"Public domain is a range of abstract materials – commonly
referred to as intellectual property – which are not owned or
controlled by anyone. The term indicates that these materials
are therefore "public property", and available for anyone to use
for any purpose. The laws of various countries define the scope
of the public domain differently, making it necessary to specify
which jurisdiction's public domain is being discussed.
Furthermore, the public domain can be defined in contrast to
several forms of intellectual property; the public domain in
contrast to copyrighted works is different from the public
domain in contrast to trademarks or patented works."
More from Wikipedia
Have you ever purchased a private label rights, source code or
a public domain work before but haven't made a dime from
ANY of them? Then you better read on, because...
Here's Your Chance To Discover A Step-By-Step, Method For Turning Public Domain, Private Label and Raw Source Code Into A Highly Profitable Business In 6 Weeks Or Less!
It is possible to build a lucrative, saleable business using public
domain works, and how it is vastly easier to run than a brick
and mortar business. The best part:
* NO overhead
* NO employees
* NO boss!
* You can work anywhere
* You can work anytime you want
All you need is a laptop and you're all set!
But there are problems!
There is a lot of work involved BEFORE you can start
selling it:
- Find a target market
- Find a public domain work
- Do the copyright research
- Scan the book
- Edit the contents
- Write the sales letter
This is the main reason most people don't follow through. Either
they lack the knowledge, or they suffer from "information
overload" and never take action to launch their public domain
product and consequently, they FAIL!
The Solution:
Russell Brunson's
Public Domain and Private Label Home Study Course

"Here's Why I'm Finally Releasing This Course To The
General Public...
You see, at first, I didn't want to do it. At the time, I was
swamped with other projects and did not want to devote a lot
of time to this. I also wanted the material to be exclusive to the
members of my "Lost Files" site who paid $500 for this
material on top of the $27 monthly membership fee. But I
want to share a little something that motivated me to release
this course:
You see, the internet is full of instant experts. Everyday, someone
comes out of the woodwork claiming that they have the "secrets"
for raking in major bucks into your bank account. I know many
people that got burned because they bought these cheap knockoffs
only to find themselves not making any money. Pretty soon, the
market became saturated with these copycat products and many
people stopped considering an info product web business as a viable
business. That really ticked me off. I can personally attest to how
lucrative internet marketing can be.
You see, I grew my internet marketing company, SublimeNet
Inc. out of my college dorm room into a 12 employee company
with over a million dollars in sales in just 3 years. In other words,
I know what works on the Internet and what doesn't. I do not
say this to brag or boast. I just want to let you know that I am
qualified to teach this material. You see, The internet is full of
There is more than enough business out there for everyone.
I figured that, heck, if members of my "Lost Files" site can make
money using public domain works, anybody can!
So I decided to compile my 3 years of internet marketing
experience into the following course:
"Public Domain How To: How To Create A Profitable Public
Domain Business in Six Weeks"
This course is a step-by-step, connect-the-dots plan you can use
to create a public domain infoproduct business. You'll get the
inside scoop on how I crank out winning public domain sites...
...one after the other. All you have to do is follow my directions
and you'll be up and running in no time. I've never revealed my
deep bag of tricks like this before!
Just imagine waking up in the morning and finding orders
waiting for you in your email box. You don't have to do a lot,
because the computer takes the order, processes the credit cards,
delivers the product, and then deposits the money in your bank
account---all without you having to lift a finger.
The best part is that this works in any kind of market. It could be
croquet, underwater basket weaving, monkey clothing...
...doesn't matter!
Interested in golf or bass fishing? You bet there are several public
domain books out there you can find and sell for a profit!
If you can "cut and paste" and "drag and drop", You have all it
takes to create a six figure public domain business!"
Here is what you'll learn in this easy-to-follow seven module course:
Module 1: The Secrets Of The Public Domain
- An in-depth overview of the public domain.
- How to find works the public domain.
- How to perform copyright research.
- How to convert a work into a digital, saleable format.
Module 2: Creating A Derivative Work And Setting Up A
- How to create a good "angle" for your derivative work.
- How to instantly create a derivative multimedia public domain
- How to create physical versions of your products.
- How to design a website for maximum sales.
- How to write enticing ad copy that will persuade your prospect
to purchase your product.
Module 3: Traffic Generation 101
- The most important thing you have to do before you create
your product.
- How to build free, targeted traffic in as little as one hour a
day with "community marketing".
- How to set up a successful pay per click campaign
- How to set up joint venture partners.
- How to use Ebay to build customer lists.
- How to use teleseminars as a lead generation and sales tool.
Module 4: Traffic Generation 102
- Where the REAL money is located in an online business.
(Hint: it isn't the "List!")
- How to test and track your sales.
- The correct way to obtain links to your sites.
- How to create "feeder pages" that funnel targeted traffic to
your sales page.
Module 5: Converting Traffic To Customers
- Strategies you can utilize to convince the prospect to take the
next action: buy or subscribe!
- How to teach your customer to "consume" your product.
- The strategy of the "upsell" and "cross sell."
Module 6: Developing Passive Profits
- How to create a public domain website designed for hands-off,
passive profits using Google Adsense.
- How to get your website listed in the search engines.
- How to use these passive moneymakers to upsell your products
and build your list.
Public Domain and Private Label Home Study Course
From Russell Brunson:
"When It Comes To Success, It Is All About The Proper Mindset!
Not only will you get the mechanics down after you study this
course, you'll also have the mindset down as well. One of the
reasons I am a successful internet marketer is because I am
constantly dreaming up ways and approaches of working my
You see, If you do not use your mind, you are seriously limiting
Because that's where the real value is...the ability to expand your
horizons and look for lucrative niches with deep pockets.
That's why this course goes beyond ebooks...you will learn how
to think like a marketer and attack your niche from multiple
Tags: public+domain PLR public+domain+business info-publishing internet+marketing public+domain+home+study+course Russell+Brunson
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