Monday, July 20, 2009

Commission Ritual by Brian Johnson

Brian G. Johnson has been making some absolute killings as
an affiliate over the past year in a number of niche markets
including seasonal niches (Halloween), health markets and
Internet marketing product launches.

(Note: Brian Johnson is the creator of the hugely successful
Seo Press Formula e-course.)

His "Ritual Marketing" system has produced numerous top
Google rankings and job-ending affiliate commissions, even
as much as $26,498.50 in seven short days ... start to finish!

By now, Brian has documented everything - each step of the
way has been noted in a massive course he proudly named it
"Commission Ritual" which will become available on July 21
at 12 noon EST.

Prior to the official release of Commission Ritual, Brian is
giving away a 21 Page Free Report (Ritual Marketing Cash
Money Report) to any wealth seeker who's interested to get
started in the Internet moneymaking game. Click here
to get a copy of this report.

Commission Ritual is a comprehensive blueprint to Brian’s
every strategy, every shortcut and every trick he has every
used to create the turbulence in the JV waters and to establish
his permanent presence on Google’s first for whichever keyword
phrase he choose and in just about any niche.

But that is not all. Commission Ritual also reveals methods by
which to create passive income sites which bring in massive
cash spontaneously and automatically.

By using this incredible method, Brian was able to

- Park himself right along with Internet giants such as Wikipedia
and Google and to dominate the first page for lucrative money
making keyword phrases.

- Forecast future big moneymaking keyword phrases with accuracy
and precision and then to sit back on his hunches and watch
truckloads of money come rolling in.

- Launch sites which produce passive income totaling thousands
of dollars each and every month.

As a matter of fact, Brian’s accomplishments have been rocking
the boats of many longtime super affiliates who do not appreciate
being outranked and outmaneuvered by little guys like him.

However, since he recently managed to rank in the top ten for
JV sales in two huge launches the miffed super affiliates now
want to know, "How?!" "How does Brian turn the Internet into
his own personal cash machine to generate loads of online bucks
at will?"

And Brian is about to spill all the beans, every single one of them,
in his latest product, Commission Ritual, which he scheduled for
launching on July 21, 2009.


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