Saturday, December 4, 2010
SBI! "Buy One Get One Free Special Is Here!
Once again the season of cheers is upon us...
Christmas is just around the corner...
Put A Business In Someone's Stocking This Year!
I'm excited to send some
real Holiday Cheer your way with the
SiteSell SBI's "Buy One Get One Free" Holiday Special...
From now until Dec. 25th at midnight, purchase a new yearly subscription to SBI!2.0, and give one to a friend or family member, FREE. Or give yourself that special holiday gift.
That's 2 SBI! sites for the price of just one. Yes, the second site is TOTALLY free!
So many generous gift-giving situations...
Parents give free sites to their children. And vice-versa.
Wives to husbands. And vice-versa.
Friends to friends. And vice-versa.
SBI 2.0! is MUCH more than just a gift. It's a chance to acquire an important new LIFE SKILL. And a chance for you to put a real business in someone's stocking this year...
Give the Best Holiday Gift Ever!
What could be more appreciated than the gift that not only keeps on giving, it keeps on earning?
SBI! 2.0 Buy 1 Get 1 Free
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Rank Builder - Automated SEO
If you’ve ever wonder what it really takes to drive waves of 100% free search engine traffic and social media traffic to any niche, product or affiliate link with foolproof ease, blinding speed and near total automation, then Alex Goad's quick video presentation is the most important you will ever watch...
Usually when people tell you that they can show you how to increase your search engine rankings and dominate niche markets with organic search engine traffic, they show little proof or solid results…
The video on that page is a quick case study about a site he took from a measely 6 visitors a day to over 23,000 visitors a month – all non-paid, 100% free search engine traffic
Not only that, but this site is ranking #2 out of 90 million competitors in Google for the term "Internet marketing blog"… This is one of the most competitive in an already highly competitive niche.
And he also shows how he syndicated, and automatically fed his content to 349,000 pages that are all indexed in Google – building over 20,000 backlinks in the process.
Truth be told, this Rank Builder video is absolutely insane and especially because he also reveals the secret to how he achieved these results, which by the way, is completely automated.
Introducing Alex Goad's Latest SEO Secret Weapon:
Rank Builder
Recently launched and stormed the Internet marketing world...
In a nutshell, Rank Builder is a IM tool which is capable of getting your videos, articles, blurbs in front of your prospects in 2 ways:
1. By creating hundreds of profiles, listings and web 2.0 sites, it goes to where the traffic is and prominently displays your links and offers in front of your target audience.
2. Everyone of those links is counted by Google, who constantly improves your search engine positioning based on the constantly increasing authority and link popularity of your properties.
The end result?
Getting you free, targeted search engine traffic to any web property you may want!
Here's how Rank Builder does the job to benefit you:
Rank Builder -
- Creates blogs on web 2.0 sites
- Creates bookmarks on over 25 of the social media properties
- Creates profiles on some of the most heavy traffic websites in the world
- Submits your (spun) articles to directories with your links
- Creates advanced link wheels (a network of sites belonging to you which all point to your money pages)
- Leverages the link booster function, which automatically creates links to your links and to the properties Rank Builder already created for you.
The end result means hundreds or even thousands of links available at your finger tips -- ALL Fully Automated.
You could of course do all that manually but it would take almost a week or longer to do what Rank Builder can do in mere minutes!
One of the most useful services to get your sites to the top of Google is what's called "Link Networks". As a member of the Rank Builder community, you NOT only get the full traffic getting automation suite, but you ALSO get access to Rank Builder's Authority Link Network.
So for those who feel that SEO is too complicated or difficult but are ready for an avalanche of free search engine traffic and a flood of high quality links from all over the web, all you need to do is to...
Join Rank Builder.
Usually when people tell you that they can show you how to increase your search engine rankings and dominate niche markets with organic search engine traffic, they show little proof or solid results…
The video on that page is a quick case study about a site he took from a measely 6 visitors a day to over 23,000 visitors a month – all non-paid, 100% free search engine traffic
Not only that, but this site is ranking #2 out of 90 million competitors in Google for the term "Internet marketing blog"… This is one of the most competitive in an already highly competitive niche.
