally these tasks will be delegated to individuals who are skilled in search engine optimization (SEO). Additionally, those who manage multiple niches may opt to outsource the responsibilities of managing some of their niche markets. This article will take a look at some of the commonly outsourced tasks and provide information regarding why outsourcing these tasks is ideal
Managing Multiple Niches
Many involved in Internet niche marketing become involved in managing multiple niche marketing campaigns. When this happens it can become difficult for one individual to oversee all of the campaigns without compromising the quality of the niche markets. Therefore, he will often outsource the oversight responsibilities related to managing some of the niche markets. This gives him the freedom to focus more on developing new niches and marketing strategies as opposed to overseeing minute details.
Care should be taken when outsourcing this type of work to ensure the employee hired to undertake these tasks is an honest individual with a great deal of integrity. Those who are lacking in integrity may take advantage of this situation to learn about the marketing strategies for the express purpose of stealing sensitive information and creating competition in these niches.
Outsourcing Copywriting
Copywriting services are also commonly outsourced in niche marketing. Those involved in Internet niche marketing realize the importance of providing high quality content that is also optimized for search engines. This applies to copywriting which is included on niche websites, in e-newsletters, in press releases and in ebooks. The content provided is critical to the success of the niche marketing campaign because it is often the first impression members of the target audience get of the campaign. Their opinion of the copy can determine whether or not they are willing to visit the niche website in the future or further research products or services for sale.
When selecting a writer to provide the content for the niche marketing campaign, it is important to consider a writer with SEO experience. This is important because the content provided on websites can have an impact on the search engine rankings of the website. The use of keywords is the most important part of copywriting relevant to SEO. The keywords should be used in a manner that creates informative and interesting copy that appeals to both website visitors and search engines.
Outsourcing Website Design
Web design is another aspect of Internet niche marketing that is often outsourced. Most marketers recognize website design as an important part of their success. They need their websites to be well designed both aesthetically and technically to ensure visitors enjoy the website and all of the features of the website operate smoothly.
Additionally, it is very important for the website designer chosen to understand how to implement SEO strategies into the design of the website. There are many different strategies available for SEO and there are also always new techniques being developed, tested and evaluated. The SEO of a website is pretty much a full time job. This is why it is essential for marketers to outsource this work so they can ensure they have someone working on their website optimization constantly.
Highly Recommended Outsourcing Resource
The Definitive Resource for Automating Your Life, Creating More Time, and Outsourcing:
Source Control
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Ebook Outsourcing Tips
Ebooks are essentially books which are available in software formats and distributed either through email or Internet downloads. There is usually a fee associated with downloading an ebook. These fees are usually considerably lower than the fees associated with purchasing a hard copy of a similar book. This is because ebooks are typically less expensive to publish.
With so many Internet niche marketers relying on ebooks as part of their marketing campaigns, it is certainly understandable that many are beginning to outsource the writing of ebooks to professional writers. As ebooks become more popular and the level of competition rises, it is necessary for the quality of the ebooks to increase as well
making it essential to outsource these projects to qualified candidates. However, many may have concerns about the process of outsourcing
. This article addresses these concerns by providing tips for outsourcing ebooks with success.
Select the Right Person for the Job
The first step in outsourcing an ebook with a great deal of success is taking the screening process seriously and finding the most qualified candidate to write the ebook. When searching for a candidate to write an ebook, place a detailed advertisement specifying the exact project requirements including subject, length, milestone goals and ultimate deadline. This is important because it ensures candidates are aware of all of the requirements before they apply.
You may still receive countless applications from those who are unqualified but that is where carefully screening the applicants becomes imperative. In reviewing applications pay particular attention to the quality of samples provided, the amount of relevant work completed and the ability of the candidate to following the instructions in the advertisement. All of these elements will make simplify the screening process by enabling you to eliminate those who do not follow instructions or provide quality samples of relevance to the project.
Next narrow the list of candidates to a few who are most qualified and interview these candidates further. Ebooks can most often be written by candidates from remote locations so there is usually not a need for in person interviews especially if there is a geographical distance between the candidate and the buyer. Phone interviews and online interviews are sufficient substitutes. After the interviews determine which, if any, of the candidates is most qualified and offer the opportunity to complete the project to this candidate. If none of the candidates seem just right it might be necessary to continue looking and screening new candidates.
