Tuesday, March 24, 2009

"Instant Subject Lines" - A Program To Send Your Email Marketing Profit Soaring

Important Message July 8, 2011
This product "Instant Subject Lines" no longer available.
Hence, the link (url) in this post no longer function.
Sorry for any inconvenience caused.
Have a nice day!

I picked up a copy of "Instant Subject Lines" last Wednesday
as soon as it was released to the public....

Does it work?

Yes, very cool, very easy to use. It makes my Email marketing
so much easier. I'm confident that Instant Subject Lines will
make my Email marketing much more profitable!

Well, if you've been doing Email marketing for some time you
certainly understand the importance of "subject lines" in your

What make people want to open your and read your emails
(and buy)?

Your email subject lines!

Your prospects and customers don't give a damn about
anything else apart from *They Themselves*!

They care about themselves and how you can fix their problem,
make them more comfortable, save them time or money, or
relieve their stress...

You can keep talking about how great your company or your
products are until you're blue in the face, they still ain't

You must understand:

- People DO NOT BUY just because they like your cutesy slogan...

- People DO NOT BUY because you're funny, or clever, or a good

- People DO NOT BUY because you brag that you're simply the
best in the whole wide world...

- People certainly DO NOT BUY just because you have a truly
GOOD product.

So how to get them to open up their wallets?

*SEDUCE* them:


... I capture your attention...

... I offer you something that solves a big problem for you...

... I describe a deal where you risk nothing, and yet stand to
gain a great deal...

... I answer every one of your questions honestly...

... I show you undeniable proof that other people have gotten

... I can show you how you can become richer, happier, healthier,
all in the fastest and easiest manner possible...

You just might give it a try!

And you always begin that *Seduction* with your email subject

That's exactly what "Instant Subject Lines" is all about -
- Teaching you the "Secrets To Make Your Email Profits Soar"!

"Instant Subject Lines" is a new program created by Dan Lok,
one of the world's most successful marketers cum copywriters.

You get:

1. Dan Lok's secret weapon #1 (which Dan personally uses to
bring in $1,000 a day every single day of the year) for growing
Email marketing profits

2. A list of the top 40 subject line Archetypes Dan uses in his
online business to make response rates and more.
Some examples:

- The "must do" subject line ...
- The “rubber neck” subject line ...
- The “survival of … " subject line ...
- The "almost too easy" subject line ...
- The "curiosity" subject line ...
- The "case study" subject line ...
- The "fear of ... " subject line ...
- The "insider" subject line ...
- The "personal approach" subject line ...
- The "get" subject line...
- The “empathy question” subject line...
- The “fireside chat” subject line...
- The “lies” subject line ...
- The “results” subject line ...
- The “need to know” subject line ...
- ETC...

3. Plus, in addition to the 40 subject line archetypes (or templates),
you get 3 examples of each subject line type -- so there are 120
separate examples of proven subject lines in total, for all kinds of
different niche markets, and almost every conceivable marketing

And much more...


"Instant Subject Lines" is an excellent investment for Email
marketers. It costs "peanuts" but gives you an enormous profit

Stop writing subject lines the hard way! Here's how you
can just fill in the blanks to compel your subscribers to
open your emails and add significant cash to your bank
account almost overnight.


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