And he also shows how he syndicated, and automatically fed his content to 349,000 pages that are all indexed in Google – building over 20,000 backlinks in the process.
Truth be told, this Rank Builder video is absolutely insane and especially because he also reveals the secret to how he achieved these results, which by the way, is completely automated.
Introducing Alex Goad's Latest SEO Secret Weapon:
Rank Builder
Recently launched and stormed the Internet marketing world...
In a nutshell, Rank Builder is a IM tool which is capable of getting your videos, articles, blurbs in front of your prospects in 2 ways:
1. By creating hundreds of profiles, listings and web 2.0 sites, it goes to where the traffic is and prominently displays your links and offers in front of your target audience.
2. Everyone of those links is counted by Google, who constantly improves your search engine positioning based on the constantly increasing authority and link popularity of your properties.
The end result?
Getting you free, targeted search engine traffic to any web property you may want!
Here's how Rank Builder does the job to benefit you:
Rank Builder -
- Creates blogs on web 2.0 sites
- Creates bookmarks on over 25 of the social media properties
- Creates profiles on some of the most heavy traffic websites in the world
- Submits your (spun) articles to directories with your links
- Creates advanced link wheels (a network of sites belonging to you which all point to your money pages)
- Leverages the link booster function, which automatically creates links to your links and to the properties Rank Builder already created for you.
The end result means hundreds or even thousands of links available at your finger tips -- ALL Fully Automated.
You could of course do all that manually but it would take almost a week or longer to do what Rank Builder can do in mere minutes!
One of the most useful services to get your sites to the top of Google is what's called "Link Networks". As a member of the Rank Builder community, you NOT only get the full traffic getting automation suite, but you ALSO get access to Rank Builder's Authority Link Network.
So for those who feel that SEO is too complicated or difficult but are ready for an avalanche of free search engine traffic and a flood of high quality links from all over the web, all you need to do is to...
Join Rank Builder.
Monday, September 13, 2010
Outsourcing of Internet Marketing Products
Outsource products in the IM niche?
Yes. Why not? In fact most Internet marketers employ at lease some degree of outsourcing. The most common aspects of Internet marketing which are outsourced are copywriting and website design. Ideally these tasks will be delegated to individuals who are skilled in search engine optimization (SEO). Additionally, those who manage multiple niches may opt to outsource the responsibilities of managing some of their niche markets. This article will take a look at some of the commonly outsourced tasks and provide information regarding why outsourcing these tasks is ideal
Managing Multiple Niches
Many involved in Internet niche marketing become involved in managing multiple niche marketing campaigns. When this happens it can become difficult for one individual to oversee all of the campaigns without compromising the quality of the niche markets. Therefore, he will often outsource the oversight responsibilities related to managing some of the niche markets. This gives him the freedom to focus more on developing new niches and marketing strategies as opposed to overseeing minute details.
Care should be taken when outsourcing this type of work to ensure the employee hired to undertake these tasks is an honest individual with a great deal of integrity. Those who are lacking in integrity may take advantage of this situation to learn about the marketing strategies for the express purpose of stealing sensitive information and creating competition in these niches.
Outsourcing Copywriting
Copywriting services are also commonly outsourced in niche marketing. Those involved in Internet niche marketing realize the importance of providing high quality content that is also optimized for search engines. This applies to copywriting which is included on niche websites, in e-newsletters, in press releases and in ebooks. The content provided is critical to the success of the niche marketing campaign because it is often the first impression members of the target audience get of the campaign. Their opinion of the copy can determine whether or not they are willing to visit the niche website in the future or further research products or services for sale.
When selecting a writer to provide the content for the niche marketing campaign, it is important to consider a writer with SEO experience. This is important because the content provided on websites can have an impact on the search engine rankings of the website. The use of keywords is the most important part of copywriting relevant to SEO. The keywords should be used in a manner that creates informative and interesting copy that appeals to both website visitors and search engines.