Be Involved in Developing the Outline
Once a professional writer is accepted for a particular project, it is time to start developing an outline for the project, if this has not already been done. The marketer should be heavily involved in doing this so they can ensure the ebook includes all of the information they believe is necessary. Asking the writer to contribute ideas to the outline is appropriate but it is accepted that the client will provide the majority of these details rather than relying on the writer to do so.
Maintain Final Editing Rights
Finally the client should always maintain final editing rights in any ebook they commission. They may work closely with the writer during the process of writing the book but upon completion the ebook should be reviewed and edited carefully. This process should include editing the ebook for grammar and sentence structure, flow and style, accuracy of content and any other elements deemed of importance by the client. The client is the one ultimately responsible for the information contained in the ebook and he should do his best to ensure the ebook he provides is not only interesting and informative but also accurate. This is especially important in situations where medical issues are discussed.
Another important reason to maintain finally editing rights is to ensure all stipulations by advertisers are met accordingly. Many ebooks are sponsored by individuals or companies who expect their website, products or services to be recommended in the ebook in exchange for their sponsorship. For this reason care should be taken to review the final version of the ebook to ensure the sponsor’s needs are met and that direct competitors are not touted as being superior to the sponsor.
Highly Recommended Outsourcing Resource
The Definitive Resource for Automating Your Life, Creating More Time, and Outsourcing:
Source Control
With so many Internet niche marketers relying on ebooks as part of their marketing campaigns, it is certainly understandable that many are beginning to outsource the writing of ebooks to professional writers. As ebooks become more popular and the level of competition rises, it is necessary for the quality of the ebooks to increase as well
making it essential to outsource these projects to qualified candidates. However, many may have concerns about the process of outsourcing
Select the Right Person for the Job
The first step in outsourcing an ebook with a great deal of success is taking the screening process seriously and finding the most qualified candidate to write the ebook. When searching for a candidate to write an ebook, place a detailed advertisement specifying the exact project requirements including subject, length, milestone goals and ultimate deadline. This is important because it ensures candidates are aware of all of the requirements before they apply.
You may still receive countless applications from those who are unqualified but that is where carefully screening the applicants becomes imperative. In reviewing applications pay particular attention to the quality of samples provided, the amount of relevant work completed and the ability of the candidate to following the instructions in the advertisement. All of these elements will make simplify the screening process by enabling you to eliminate those who do not follow instructions or provide quality samples of relevance to the project.
Next narrow the list of candidates to a few who are most qualified and interview these candidates further. Ebooks can most often be written by candidates from remote locations so there is usually not a need for in person interviews especially if there is a geographical distance between the candidate and the buyer. Phone interviews and online interviews are sufficient substitutes. After the interviews determine which, if any, of the candidates is most qualified and offer the opportunity to complete the project to this candidate. If none of the candidates seem just right it might be necessary to continue looking and screening new candidates.
Be Involved in Developing the Outline
Once a professional writer is accepted for a particular project, it is time to start developing an outline for the project, if this has not already been done. The marketer should be heavily involved in doing this so they can ensure the ebook includes all of the information they believe is necessary. Asking the writer to contribute ideas to the outline is appropriate but it is accepted that the client will provide the majority of these details rather than relying on the writer to do so.
Maintain Final Editing Rights
Finally the client should always maintain final editing rights in any ebook they commission. They may work closely with the writer during the process of writing the book but upon completion the ebook should be reviewed and edited carefully. This process should include editing the ebook for grammar and sentence structure, flow and style, accuracy of content and any other elements deemed of importance by the client. The client is the one ultimately responsible for the information contained in the ebook and he should do his best to ensure the ebook he provides is not only interesting and informative but also accurate. This is especially important in situations where medical issues are discussed.
Another important reason to maintain finally editing rights is to ensure all stipulations by advertisers are met accordingly. Many ebooks are sponsored by individuals or companies who expect their website, products or services to be recommended in the ebook in exchange for their sponsorship. For this reason care should be taken to review the final version of the ebook to ensure the sponsor’s needs are met and that direct competitors are not touted as being superior to the sponsor.
