Saturday, February 23, 2008
Have you taken a closer look at Derek Gehl's "Search Marketing Lab"?
but not willing to pay much?
I suggest you take a moment to check out:
Derek's Search Marketing Lab (SEO Lab)...
...It's probably the cheapest (dirt cheap, actually) way to acquire
some of the most practical SEO tactics and applying them to
your online business...
The term "search engine optimization" used to be synonymous
with difficult and expensive. Not any more now.
Think you need to be a technical wizard to score a top 3
ranking for your website in Google, Yahoo, and MSN?
The truth is this:
You CAN skyrocket your site to the top of the major search
engines in as little as 30 days, and expose your online business
to millions of potential customers.
The PROOF is the more than 3,000 website owners -- both
e-business newbies and experienced Internet marketers -- who
have already used a secret SEO formula to propel their websites
to the tops of the search engines...
And I'm talking #1 and #2 rankings in Google, Yahoo, and MSN!
That's what Search Marketing Lab can do for you...
...There's absolutely no guesswork.
Because, with Derek Gehl's SEO Lab, you do NOT need to be
intimidated by terms like "keyword density" and "optimization"
anymore. And you certainly don't need to outsource your search
engine traffic campaigns to third-party experts for exorbitant fees
of $3,000-$10,000!
How much does it cost to join SEO Lab?
Just $2.95 for a 30-day trial membership!
During these 30 days, you'll get an "all access" backstage
pass to Derek's private search marketing testing labs where,
using his tutorial videos, breaking news reports, and discussion
forum, you'll discover how to flood your website with unlimited
FREE traffic from Google, Yahoo, and MSN...with the expert
guidance of your very own, private SEO consultant...
... Using the same secret formula Derek has used to beat out
nearly 300 MILLION competitors for #1 and #2 rankings for three
years running.
And after the $2.95 30-day trial you decide if you want to stay
on longer (by extending your membership). I'm sure you'd want
to carry on to learn more once you begin to see improvement of
your search engine traffic! All you've to pay is $27 per month.
Just to summarize:
As a "Search Marketing Lab" member...
1. You will enjoy a series of online videos, which will teach you
the fundamental basics of SEO and explain EXACTLY how to apply each
strategy to your website.
2. You'll receive a monthly newsletter, offering you the LASTEST,
most potent SEO secrets, straight out of Derek's private testing
3. And you'll also receive unlimited access to IMC's Private SEO
Discussion Forum, where you can ask the in-house SEO expert
unlimited questions -- basic and advanced -- about your own
traffic campaigns.
Search Marketing Lab
Tags: Search+Marketing+Lab, SEO+Lab, top+search+engine+ranking, IMC, Derek+Gehl
Friday, February 22, 2008
Learn Internet Marketing with Audiobooks
few popular audiobook titles you may be interested to check out
- You can now learn Internet Marketing anytime, anywhere... listening to audio books.
1. Clickbank Step By Step By William Brand:
"Online affiliate programs have been around since the 1990's,"
says author, William Brand, "in many different shapes and forms.
People just like you & I have made huge amounts of money from
them, mostly through lots of trial and error and learning as they
Now, for the first time, you can make huge amounts of money
but you don't have to go through the trial and error nonsense,
because I have spent years doing that for you! For the first time
there is a comprehensive resource that will teach you those hard
-earned lessons so you can go straight to making money.
The full story on how to get rich with ClickBank is right here... "
Primary Category: Internet
Special Price: $24.85
Availability: All Markets
2. Guerilla Marketing 101 By William Brand:
“Guerilla Marketing” is an unconventional and extremely effective
way of bringing profitable results using a minimum of money and
materials. $19.95
"What is “Guerilla Marketing”? It is an unconventional and
extremely effective way of bringing profitable results using a
minimum of money and materials. It brings profits quickly while
growing your loyal customer base. Not only will you have
returning customers, they’ll be your best advertisers through
word of mouth.
Think you've tapped out all your customers? Nothing could be
further from the truth!
Why does Guerilla Marketing work so effectively?
- It takes very little money, if any, to implement.
- It promotes product recognition and customer loyalty.
- It doesn’t use ‘strong arm’ sales tactics.
If you can reach more potential customers in less time, with
fewer dollars, isn’t that the wisest thing to do?! Isn’t that what
you should be doing?"