Outsourcing Website Design
Web design is another aspect of Internet niche marketing that is often outsourced. Most marketers recognize website design as an important part of their success. They need their websites to be well designed both aesthetically and technically to ensure visitors enjoy the website and all of the features of the website operate smoothly.
Additionally, it is very important for the website designer chosen to understand how to implement SEO strategies into the design of the website. There are many different strategies available for SEO and there are also always new techniques being developed, tested and evaluated. The SEO of a website is pretty much a full time job. This is why it is essential for marketers to outsource this work so they can ensure they have someone working on their website optimization constantly.
Highly Recommended Outsourcing Resource
The Definitive Resource for Automating Your Life, Creating More Time, and Outsourcing:
Source Control
Yes. Why not? In fact most Internet marketers employ at lease some degree of outsourcing. The most common aspects of Internet marketing which are outsourced are copywriting and website design. Ideally these tasks will be delegated to individuals who are skilled in search engine optimization (SEO). Additionally, those who manage multiple niches may opt to outsource the responsibilities of managing some of their niche markets. This article will take a look at some of the commonly outsourced tasks and provide information regarding why outsourcing these tasks is ideal
Managing Multiple Niches
Many involved in Internet niche marketing become involved in managing multiple niche marketing campaigns. When this happens it can become difficult for one individual to oversee all of the campaigns without compromising the quality of the niche markets. Therefore, he will often outsource the oversight responsibilities related to managing some of the niche markets. This gives him the freedom to focus more on developing new niches and marketing strategies as opposed to overseeing minute details.
Care should be taken when outsourcing this type of work to ensure the employee hired to undertake these tasks is an honest individual with a great deal of integrity. Those who are lacking in integrity may take advantage of this situation to learn about the marketing strategies for the express purpose of stealing sensitive information and creating competition in these niches.
Outsourcing Copywriting
Copywriting services are also commonly outsourced in niche marketing. Those involved in Internet niche marketing realize the importance of providing high quality content that is also optimized for search engines. This applies to copywriting which is included on niche websites, in e-newsletters, in press releases and in ebooks. The content provided is critical to the success of the niche marketing campaign because it is often the first impression members of the target audience get of the campaign. Their opinion of the copy can determine whether or not they are willing to visit the niche website in the future or further research products or services for sale.
When selecting a writer to provide the content for the niche marketing campaign, it is important to consider a writer with SEO experience. This is important because the content provided on websites can have an impact on the search engine rankings of the website. The use of keywords is the most important part of copywriting relevant to SEO. The keywords should be used in a manner that creates informative and interesting copy that appeals to both website visitors and search engines.
Outsourcing Website Design
Web design is another aspect of Internet niche marketing that is often outsourced. Most marketers recognize website design as an important part of their success. They need their websites to be well designed both aesthetically and technically to ensure visitors enjoy the website and all of the features of the website operate smoothly.
Additionally, it is very important for the website designer chosen to understand how to implement SEO strategies into the design of the website. There are many different strategies available for SEO and there are also always new techniques being developed, tested and evaluated. The SEO of a website is pretty much a full time job. This is why it is essential for marketers to outsource this work so they can ensure they have someone working on their website optimization constantly.
Highly Recommended Outsourcing Resource
The Definitive Resource for Automating Your Life, Creating More Time, and Outsourcing:
Source Control
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Ebook Outsourcing Tips
Ebooks are essentially books which are available in software formats and distributed either through email or Internet downloads. There is usually a fee associated with downloading an ebook. These fees are usually considerably lower than the fees associated with purchasing a hard copy of a similar book. This is because ebooks are typically less expensive to publish.