Highly Recommended Outsourcing Resource
The Definitive Resource for Automating Your Life, Creating More Time, and Outsourcing:
Source Control
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Information Technology Outsourcing
If you're a software company, you will need to produce a lot of different software for your clients. The software your company develops may be intended for large organizations, such as banks, financial institutions, airlines, and government bodies. Because of this, you will need a lot of capital and also a lot of manpower to handle the growing needs for different softwares for your company.
This is why information technology
software companies in developed countries, such as US, Canada, and countries in Europe are now considering outsourcing their information technology in developing countries, such as China, Philippines and India to reduce costs and remain competitive in the information technology industry
As an entrepreneur, you would want to definitely remain competitive in this industry. You want to satisfy more clients in order to keep those IT software orders coming and let your company grow. When you outsource IT, you will be making very large savings in terms of salary and also other expenses that your company may provide your employees.
By outsourcing
, you will only have to worry about the contract and the payment that you will be providing the outsourcing company in other countries, which can be cheaper than doing it in-house.
Most IT jobs that are often outsourced are creating software in .Net, database solutions, smartcard solution, Java/J2EE, and wireless application developments. You have to consider that creating software for these things will require you to invest a lot of money and manpower if you do it in-house. When you outsource it, the technology and manpower is readily available.
You have to consider that there are many talented information technology professionals in these developing countries. Also, they charge far less than equally qualified professionals in well-developed countries. For example, try to imagine that you need a software and you let someone in your IT department design the program. The person you hired charges 1000 dollars for the job. However, when you outsourced it, you will see that an equally qualified professional did the same software design with the same quality and they did it for only 100 dollars. Now, try to imagine that you need a thousand of that software. You will see that you will save a lot more money if you outsource it rather than get it done in-house not to mention the company benefits that you will provide, such as insurance.
These are the advantages of outsourcing IT to other companies. By outsourcing, you will not only save a lot of money, but you will also get equal quality of IT software since there are a lot of talented and qualified professionals available in those countries. They will charge you far less on every IT job done instead of doing it in-house.
Because of the savings, you will be able to let your company grow. And, because of the quality of work, you will also attract more clients to hire your company to do the software they want.
Another great thing about outsourcing IT
is that you can outsource all the small projects your company has and let your company focus on larger projects. This means that you will be able to effectively manage your company’s priorities with outsourcing. With outsourcing, you will be able to save a lot of money, prioritize your company’s goal and also get quality IT software products.
Highly Recommended Outsourcing Resource
The Definitive Resource for Automating Your Life, Creating More Time, and Outsourcing:
Source Control
This is why information technology
As an entrepreneur, you would want to definitely remain competitive in this industry. You want to satisfy more clients in order to keep those IT software orders coming and let your company grow. When you outsource IT, you will be making very large savings in terms of salary and also other expenses that your company may provide your employees.
By outsourcing
Most IT jobs that are often outsourced are creating software in .Net, database solutions, smartcard solution, Java/J2EE, and wireless application developments. You have to consider that creating software for these things will require you to invest a lot of money and manpower if you do it in-house. When you outsource it, the technology and manpower is readily available.
You have to consider that there are many talented information technology professionals in these developing countries. Also, they charge far less than equally qualified professionals in well-developed countries. For example, try to imagine that you need a software and you let someone in your IT department design the program. The person you hired charges 1000 dollars for the job. However, when you outsourced it, you will see that an equally qualified professional did the same software design with the same quality and they did it for only 100 dollars. Now, try to imagine that you need a thousand of that software. You will see that you will save a lot more money if you outsource it rather than get it done in-house not to mention the company benefits that you will provide, such as insurance.
These are the advantages of outsourcing IT to other companies. By outsourcing, you will not only save a lot of money, but you will also get equal quality of IT software since there are a lot of talented and qualified professionals available in those countries. They will charge you far less on every IT job done instead of doing it in-house.
Because of the savings, you will be able to let your company grow. And, because of the quality of work, you will also attract more clients to hire your company to do the software they want.
Another great thing about outsourcing IT
Highly Recommended Outsourcing Resource
The Definitive Resource for Automating Your Life, Creating More Time, and Outsourcing:
Source Control
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Under What Circumstances that Outsourcing is the Best Solution?
