Sunday, September 13, 2009

Commission Blueprint 2 - Doors closing on September 16

A quick update on Commission Blueprint 2...

Tim Godfrey told me today that Commission Blueprint 2
will be closing its doors to new intakes by 9 a.m. EST on
Wednesday, September 16. So, there isn't much time left
for those who are still on the fence.

However, I also received some exciting news from Tim
which will give you a chance to see what all the fuss is about
Commission Blueprint 2 WITHOUT any continuity or the
need to hand over your credit card details:

Basically you're going to be getting the opportunity to try
TWO amazing pieces of software included in the main course...

I know for a fact that Tim & Steven have literally spent over
$100,000 creating the tools for the Commission Blueprint 2
course and frankly, it's not difficult to see why...

For those who have watched the pre-launch video that
demonstrated both 'Keyword Blueprint' & 'Offer Evaluator'
tools they would already have seen a demonstration of what
these tools could do...

I mean how many tools out there can evaluate and pick
profitable keywords in the 'coffee' niche (of all things) then
virtually hand you a profitable adwords campaign that you
could make $100/day in 4 minutes flat?

It's not many, that I can assure you... and what if you were
to replicate this step by step process SIX times over?

To be honest, no other explanation is really required. You can
get an INSTANT 7-day trial for both of these tools here.
Essentially, there's nothing to lose. It's a complete no brainer.

There are hundreds of affiliate marketing products released
onto the market each year but Commission Blueprint 2 is
totally unique:

So how will Commission Blueprint 2 benefit YOU, and why
is it different to all the other affiliate marketing courses that
you hear about?

- You'll get on-going support from both their help desk and
forum. (A rarity)

- You'll get lifetime access to the entire selection of "in-house"
tools they use to make thousands of dollars each week with
affiliate marketing. (saving you a ton of money in subscription

- You'll receive over 50 videos & 20 instruction manuals showing
you the fastest way to quit your job selling other people's stuff.
(The quality of the material is outstanding)

- You'll get case studies and insider knowledge about promotions
that have generated as much as $500,000 in pure profit. (unheard
of, and essential for success)

- If you have money to spend on advertising, you'll be shown
countless strategies to explode your profits and ROI.

- If you DON'T have much money to spend, you'll be thrown an
absolutely ton of techniques to get you website traffic and sales
without spending ANY money...

- And so on...

7-Day Trial - 'Keyword Blueprint' & 'Offer Evaluator'

Download Commission Blueprint 2 before its doors close on
Wednesday, September 16 at 9 a.m. EST


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