With so many Internet niche marketers relying on ebooks as part of their marketing campaigns, it is certainly understandable that many are beginning to outsource the writing of ebooks to professional writers. As ebooks become more popular and the level of competition rises, it is necessary for the quality of the ebooks to increase as well
making it essential to outsource these projects to qualified candidates. However, many may have concerns about the process of outsourcing. This article addresses these concerns by providing tips for outsourcing ebooks with success.
Select the Right Person for the Job
The first step in outsourcing an ebook with a great deal of success is taking the screening process seriously and finding the most qualified candidate to write the ebook. When searching for a candidate to write an ebook, place a detailed advertisement specifying the exact project requirements including subject, length, milestone goals and ultimate deadline. This is important because it ensures candidates are aware of all of the requirements before they apply.
You may still receive countless applications from those who are unqualified but that is where carefully screening the applicants becomes imperative. In reviewing applications pay particular attention to the quality of samples provided, the amount of relevant work completed and the ability of the candidate to following the instructions in the advertisement. All of these elements will make simplify the screening process by enabling you to eliminate those who do not follow instructions or provide quality samples of relevance to the project.
Next narrow the list of candidates to a few who are most qualified and interview these candidates further. Ebooks can most often be written by candidates from remote locations so there is usually not a need for in person interviews especially if there is a geographical distance between the candidate and the buyer. Phone interviews and online interviews are sufficient substitutes. After the interviews determine which, if any, of the candidates is most qualified and offer the opportunity to complete the project to this candidate. If none of the candidates seem just right it might be necessary to continue looking and screening new candidates.
Be Involved in Developing the Outline
Once a professional writer is accepted for a particular project, it is time to start developing an outline for the project, if this has not already been done. The marketer should be heavily involved in doing this so they can ensure the ebook includes all of the information they believe is necessary. Asking the writer to contribute ideas to the outline is appropriate but it is accepted that the client will provide the majority of these details rather than relying on the writer to do so.
Maintain Final Editing Rights
Finally the client should always maintain final editing rights in any ebook they commission. They may work closely with the writer during the process of writing the book but upon completion the ebook should be reviewed and edited carefully. This process should include editing the ebook for grammar and sentence structure, flow and style, accuracy of content and any other elements deemed of importance by the client. The client is the one ultimately responsible for the information contained in the ebook and he should do his best to ensure the ebook he provides is not only interesting and informative but also accurate. This is especially important in situations where medical issues are discussed.
Another important reason to maintain finally editing rights is to ensure all stipulations by advertisers are met accordingly. Many ebooks are sponsored by individuals or companies who expect their website, products or services to be recommended in the ebook in exchange for their sponsorship. For this reason care should be taken to review the final version of the ebook to ensure the sponsor’s needs are met and that direct competitors are not touted as being superior to the sponsor.
Highly Recommended Outsourcing Resource
The Definitive Resource for Automating Your Life, Creating More Time, and Outsourcing:
Source Control
With so many Internet niche marketers relying on ebooks as part of their marketing campaigns, it is certainly understandable that many are beginning to outsource the writing of ebooks to professional writers. As ebooks become more popular and the level of competition rises, it is necessary for the quality of the ebooks to increase as well
making it essential to outsource these projects to qualified candidates. However, many may have concerns about the process of outsourcing. This article addresses these concerns by providing tips for outsourcing ebooks with success.
Select the Right Person for the Job
The first step in outsourcing an ebook with a great deal of success is taking the screening process seriously and finding the most qualified candidate to write the ebook. When searching for a candidate to write an ebook, place a detailed advertisement specifying the exact project requirements including subject, length, milestone goals and ultimate deadline. This is important because it ensures candidates are aware of all of the requirements before they apply.
You may still receive countless applications from those who are unqualified but that is where carefully screening the applicants becomes imperative. In reviewing applications pay particular attention to the quality of samples provided, the amount of relevant work completed and the ability of the candidate to following the instructions in the advertisement. All of these elements will make simplify the screening process by enabling you to eliminate those who do not follow instructions or provide quality samples of relevance to the project.
