Sunday, December 16, 2007

Be a happier online marketer in 2008 - New Year's Resolutions

It's time of the year to look back to the past, and more
importantly, forward to the coming new year.

It's also the right time to reflect on the changes we need
to make, resolve them to follow through on changes to your

I've been scratching my head over the past few days to come
up with a list of "New Year's Resolutions" from an online
marketer's perspectives....

Here's is the list:

1. Sell or promote only good products or services from
legitimate companies at fair prices and terms.

2. If you're a network marketer, teaching your downlines
how to build their business should NOT be your main profit
center. You should not allow your followers to lose money
for an extended period if you're serious about gaining
their continued respect as a good leader.

3. Don't hound people.

4. Develop or cultivate a positive attitude toward others
and their accomplishments.

5. Encourage a balanced life of business/work and rest.

6. Communicate honestly and truthfully.

7. Be fair and just in money matters. Avoid greeds.

8. Never forget to create an environment free of harassment.

9. Never depend on friends, family or neighbors for sales.

10. Never let your values slide to make a sale.

11. Refrain from spamming - Spamming has been a defiantly
serious problem, profitable to some but stressful for others.
Email spam, forum spam, social networking spam, blog spam,
etc, just to name a few types.

12. Don't be a "cyber jerk" - I've come across many of them.
More are joining this league now!
Two types of cyber jerks:
-- First type, he usually spends a lot of time surfing the Net
looking for "freebies". Legitimate marketers usually offer
freebies to build their email lists but these jerks, they
"opt in" just for the freebies - they "un-subscribe" from
your list as soon as they have gotten the freebies from you!
-- Second type - like the first type above, he opts in with
an "auto-reply" email address -- his intention is to
"legally" send you HIS OFFER instead of subscribing to
your newsletter!

I want to follow all 12 items above to make myself a happier
marketer. Don't get me wrong, I'd love to make as much
money as I can possibly make online! But on the other hand
I want to have peace of mind in my daily life in order to be

Don't forget, "Happy Go Lucky" and "Lucky Go Wealthy"!

What do you think?

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