3. Tools To Make Your Website Profitable By Gregg Watson:
Have you ever considered owning your own online business?
Are you wondering if you have what it takes to make money
online? If you can answer yes to either of these questions then
get ready to take off on the of money making ride of your life!
You are about to learn the real truth and real secrets of making
INSANE PROFITS with a website and an online business...
Primary Category: Internet
Price: $37.85
Availability: All Markets
4. The 25 Most Commons Sales Mistakes And How To Avoid Them By Stephen Schiffman:
Noted sales trainer, Stephan Schiffman, the famous master of cold
calls and sales techniques, provides bite-sized tips on correcting
common sales problems, using the same nuggets-of-advice format
as in many of his other books!..
Primary Category: Sales
Price: $17.96
Availability: All Markets
Tags: audiobooks, audiobook+downloads, Internet+Marketing+Audiobooks
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Internet Marketing Center IMC Launched "Insider Secrets to Marketing Your Business on the Internet Version 2008"
Best-Selling Course..."Insider Secrets to Marketing Your Business
on the Internet Version 2008" has been launched on Feb 19!
To celebrate the occasion, Derek Gehl of IMC has announced a
special "Launch Celebration Offer" for The First 300 People ,
who take a 30-day trial at $2.95, on a first-come-first-served
Since 1997, this #1 best-selling course has helped hundreds of
thousands of e-business owners successfully market their products
on the Internet.
It leads you step by step through the essentials of starting and
growing a profitable online business -- to the most advanced
Internet marketing strategies.
Insider Secrets 2008 will be the ultimate driver's manual for online
success. And the latest edition of the course is going to blow all its
predecessors out of the water...
... Because Derek and his Team have gone back to the drawing
board and rebuilt the ENTIRE course from the ground up, in
order to be 100% certain it does the BEST possible job of teaching
ANYONE -- from the rawest beginner to the most advanced
marketer -- everything they need to know to make MORE money
online in 2008.
The 2008 Course Outline:
Step #1. Find Your Niche Market
Step #2. Set Up Your Business To Sell The Right Solution
Step #3. Write Compelling Salescopy That Turns Visitors Into
Step #4. Design A Website That Compels Visitors To Take Action
Step #5. Use An Opt-In Form To Collect Leads And Build
Customer Relationships
Step #6. Drive Visitors To Your Website And Start Making Sales
Step #7. Use Pay-Per-Click Advertising To Get Traffic Fast
Step #8. Attract Free Traffic By Optimizing For The Major
Search Engines
Step #9. Use Email Marketing To Build Customer Relationships
And Make More Sales
Step #10. Harness The Power Of Affiliate Programs For More
Traffic And Sales
Step #11. Test, Track, And Optimize Your Marketing For
Maximum Results
Step #12. Add New Revenue Streams To Grow Your Profits
Bonus Book - Use New Media And "Web 2.0" To Make Your
Online Business Social
DISC 1: Video - Find a Profitable Niche Market
DISC 2: Video - Write Salescopy that Compels Visitors to Take
DISC 3: Create a Winning Pay-Per-Click Ad Campaign
DISC 4: Video - Optimize Your Website for Top Search Engine
DISC 5: Rolodex and Swipe Files
DISC 6: 7 Case Studies and 3 Website Reviews/Makeovers
This is The Most Complete Internet Business Start-up System Ever
Created For Beginners...
To learn more and claim one of the 300 Special Offers:
Click Here
Tags: Insider+Secrets+to+Marketing+Your+Business+on+the+Internet+Version+2008, IMC+Course+2008+Edition, The+Internet+Marketing+Center, IMC, Derek+Gehl, internet+marketing
Monday, February 18, 2008
Blogger Tip - How to create expandable post summaries selectively
create "expandable post summaries" with this Blogger blog.
They thought the feature was only available for Wordpress!
It can be done easily...
In fact, you can get the tip from Blogger Help under this article:
How can I create expandable post summaries
The only problem is that - If you follow the above method,
you'll end up seeing the "Read More" link in EVERY POST.
In other words, you won't get the flexibility to use the
"expandable post summaries" SELECTIVELY.
You can solve this problem with a simple hack. I've done
it on my template successfully.