There are times when outsourcing is the only option available for reasons such as no in-house employees are qualified or available to complete the particular task. However, there are also times when outsourcing
is not the only option but it is also the best option. In these situations, outsourcing becomes a wise business decision as opposed to a requirement or a matter of personal preference. This article will discuss three situations where outsourcing is the best option. These options include:
* When outsourcing saves money
* When outsourcing helps make deadlines
* When outsourcing increases productivity
When Outsourcing Saves Money
becomes the best solution when it saves the company money without compromising the quality of the work. Companies whose goals are predominately financial in nature often focus on the bottom line in determining whether or not to outsource projects or tasks. When the cost savings results in inferior work it is certainly not the best solution. However, companies who are able to outsource projects to highly qualified and capable individuals while still saving money enjoy the benefit of knowing they selected the best solution for their software related problems.
Whether or not outsourcing saves money is a concept which many have difficulty understanding. When most people think of outsourcing, they picture citizens of third world countries working for substandard wages but this is not an accurate representation of outsourcing. Nowadays outsourcing often involves hiring high priced, domestic consultants to tackle complex software problems under aggressive deadlines. This explanation makes the issue even more confusing for some who think it is impossible for it to be less expensive to hire a high priced consultant than to complete the task in-house.
Examining labor costs is often necessary to see how outsourcing can often reduce costs. Outsourcing may carry a higher per hour rate but it is important to note that the company is often not required to pay benefits such as social security, Medicare and workers’ compensation to the consultant. Additionally, the consultant may work offsite meaning he is not putting a drain on company resources. Examining these factors is necessary to determine whether or not outsourcing is the best option.
When Outsourcing Helps Make Deadlines
Aggressive deadlines often make outsourcing the best available option. Most companies do not want to have to turn down work because they do not have enough staff members available to complete a particular project. Having the ability to outsource software jobs makes it easier for a company to compete for more jobs than their staff could possibly handle. This is because the managements know they have a network of consultants to rely on during times when schedules are tight. In these cases outsourcing becomes the best option.
Whether schedules are originally set to be rather aggressive or become accelerated do to problems earlier in the project they can become a hassle for many companies. Regardless of the cause of the scheduling concerns, clients may not understand if the consultant is unable to meet the required deadlines.
When Outsourcing Increases Productivity
Outsourcing also becomes the best solution to a problem when it results in increased productivity. Consider the tasks you intend to outsource and determine the amount of time it would take for these tasks to be completed in-house. Now consider the amount of time it would take to have these tasks completed through outsourcing. If the answer is outsourcing would be quicker, it is logical to go ahead and outsource these tasks. The reason for this is the consultant can be more efficient with the tasks.
When considering productivity it is also important to note that employees who are handling multiple tasks often take longer to complete each individual task then they would to complete each of these same tasks if they were his only responsibility. This is because employees who are multi-tasking are not necessarily as efficient as they believe they are. The main problem with multi-tasking is when switching from one activity there is a small delay each time the employee switches tasks because he often has to review his recent progress and remind himself what he intended to do next. Conversely outsourcing singular tasks allows the individual to focus 100% on each task.
Highly Recommended Outsourcing Resource
The Definitive Resource for Automating Your Life, Creating More Time, and Outsourcing:
Source Control
* When outsourcing saves money
* When outsourcing helps make deadlines
* When outsourcing increases productivity
When Outsourcing Saves Money
Whether or not outsourcing saves money is a concept which many have difficulty understanding. When most people think of outsourcing, they picture citizens of third world countries working for substandard wages but this is not an accurate representation of outsourcing. Nowadays outsourcing often involves hiring high priced, domestic consultants to tackle complex software problems under aggressive deadlines. This explanation makes the issue even more confusing for some who think it is impossible for it to be less expensive to hire a high priced consultant than to complete the task in-house.
Examining labor costs is often necessary to see how outsourcing can often reduce costs. Outsourcing may carry a higher per hour rate but it is important to note that the company is often not required to pay benefits such as social security, Medicare and workers’ compensation to the consultant. Additionally, the consultant may work offsite meaning he is not putting a drain on company resources. Examining these factors is necessary to determine whether or not outsourcing is the best option.
