Commission Blueprint 2 has been generating a lot of buzz
in the last 2 weeks although the product will only be launched
on September 9th, 2009...
The first version of Commission Blueprint was one of the most
successful launches in the Internet marketing world when it
was released in last August. It netted a sales volume of $3.0
million during the first 36 hours! No wonder they wanted to
launch a sequel to that!
So, what are the differences between the 2 versions?
As far as I know (I got quite a lot of information from Tim,
one of the 2 gentlemen who created the product), there are
some differences:
1. The size of the course - Commission Blueprint 2 is HUGE
in comparison to the earlier version.
2. Commission Blueprint 1 teaches how to make money online
combining ClickBank products and Google Adwords pay per
click advertising, plus some techniques the creators used to
run their own affiliate marketing business.
Whereas Commission Blueprint 2 will be EXPANDED to cover
affiliate marketing not just with Clickbank, but with Commission
Junction (CJ), CPA networks, Amazon and numerous others.
3. The Price - I'd expect Commission Blueprint 2 to cost a lot
more than it's predecessor.
Just how big is the Commission Blueprint 2 course?
"Huge" is the word I'd use to describe it:
It comes in 10 Modules, and altogether there are
- 32 videos
- 21 training manuals
- 7 software tools
However, I strongly believe that the quality of the course will
be excellent based on my knowledge of the creators --
Tim Godfrey and Steve Clayton. Both of these marketers have
excellent reputation in delivering premium quality products
in the past (examples: Niche Blueprint, SEM Blueprint, and
Commission Blueprint 1, of course).
This is NOT a product review post. No, I can't do a review
on it yet. The course is too big to go through. It will take weeks
for me to complete everything. What I can do now is to provide
a brief "overview" of the product for you to know exactly what's
inside this massive course.
By the way, a video is currently online for viewing.
Commission Blueprint 2 - An Overview:
Module 1 - Introduction
Video - Welcome video with an introduction and breakdown
of the Commission Blueprint 2 course
Module 2 ‐ Keyword Research
Video 1: Keyword research concepts with an introduction to
Market Samurai and Keyword Blueprint.
Video 2: How to use Keyword Blueprint for SEO research
Video 3: How to use Keyword Blueprint for Google Adwords
Video 4: Market Samurai research techniques
Video 5: Other methods and sources to find keywords including
Google Trends & Ebay Pulse.
Video 6: Tutorial and instructions on using the Spy Tool
Video 7: Tutorial and instructions on using Keyword Blueprint
Commission Blueprint 2 Training Manuals:
Manual 1: Keyword Research Case Studies with Market
Samurai & Article Blueprint.
Software Tool 1: Keyword Blueprint
Software Tool 2: Ad Spy
Module 3 – Finding Offers
Video 1: Techniques and concepts for picking offers to promote
as an affiliate. These include CPA offers, digital and physical products.
Video 2: Choosing, understanding and using Affiliate management
Video 3: Tutorials and tips on how to the “picking offer calculator”
Software Tool 1: Picking Offer Calculator
Module 4 – Building Converting Sites
Video 1 – Introduction
Video 2 – Instructions and tutorials for using the “Site Blueprint
Commission Blueprint 2 Training Manuals:
Manual 1: Affiliate websites setup – Techniques & Case Studies
Manual 2: Hubpages techniques, tips and setup
Manual 3: Zimbo techniques, tips and setup
Manual 4: techniques, tips and setup
Manual 5: Squidoo techniques, tips and setup
Manual 6: Site Builder Instruction
Software Tool : Site Builder
Module 5 – Affiliate Sales And Conversions
Video 1: Introduction & Overview
Commission Blueprint 2 Training Manuals:
Manual 1: Landing Page Bonus Techniques
Manual 2: The “IP Technique”
Manual 3: The ‘Double Selling’ Technique
Manual 4: Product Launch Technique & Process
Manual 5: The ‘Riding The Trends’ Technique
Manual 6: CPA conversion techniques and strategies
Module 6 – Traffic 1 (SEO)
Video 1: Introduction and SEO concepts
Video 2: On page SEO
Video 3: Link Building
Video 4: Link building examples
Video 5: The link building plan
Video 6: How to use the ‘Article Blueprint’ software tool
Video 7: Building a PR link farm
Video 8: Tracking with the ‘Serpy’ tool, Google Analytics and
Commission Blueprint 2 Training Manuals:
Manual 1: Link building plan process
Manual 2: On page checklist for SEO
Manual 3: Link building case studies
Manual 4: ‘Article’ Blueprint instructions
Software tool 1: Serpy Tool
Software tool 2: Article Blueprint
Module 7 – Traffic 2 (Adwords & Paid Advertising)
Video 1: Introduction & Overview
Video 2: Building campaign – Process and techniques
Video 3: Using Wordpress Direct
Video 4: Bidding & optimization tips and techniques
Video 5: Tracking using the ‘Hippo Jaw’ tool and winner alert
Video 6: Youtube PPC
Commission Blueprint 2 Training Manuals:
Manual 1: Adwords brand bidding techniques
Software tool 1: Hippo Jaw
Module 8 – Traffic 3 – (Social Media & Article Marketing)
Video 1: Introduction & Overview
Video 2: Social Media Traffic – Tips & Techniques
Commission Blueprint 2 Training Manuals:
Manual 1: Article marketing techniques
Manual 2: Article marketing case studies
Manual 3: Scibd techniques and case studies
Module 9 – List Building & Email Marketing
Video 1: Introduction & Overview
Commission Blueprint 2 Training Manuals:
Manual 1: List building & Email – Tips, techniques & case studies
Module 10 – Conclusion
Video 1: Conclusion and moving forward
Commission Blueprint 2 website will go live on September 9th.
Tags: Commission+Blueprint+2 affiliate+marketing make+money+online
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