This is how it's done:
Login to your Blogger account, go to "Template" and then "Edit HTML". Before proceeding any further, be sure to "Backup" your Template by clicking on "Download Full Template".
After that, locate the
tag. Next, add the following code just BEFORE it.<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'>
<script type='text/javascript'>
function checkFull(id) {
var post = document.getElementById(id);
var spans = post.getElementsByTagName('span');
var found = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < spans.length; i++) {
if (spans[i].className == 'fullpost') {
spans[i].style.display = 'none';
found = 1;
if (spans[i].className == 'showlink') {
if (found == 0) {
spans[i].style.display = 'none';
Next step: Find the CSS style tag of your post content as follows:
<div class='post-body'>
<div style='clear: both;'/> <!-- clear for photos floats -->
Erase the above CSS style tag and replace with the following code.
<div class='post-body' expr:id='"post-" +'>Finally, save your Template.
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType != "item"'>
<span class='showlink'>
<p><a expr:href='data:post.url'>Read More...</a></p>
<script type='text/javascript'>
<div style='clear: both;'/> <!-- clear for photos floats -->
You're now ready to implement the change...
Whenever you want to use this "selective" feature you'll need
to use this code while writing your post:
<span class="fullpost"></span>
<span class="fullpost">
Should go where you want your post to cut off and for "Read more" to appear.Whereas
should be placed at the END of your post.If you come across any problems in the course of making changes
in your blog, just give me a shout in the comment section and
I'll see what I can do to help.
Tags: Blogger+Tip, expandable+post+summaries
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Which Training Course or Coaching Program REALLY works in Internet marketing?
coaching programs these days.
Some of them are not good...
Some of them are average to good...
Very few are really good or reliable!
How can you tell the difference?
And how do you go about to pick one that will work for you?
In my opinion - The easiest, clearest, surest way is to look at the
success of a program's students.
Using that as the yardstick, Derek Gehl's Internet Entrepreneur Club (IEC) stands head and shoulders above the rest!
But why?
What is it that makes the Internet Entrepreneur Club so different?
Here are three IEC students/members who explain what made
the real difference for them in Internet marketing:
Aaron "Beats" Bradley - Bolingbrook, Illinois
Sherryl Masterman - Prescott Valley, Arizona
Norbert Style - Glendale, California
Click here for more testimonials
And Derek Gehl, the man behind the Internet Entrepreneur Club
is the person you can always count on...
Just in case you aren't familiar with Derek, read on...
This is Derek Gehl:
- Derek's company, The Internet Marketing Center, has become
the world's leading Internet marketing education company, and
he has been called an Internet "guru" for almost 10 years now.
- 600,000+ people subscribe to Derek's popular Internet marketing
tips newsletter, "The IMC Insider" -- and MORE sign up every day.
- Over 6,500 people snapped up tickets to his 2-Day Internet
Marketing Bootcamp seminars in 2006 alone -- held in select cities
across the US, Canada, the UK, Australia, Singapore, and Malaysia.
- IMC's step-by-step guide, The Insider Secrets to Marketing Your
Business on the Internet, has been the best-selling online Internet
marketing course for 10 YEARS straight.
Tags: Internet+Marketing, Internet+Marketing+Coaching+Program, Internet+Marketing+Course, Internet+Entrepreneur+Club, Internet+Marketing+Center, Derek+Gehl
Friday, February 15, 2008
Finally! "Online Reality 101" is giving Internet Marketing Newbies a Ray of Hope...
do Internet Marketing...
To give you an idea - The experience was like walking in the
tropical rain-forest - Got lost. So I know exactly how rough
and tough is the journey!
Let's face it...
When you're just starting out or having a website that isn't even
properly set up for success you DON'T need a product that teaches
Web 2.0 traffic tactics or some other advanced strategy!
You DON'T need those products that outrageously claim to
"revolutionize" the Internet! They'll most probably drain your
bank account of thousands of dollars!
Ya, such products DO work very well IF you're already making
good money online, or you're already at the "advanced" stage
of Internet Marketing.
As a newbie, what you DO need is a clear and simple roadmap
showing you the exact steps you need to take in order to set up
a real money-making business, as quickly and easily as possible.
Derek Gehl's Online Reality 101, a 30-minute video will explain
and tell you exactly what you REALLY need to do to make great
money online. No rocket science. It's all about the "bare bones"
fundamentals... Not "flash-in-the-pan" trends that are here
today, gone tomorrow!