When Outsourcing Helps Make Deadlines
Aggressive deadlines often make outsourcing the best available option. Most companies do not want to have to turn down work because they do not have enough staff members available to complete a particular project. Having the ability to outsource software jobs makes it easier for a company to compete for more jobs than their staff could possibly handle. This is because the managements know they have a network of consultants to rely on during times when schedules are tight. In these cases outsourcing becomes the best option.
Whether schedules are originally set to be rather aggressive or become accelerated do to problems earlier in the project they can become a hassle for many companies. Regardless of the cause of the scheduling concerns, clients may not understand if the consultant is unable to meet the required deadlines.
When Outsourcing Increases Productivity
Outsourcing also becomes the best solution to a problem when it results in increased productivity. Consider the tasks you intend to outsource and determine the amount of time it would take for these tasks to be completed in-house. Now consider the amount of time it would take to have these tasks completed through outsourcing. If the answer is outsourcing would be quicker, it is logical to go ahead and outsource these tasks. The reason for this is the consultant can be more efficient with the tasks.
When considering productivity it is also important to note that employees who are handling multiple tasks often take longer to complete each individual task then they would to complete each of these same tasks if they were his only responsibility. This is because employees who are multi-tasking are not necessarily as efficient as they believe they are. The main problem with multi-tasking is when switching from one activity there is a small delay each time the employee switches tasks because he often has to review his recent progress and remind himself what he intended to do next. Conversely outsourcing singular tasks allows the individual to focus 100% on each task.
Highly Recommended Outsourcing Resource
The Definitive Resource for Automating Your Life, Creating More Time, and Outsourcing:
Source Control
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
When Not To Outsource
can really be beneficial for a number of reasons. Some companies enjoy benefits such as reduced labor costs, larger workforces, access to industry experts and increased flexibility through outsourcing. However, despite the obvious advantages to outsourcing there are some situations when outsourcing is not a good idea. Although there a number of scenarios where outsourcing is a viable business option there are other scenarios where outsourcing is not the best idea. In these situations it is best to keep the work in-house rather than attempting to make an outsourcing situation work out
When Outsourcing is Too Costly
One of the primary advantages of outsourcing is a cost reduction. In many cases outsourcing results in reduced labor costs because costs such as social security, health care and workers’ compensation are eliminated. Additionally, the increased efficiency resulting when tasks are outsourced to industry experts can also result in a cost reduction.
Despite these many opportunities for cost reductions, there are some situations where outsourcing might be the more expensive alternative and it may also lead to a financial loss instead of a gain. This may include a situation where the cost of outsourcing to a highly specialized expert exceeds the budget for the project. Fees for individuals with highly specialized degrees or areas of expertise are often quite expensive. Another possible situation is one where finding an individual qualified to complete specialized tasks would be too expensive of a process.
When Outsourcing Causes You to Lose Control
Even when tasks or projects are outsourced the company responsible for the work likes to continue to manage the project and keep close tabs on the progress of tasks. It is important for the company to continue to manage the project even after it has been outsourced because they are the ones who are ultimately responsible for the successful completion of the project. Whenever an individual or company wants to deny the company access to project files or documents, outsourcing is a bad idea. The company who has the vested interest in the outcome of the project should never be excluded from participating in making decisions regarding the project.
Before outsourcing a task or project care should be taken to establish criteria for the management of the project. Depending on the length and complexity of the project it may also be wise to schedule regular meetings to provide updates on the progress of the project. During this time the contractor should provide the employer with all documentation necessary to evaluate the progress of the project and verify it is still on track for completion by the established deadline.
When Outsourcing is Not Permitted
Sometimes outsourcing is not a good idea simply because it is not permitted by contract requirements. Some project contracts may have stipulations stating the work cannot be outsourced to an individual or to another company. Inserting such a clause into a contract document is well within the rights of the clients. When they hire a particular company to complete a project or task, they expect all work related to the project or task to be completed by members of that company unless they specified otherwise when negotiating the contract. Violating the contract documents in this situation is not a good idea. The company could be penalized by the client. Penalties may include withholding payment or refusing to award future projects or tasks to the company.
Highly Recommended Outsourcing Resource
The Definitive Resource for Automating Your Life, Creating More Time, and Outsourcing:
Source Control
When Outsourcing is Too Costly
One of the primary advantages of outsourcing is a cost reduction. In many cases outsourcing results in reduced labor costs because costs such as social security, health care and workers’ compensation are eliminated. Additionally, the increased efficiency resulting when tasks are outsourced to industry experts can also result in a cost reduction.