Tags: online+reality+101, Derek+Gehl, internet+marketing, internet+marketing+for+newbies
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Happy Valentine Day To All
first of all in your own home.
Give love to your children, to a wife
or husband, to a next-door neighbor."
- Mother Teresa
A love song for the occasion...for everyone...
Celine Dion and Clive Griffin - When I Fall In Love
Tags: Happy+Valentine
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Derek Gehl's Online Reality 101: What is it all about?
on the Internet these days...
But here's some good news...
...Check out this free instructional video from Derek Gehl of IMC:
Online Reality 101
Lets face it, Derek has accomplished what no other marketer has
ever done...
In just 30 minutes, he gives you the complete "3-D" snapshot of
the steps you absolutely must take in order to build a real money
-making online business.
Derek doesn't stoop to making false promises -- he simply cuts
straight to the chase and tells it exactly how it is.
This video is NOT for "magic bullet" seekers who are looking for a
get-rich-scheme that'll make them millions overnight! Such a
thing just doesn't exist... and in this video, Derek explains why...
I guarantee it'll give you a better understanding of what you
really need to do to build a successful business that makes real
money online!
Online Reality 101 Video - Click Here
Tags: online+reality+101 Derek+Gehl IMC internet+marketing
Monday, February 11, 2008
Greg Hughes of Teknon Media and "The Snowball Factor"
- The tricks and techniques of internet marketing to create a
windfall of Internet Success that only the "Gurus" know about?
- How, at the same time, be given the opportunity to earn
money in 10 WAYS?
It's pretty simple...
...Go and get Greg Hughes' free "Snowball Factor" ebook and
video and then sign up for his free affiliate program!
Who is Greg Hughes?
I should make an introduction in case you haven't heard of
him before...
Greg Hughes owns Teknon Media, a company specializes in providing LOW COST web hosting service and are known for personable customer service based in the Pacific Northwest, USA.

Greg is also the owner of Blackwire Hosting which has been hand-picked by Russell Brunson (DotComSecrets) to host the FreeAgentPath websites.
During the past 7 years, Greg has helped over 3,000 peopleget their websites on the Internet and witnessed that some
of his customers (including some famous Internet Marketing
Gurus) have become INCREDIBLY successful. Some of the
"gurus" have become his personal friends.
Finally, "Snowball Factor" was born - a video and companion
e-book that exposes the secrets and techniques he watches these
people use everyday to create their Internet empires!
Here's What You Get...
- The Snowball Factor Video shipped to your door ($47 value)
- The Snowball Factor E-Book Instant Download Access
($47 value)
- 30 Minute Consultation with Greg Hughes ($300 value)
* If you want to know the TRUTH about making money on
the Internet...
* If you want to know what you should be doing your first day
and what you should stop doing today...
* If you want to stop wasting money on "income opportunity"
programs and actually learn how to be in a very successful
business for yourself....
1. Claim your copy of Snowball Factor Video and ebook
2. Sign up for the affiliate program Here, where you can see, midway down the page where you see this statement -
"By the way... I believe this information is so important, that I will even pay you for telling others who request this Free E-book and Video*. More Info..."
in 10 WAYS!
Tags: Snowball+Factor Greg+Hughes Teknon+Media Blackwire+Hosting free+ebook internet+marketing
Saturday, February 9, 2008
100+ Tools & Tutorials to Optimize Your Email Marketing Campaigns
come across...And the best part? A lot of really great tips!
"Email marketing isn’t an easy communication method to
master. You have to worry about spam, strategic timing, and
finding the perfect pitch to resonate with readers. Fortunately,
there’s a plethora of advice and tools specifically designed for
email marketers, and we’ve compiled some of the best here.
From design to deliverability, these resources have got you
.....Continue to read from the link below to an external site:
100+ Tools & Tutorials to Optimize Your Email Marketing Campaigns
Tags: email+marketing email+marketing+tips email+marketing+tools internet+marketing
Leisure Audio Books - Special promotional audiobook downloads for February
Here at Leisure Audio Books, our new product specials for the
month's selection includes a grouping of five audio books from
David Balducci (on sale for a mere $11.84, which is a
reduction of $38.14 from the normal $49.98 price), one of the
many language instruction audio books (40-Minutes Thai)
and a self-help audio book related to overcoming shyness.