Despite these many opportunities for cost reductions, there are some situations where outsourcing might be the more expensive alternative and it may also lead to a financial loss instead of a gain. This may include a situation where the cost of outsourcing to a highly specialized expert exceeds the budget for the project. Fees for individuals with highly specialized degrees or areas of expertise are often quite expensive. Another possible situation is one where finding an individual qualified to complete specialized tasks would be too expensive of a process.
When Outsourcing Causes You to Lose Control
Even when tasks or projects are outsourced the company responsible for the work likes to continue to manage the project and keep close tabs on the progress of tasks. It is important for the company to continue to manage the project even after it has been outsourced because they are the ones who are ultimately responsible for the successful completion of the project. Whenever an individual or company wants to deny the company access to project files or documents, outsourcing is a bad idea. The company who has the vested interest in the outcome of the project should never be excluded from participating in making decisions regarding the project.
Before outsourcing a task or project care should be taken to establish criteria for the management of the project. Depending on the length and complexity of the project it may also be wise to schedule regular meetings to provide updates on the progress of the project. During this time the contractor should provide the employer with all documentation necessary to evaluate the progress of the project and verify it is still on track for completion by the established deadline.
When Outsourcing is Not Permitted
Sometimes outsourcing is not a good idea simply because it is not permitted by contract requirements. Some project contracts may have stipulations stating the work cannot be outsourced to an individual or to another company. Inserting such a clause into a contract document is well within the rights of the clients. When they hire a particular company to complete a project or task, they expect all work related to the project or task to be completed by members of that company unless they specified otherwise when negotiating the contract. Violating the contract documents in this situation is not a good idea. The company could be penalized by the client. Penalties may include withholding payment or refusing to award future projects or tasks to the company.
Highly Recommended Outsourcing Resource
The Definitive Resource for Automating Your Life, Creating More Time, and Outsourcing:
Source Control
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Advantages of Outsourcing
For a number of very valid reasons, outsourcing
has become a very popular alternative these days. Outsourcing initially emerged as a way for companies to cut costs by having processes such as manufacturing and assembly done in overseas locations where costs were much lower. Lower wages and operating costs both contributed to these reduced costs. These lower costs were appealing because they greatly improved the profit margins for the companies. However, outsourcing is now gaining in popularity for a variety of other reasons. While cost reduction is still a primary advantage, other elements such as access to industry experts, a larger workforce and more flexible options are being embraced as welcomed advantages offered by outsourcing
Cost Reductions from Outsourcing
As previously mentioned reducing costs was the original purpose of outsourcing and although outsourcing has since been demonstrated to have other significant advantages, cost reduction still remains one of the prime advantages. Companies look to outsource tasks which would be more costly to complete in-house. An example of this type of task would be a software related task requiring specialized training. Companies who do not have an on staff employee qualified to complete this task can benefit financially by outsourcing this task.
There may be significant fees required to retain the services of an industry expert on a contractual basis but the efficiency of this individual will enable him to complete the task much more quickly than it could have been done in-house. If the task were not outsourced an in-house employee would have had to complete the task and may have taken significantly longer costing the company more in the long run.
On Call Experts
In the previous section we discussed how having industry experts available to complete outsourced tasks can result in a cost savings for the company but having these experts on call also provides the potential for new opportunities for the company. With experts waiting in the wings to assist, the company is able to go after larger and more specialized types of work. This is important because in doing this the company can find themselves enjoying greater prosperity.
A Larger Workforce
Still another advantage to outsourcing is the benefit of enjoying a larger workforce when necessary without the hassle of maintaining a larger staff. Through outsourcing companies can bring in additional employees on a contract basis during times of prosperity without worrying about having to lay them off or keep them utilized when the surge of work begins to wane. This is particularly relevant in industries which enjoy peak seasons as well as off seasons.
Another advantage of having a larger workforce is the ability to generate a larger profit. This is important because smaller companies can find themselves in a position where they can compete with larger companies for bigger jobs by outsourcing a portion of the workload.
More Flexibility
Finally, more flexibility is another considerable advantage to outsourcing work. Even the most well planned projects may suddenly end up behind schedule or under a time crunch due to minor errors, changes in plans or other incidental activities. Smaller companies who do not have the resources to compensate for these inevitable mishaps may find themselves in serious trouble without the ability to outsource work when necessary. These companies can take advantage of outsourcing in times of trouble to help them deal with problems without alienating clients or performing poorly on a project.
If you're not outsourcing, you're either about to get crushed by someone who is, or wasting time on worthless tasks. Read More >>
Cost Reductions from Outsourcing
As previously mentioned reducing costs was the original purpose of outsourcing and although outsourcing has since been demonstrated to have other significant advantages, cost reduction still remains one of the prime advantages. Companies look to outsource tasks which would be more costly to complete in-house. An example of this type of task would be a software related task requiring specialized training. Companies who do not have an on staff employee qualified to complete this task can benefit financially by outsourcing this task.
There may be significant fees required to retain the services of an industry expert on a contractual basis but the efficiency of this individual will enable him to complete the task much more quickly than it could have been done in-house. If the task were not outsourced an in-house employee would have had to complete the task and may have taken significantly longer costing the company more in the long run.
On Call Experts
In the previous section we discussed how having industry experts available to complete outsourced tasks can result in a cost savings for the company but having these experts on call also provides the potential for new opportunities for the company. With experts waiting in the wings to assist, the company is able to go after larger and more specialized types of work. This is important because in doing this the company can find themselves enjoying greater prosperity.
A Larger Workforce
Still another advantage to outsourcing is the benefit of enjoying a larger workforce when necessary without the hassle of maintaining a larger staff. Through outsourcing companies can bring in additional employees on a contract basis during times of prosperity without worrying about having to lay them off or keep them utilized when the surge of work begins to wane. This is particularly relevant in industries which enjoy peak seasons as well as off seasons.
Another advantage of having a larger workforce is the ability to generate a larger profit. This is important because smaller companies can find themselves in a position where they can compete with larger companies for bigger jobs by outsourcing a portion of the workload.
More Flexibility
Finally, more flexibility is another considerable advantage to outsourcing work. Even the most well planned projects may suddenly end up behind schedule or under a time crunch due to minor errors, changes in plans or other incidental activities. Smaller companies who do not have the resources to compensate for these inevitable mishaps may find themselves in serious trouble without the ability to outsource work when necessary. These companies can take advantage of outsourcing in times of trouble to help them deal with problems without alienating clients or performing poorly on a project.
If you're not outsourcing, you're either about to get crushed by someone who is, or wasting time on worthless tasks. Read More >>
Thursday, September 2, 2010
What is Outsourcing?
"If you're not outsourcing, you're either about to get crushed by someone who is, or wasting time on worthless tasks."
is a term which has received a great deal of attention lately. Despite the increasing trend in companies relying on outsourcing there are still some who do not clearly understand what is meant by the term outsourcing. This article will examine some of the key elements of outsourcing to help the reader develop a better understanding of the concept of outsourcing.
Defining Outsourcing
What is outsourcing? This is the most basic
question many have about the subject of outsourcing. They are not yet interested in more complex aspects of the issue because they have not yet grasped the most basic understanding of the process. In the simplest language outsourcing
is when a company delegates the completion of certain tasks to an individual not employed by the company directly. This individual may be an independent contractor or an employee of another company who is subcontracted to complete these tasks. In exchange for the individual’s services, he or his company receives monetary compensation.
This description of outsourcing makes it far easier to understand the concept. Most people incorrectly assume outsourcing only applies to situations where large corporations have products manufactured overseas by a subsidiary and don’t realize examples of outsourcing can be seen just about everywhere in corporate America.
Domestic Outsourcing
Domestic outsourcing refers to outsourcing where both the primary company and the independent contractor or subsidiary are located in the same country. One of the main reasons for outsourcing is to reduce costs but it is not always necessary to outsource work overseas to reduce costs. Cost savings will be discussed in greater detail in the section on the benefits of outsourcing but essentially outsourcing results in a savings as a result of a reduction of labor costs.
Overseas Outsourcing
Overseas outsourcing is the type of outsourcing most people already understand. This is where large corporations such as Nike, and even some smaller companies, employ manufacturing plants overseas in third world countries to upsize their profits. This is significant because their costs including wages, materials and building lease would be considerably higher in the United States than they are in these other countries.