1. Balducci First Five Download Set By David Balducci
- Five separate thrillers by author David Balducci comprise
over 24 hours of listening pleasure. Titles include:
Absolute Power, Total Control, The Winner, Saving Faith
and The Simple Truth...
Primary Category: Thrillers
Normally: $21.98
Price: $11.84
Availability: All Markets
Length : 24 hours
2. Goodbye To Shy By Leil Lowndes
Shyness is a curse. Shyness makes you feel like an unwanted guest
in everyone else's world. Well-meaning friends and family say,
''Come on, just force yourself to go to the party... ask her for a
date... talk to him... request a raise... join the conversation...
speak up in the meeting...'' Author Leil Lowndes knows firsthand
how excruciating shyness is. Based on the research of medical
and health professionals, she has created dozens of ShyBuster
exercises to cure your shyness...
Primary Category: Interpersonal Skills
Normally: $21.56
Special Price: $10.78
Availability: All Markets
Length : 4 hours (Abridged)
3. Daddy's Girls By Tasmina Perry
- The Balcon sisters are London's paparazzi darlings. Serena, the
country's most beautiful actress, Venetia the glamorous designer,
Camilla the rising political star and Cate the feisty magazine editor.
They have wealth, privilege and sizzling sex lives. But money
doesn't buy you love. When their aristocratic and tyrannical father
Oswald Balcon is found dead, the finger of suspicion points towards
his glamorous daughters and their dazzling lives.
Primary Category: General Fiction
Normally: $20.99
Special Price: $18.36
Availability: All Markets
Length : 7 hours (Abridged)
4. The Burnt House By Faye Kellerman
- A plane crashes in unexplained circumstances and the mystery
deepens when police investigate. The owners know nothing of
the four bodies found in the wreckage. So who are these
unidentified passengers?
- Primary Category: Detective
Normally: $19.25
Price: $16.83
Availability: Available in the UK and Commonwealth excluding Canada.
Please Note: This title is also available in an unabridged and US edition at the regular price.
Length : 6 hours (Abridged)
5. 40-Minute Thai By Harper Collins
- This downloadable audio file provides the opportunity to hear
and practise the Thai language. Pick up the essentials with this
easy-to-use audio introduction. Covering everything from finding
your way to talking about yourself, Collins 40-minute audio can
help you learn short and simple phrases quickly by just listening
and repeating.
Primary Category: Thai
Normally: $8.75
Price: $7.65
Availability: All Markets
Length : 40 minutes (Unabridged)
Tags: Leisure+Audio+Books audiobook audiobook+downloads discount+audiobook+downloads
Monday, February 4, 2008
How To Create A Profitable Public Domain Business in Six Weeks
"Public domain is a range of abstract materials – commonly
referred to as intellectual property – which are not owned or
controlled by anyone. The term indicates that these materials
are therefore "public property", and available for anyone to use
for any purpose. The laws of various countries define the scope
of the public domain differently, making it necessary to specify
which jurisdiction's public domain is being discussed.
Furthermore, the public domain can be defined in contrast to
several forms of intellectual property; the public domain in
contrast to copyrighted works is different from the public
domain in contrast to trademarks or patented works."
More from Wikipedia
Have you ever purchased a private label rights, source code or
a public domain work before but haven't made a dime from
ANY of them? Then you better read on, because...
Here's Your Chance To Discover A Step-By-Step, Method For Turning Public Domain, Private Label and Raw Source Code Into A Highly Profitable Business In 6 Weeks Or Less!
It is possible to build a lucrative, saleable business using public
domain works, and how it is vastly easier to run than a brick
and mortar business. The best part:
* NO overhead
* NO employees
* NO boss!
* You can work anywhere
* You can work anytime you want
All you need is a laptop and you're all set!
But there are problems!
There is a lot of work involved BEFORE you can start
selling it:
- Find a target market
- Find a public domain work
- Do the copyright research
- Scan the book
- Edit the contents
- Write the sales letter
This is the main reason most people don't follow through. Either
they lack the knowledge, or they suffer from "information
overload" and never take action to launch their public domain
product and consequently, they FAIL!