Benefits of Outsourcing
Now that you have a clearer understanding of the concept of outsourcing, you might wonder why companies would go to the trouble of outsourcing certain tasks. Outsourcing is popular because there are a great deal of benefits to the companies who outsource the work. Some of the benefits include:
* Reduced labor costs
* Increased workforce
* Greater flexibility
One of the main reasons companies resort to outsourcing is it can significantly reduce costs. In the case of overseas outsourcing of manufacturing tasks, costs can be cut dramatically because there are lower wages and costs associated with managing and maintaining the manufacturing plants. However, companies also enjoy a cost savings when they outsource tasks domestically. Reduction of labor costs is the primary source of savings in this case. Independent contractors hired on a contract basis for the purpose of completing specific tasks are often not given benefits such as social security, Medicare and workers’ compensation.
Another benefit to outsourcing is enjoying a larger workforce without actually hiring additional employees. Companies who maintain networking relationships with qualified individuals have more opportunities open to them because they are able to rely on these individuals to assist them if they acquire large or complicated projects.
Finally, outsourcing gives a company a great deal of flexibility. Companies who have a significant workload and backlog of work where the majority of the employees are highly utilized might be hesitant to compete for new work because they do not have a great deal of employee availability. However, with a network of individuals to rely on if the need to outsource arises, the company has more flexibility in pursuing new work.
Highly Recommended Outsourcing Resource
The Definitive Resource for Automating Your Life, Creating More Time, and Outsourcing:
Source Control
Defining Outsourcing
What is outsourcing? This is the most basic
question many have about the subject of outsourcing. They are not yet interested in more complex aspects of the issue because they have not yet grasped the most basic understanding of the process. In the simplest language outsourcing
This description of outsourcing makes it far easier to understand the concept. Most people incorrectly assume outsourcing only applies to situations where large corporations have products manufactured overseas by a subsidiary and don’t realize examples of outsourcing can be seen just about everywhere in corporate America.
Domestic Outsourcing
Domestic outsourcing refers to outsourcing where both the primary company and the independent contractor or subsidiary are located in the same country. One of the main reasons for outsourcing is to reduce costs but it is not always necessary to outsource work overseas to reduce costs. Cost savings will be discussed in greater detail in the section on the benefits of outsourcing but essentially outsourcing results in a savings as a result of a reduction of labor costs.
Overseas Outsourcing
Overseas outsourcing is the type of outsourcing most people already understand. This is where large corporations such as Nike, and even some smaller companies, employ manufacturing plants overseas in third world countries to upsize their profits. This is significant because their costs including wages, materials and building lease would be considerably higher in the United States than they are in these other countries.
Benefits of Outsourcing
Now that you have a clearer understanding of the concept of outsourcing, you might wonder why companies would go to the trouble of outsourcing certain tasks. Outsourcing is popular because there are a great deal of benefits to the companies who outsource the work. Some of the benefits include:
* Reduced labor costs
* Increased workforce
* Greater flexibility
One of the main reasons companies resort to outsourcing is it can significantly reduce costs. In the case of overseas outsourcing of manufacturing tasks, costs can be cut dramatically because there are lower wages and costs associated with managing and maintaining the manufacturing plants. However, companies also enjoy a cost savings when they outsource tasks domestically. Reduction of labor costs is the primary source of savings in this case. Independent contractors hired on a contract basis for the purpose of completing specific tasks are often not given benefits such as social security, Medicare and workers’ compensation.
Another benefit to outsourcing is enjoying a larger workforce without actually hiring additional employees. Companies who maintain networking relationships with qualified individuals have more opportunities open to them because they are able to rely on these individuals to assist them if they acquire large or complicated projects.
Finally, outsourcing gives a company a great deal of flexibility. Companies who have a significant workload and backlog of work where the majority of the employees are highly utilized might be hesitant to compete for new work because they do not have a great deal of employee availability. However, with a network of individuals to rely on if the need to outsource arises, the company has more flexibility in pursuing new work.
Highly Recommended Outsourcing Resource
The Definitive Resource for Automating Your Life, Creating More Time, and Outsourcing:
Source Control
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