The Solution:
Russell Brunson's
Public Domain and Private Label Home Study Course

"Here's Why I'm Finally Releasing This Course To The
General Public...
You see, at first, I didn't want to do it. At the time, I was
swamped with other projects and did not want to devote a lot
of time to this. I also wanted the material to be exclusive to the
members of my "Lost Files" site who paid $500 for this
material on top of the $27 monthly membership fee. But I
want to share a little something that motivated me to release
this course:
You see, the internet is full of instant experts. Everyday, someone
comes out of the woodwork claiming that they have the "secrets"
for raking in major bucks into your bank account. I know many
people that got burned because they bought these cheap knockoffs
only to find themselves not making any money. Pretty soon, the
market became saturated with these copycat products and many
people stopped considering an info product web business as a viable
business. That really ticked me off. I can personally attest to how
lucrative internet marketing can be.
You see, I grew my internet marketing company, SublimeNet
Inc. out of my college dorm room into a 12 employee company
with over a million dollars in sales in just 3 years. In other words,
I know what works on the Internet and what doesn't. I do not
say this to brag or boast. I just want to let you know that I am
qualified to teach this material. You see, The internet is full of
There is more than enough business out there for everyone.
I figured that, heck, if members of my "Lost Files" site can make
money using public domain works, anybody can!
So I decided to compile my 3 years of internet marketing
experience into the following course:
"Public Domain How To: How To Create A Profitable Public
Domain Business in Six Weeks"
This course is a step-by-step, connect-the-dots plan you can use
to create a public domain infoproduct business. You'll get the
inside scoop on how I crank out winning public domain sites... after the other. All you have to do is follow my directions
and you'll be up and running in no time. I've never revealed my
deep bag of tricks like this before!
Just imagine waking up in the morning and finding orders
waiting for you in your email box. You don't have to do a lot,
because the computer takes the order, processes the credit cards,
delivers the product, and then deposits the money in your bank
account---all without you having to lift a finger.
The best part is that this works in any kind of market. It could be
croquet, underwater basket weaving, monkey clothing...
...doesn't matter!
Interested in golf or bass fishing? You bet there are several public
domain books out there you can find and sell for a profit!
If you can "cut and paste" and "drag and drop", You have all it
takes to create a six figure public domain business!"
Here is what you'll learn in this easy-to-follow seven module course:
Module 1: The Secrets Of The Public Domain
- An in-depth overview of the public domain.
- How to find works the public domain.
- How to perform copyright research.
- How to convert a work into a digital, saleable format.
Module 2: Creating A Derivative Work And Setting Up A
- How to create a good "angle" for your derivative work.
- How to instantly create a derivative multimedia public domain
- How to create physical versions of your products.
- How to design a website for maximum sales.
- How to write enticing ad copy that will persuade your prospect
to purchase your product.
Module 3: Traffic Generation 101
- The most important thing you have to do before you create
your product.
- How to build free, targeted traffic in as little as one hour a
day with "community marketing".
- How to set up a successful pay per click campaign
- How to set up joint venture partners.
- How to use Ebay to build customer lists.
- How to use teleseminars as a lead generation and sales tool.
Module 4: Traffic Generation 102
- Where the REAL money is located in an online business.
(Hint: it isn't the "List!")
- How to test and track your sales.
- The correct way to obtain links to your sites.
- How to create "feeder pages" that funnel targeted traffic to
your sales page.
Module 5: Converting Traffic To Customers
- Strategies you can utilize to convince the prospect to take the
next action: buy or subscribe!
- How to teach your customer to "consume" your product.
- The strategy of the "upsell" and "cross sell."
Module 6: Developing Passive Profits
- How to create a public domain website designed for hands-off,
passive profits using Google Adsense.
- How to get your website listed in the search engines.
- How to use these passive moneymakers to upsell your products
and build your list.
Public Domain and Private Label Home Study Course
From Russell Brunson:
"When It Comes To Success, It Is All About The Proper Mindset!
Not only will you get the mechanics down after you study this
course, you'll also have the mindset down as well. One of the
reasons I am a successful internet marketer is because I am
constantly dreaming up ways and approaches of working my
You see, If you do not use your mind, you are seriously limiting
Because that's where the real value is...the ability to expand your
horizons and look for lucrative niches with deep pockets.
That's why this course goes beyond will learn how
to think like a marketer and attack your niche from multiple
Tags: public+domain PLR public+domain+business info-publishing internet+marketing public+domain+home+study+course Russell+Brunson
Saturday, February 2, 2008
Russell Brunson's DotCom Secrets Home Study Course - For Those Who have the Ambition to achieve "Internet Marketing Superstardom"
I don't want to waste your time reading this post unless you're
one of those who aims for the sky in your online business.
I really mean it because what I'm presenting here, the
DotCom Secrets Home Study Course, is not for everyone...
...It isn't a 5 or 10 dollar ebook that claims to make you rich in
Internet Marketing. Not even $100...It's much more.
Don't get me wrong, you may have the money to buy it. But it
isn't just the money alone...It's much much more than just the
price tag!
However, if you can honestly answer "yes" to each of the
following questions, you've found a Real Gem!
* Are you really ambitious, to the extent that you want to become
an Internet Marketing Superstar or Guru?
* Do you have the patience and determination to spend a lot of
time to study and learn difficult things?
* Are you willing to keep tweaking your marketing techniques
and strategies until you get to something which gives you the
results that you want (I mean, huge earnings)?
* Can you take stress for a prolonged period of time while
building your business?
This isn't something for fun...DotComSecrets course is meant
for people who are 100% serious about taking their businesses
to a very high level of success. It requires some careful thoughts
and considerations before you may invest and acquire it!
In a nutshell, DotCom Secrets Home Study Course
is a Complete A-To-Z Blueprint For A Long Term Business.
It covers from A-To-Z of everything you need to know to build
a successful million-dollar dotcom business:
- A 14 DVD Collection showing every single money-making tip
that allowed Russell Brunson to skyrocket his online business
while taking classes, spending time with his wife, and wresting
full-time in college.
- A 14 CD collection that contain audio tracks from the DVD.
You can listen to these CDs in your car, while you're exercising,
or anytime when your're too busy to sit down and watch the
- The DotComSecrets Companion Workbook that gives an excellent
overview of Russell's million-dollar blueprint before he gets into the
nitty-gritty with the DVDs and audios.
- The DotComSecrets Action Checklist that contains all the money
-making steps outlined in the course in easy actionable steps.
Bonus #1: A FREE 30 Day Subscription To DotComSecrets
Magazine that will expose you to the great minds that are
instrumental to making your online company an extreme
Bonus #2: A FREE 30 Minute Consultation With One Of Russell's
"Million Dollar Success Coaches".
Bonus #3: A FREE Eight-Part Follow Up Teleseminar Series
hosted by Russell Brunson.
With this course, you'll learn to CONQUER the 4 Big Myths
of Internet Marketing:
Myth #1--"The Money's In The [????]"
Myth #2--"The Big MONEY Is In Selling $27 dollar Ebooks "
Myth #3--"Uh Oh...Google Just Laid The Smackdown On My Site
...How Am I Ever Going To Succeed At Internet Marketing?"
Myth #4--"You Must Protect Your Intellectual Property No
Matter What!!!"
Here's the breakdown of what you can expect to learn from each
of the 14 DVDs:
Volume 1:
Ready, Fire, Aim - Developing The Millionaire Mindset
Volume 2:
The Power Of Leverage Through Outsourcing
Volume 3:
Advanced Website Tactics
Volume 4 And 5:
Creditors And Preditors (legal business structure)
Volume 6 And 7:
Creating Killer Products
Volume 8:
Writing Cash Sucking Copy
Volume 9:
Finding Your Target Customers
Volume 10:
The Lost Art Of Listbuilding
Volume 11:
Joint Ventures And Building Your Own Affiliate Inferno
Volume 12:
Paid Search Secrets
Volume 13:
Free Search And The Power Of Linking
Volume 14:
Fusing Online And Offline Marketing
That's An Outline That Shows You Exactly System Russell Used
To Take his Online Business From Zilch To Seven-Figure Heaven
In Less Than Four Years!
And for anyone who goes for the DotComSecrets course,
congratulations, you're getting a million-dollar education that'll
teach You How To Make Money On Demand!
For more details, visit:
DotComSecrets Website
Tags: DotComSecrets internet+marketing+home+study+course internet+marketing make+money+online Russell+Brunson