Next narrow the list of candidates to a few who are most qualified and interview these candidates further. Ebooks can most often be written by candidates from remote locations so there is usually not a need for in person interviews especially if there is a geographical distance between the candidate and the buyer. Phone interviews and online interviews are sufficient substitutes. After the interviews determine which, if any, of the candidates is most qualified and offer the opportunity to complete the project to this candidate. If none of the candidates seem just right it might be necessary to continue looking and screening new candidates.
Be Involved in Developing the Outline
Once a professional writer is accepted for a particular project, it is time to start developing an outline for the project, if this has not already been done. The marketer should be heavily involved in doing this so they can ensure the ebook includes all of the information they believe is necessary. Asking the writer to contribute ideas to the outline is appropriate but it is accepted that the client will provide the majority of these details rather than relying on the writer to do so.
Maintain Final Editing Rights
Finally the client should always maintain final editing rights in any ebook they commission. They may work closely with the writer during the process of writing the book but upon completion the ebook should be reviewed and edited carefully. This process should include editing the ebook for grammar and sentence structure, flow and style, accuracy of content and any other elements deemed of importance by the client. The client is the one ultimately responsible for the information contained in the ebook and he should do his best to ensure the ebook he provides is not only interesting and informative but also accurate. This is especially important in situations where medical issues are discussed.
Another important reason to maintain finally editing rights is to ensure all stipulations by advertisers are met accordingly. Many ebooks are sponsored by individuals or companies who expect their website, products or services to be recommended in the ebook in exchange for their sponsorship. For this reason care should be taken to review the final version of the ebook to ensure the sponsor’s needs are met and that direct competitors are not touted as being superior to the sponsor.
Highly Recommended Outsourcing Resource
The Definitive Resource for Automating Your Life, Creating More Time, and Outsourcing:
Source Control
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Information Technology Outsourcing
If you're a software company, you will need to produce a lot of different software for your clients. The software your company develops may be intended for large organizations, such as banks, financial institutions, airlines, and government bodies. Because of this, you will need a lot of capital and also a lot of manpower to handle the growing needs for different softwares for your company.
This is why information technology software companies in developed countries, such as US, Canada, and countries in Europe are now considering outsourcing their information technology in developing countries, such as China, Philippines and India to reduce costs and remain competitive in the information technology industry
As an entrepreneur, you would want to definitely remain competitive in this industry. You want to satisfy more clients in order to keep those IT software orders coming and let your company grow. When you outsource IT, you will be making very large savings in terms of salary and also other expenses that your company may provide your employees.
By outsourcing, you will only have to worry about the contract and the payment that you will be providing the outsourcing company in other countries, which can be cheaper than doing it in-house.
Most IT jobs that are often outsourced are creating software in .Net, database solutions, smartcard solution, Java/J2EE, and wireless application developments. You have to consider that creating software for these things will require you to invest a lot of money and manpower if you do it in-house. When you outsource it, the technology and manpower is readily available.
You have to consider that there are many talented information technology professionals in these developing countries. Also, they charge far less than equally qualified professionals in well-developed countries. For example, try to imagine that you need a software and you let someone in your IT department design the program. The person you hired charges 1000 dollars for the job. However, when you outsourced it, you will see that an equally qualified professional did the same software design with the same quality and they did it for only 100 dollars. Now, try to imagine that you need a thousand of that software. You will see that you will save a lot more money if you outsource it rather than get it done in-house not to mention the company benefits that you will provide, such as insurance.
These are the advantages of outsourcing IT to other companies. By outsourcing, you will not only save a lot of money, but you will also get equal quality of IT software since there are a lot of talented and qualified professionals available in those countries. They will charge you far less on every IT job done instead of doing it in-house.
Because of the savings, you will be able to let your company grow. And, because of the quality of work, you will also attract more clients to hire your company to do the software they want.
Another great thing about outsourcing IT is that you can outsource all the small projects your company has and let your company focus on larger projects. This means that you will be able to effectively manage your company’s priorities with outsourcing. With outsourcing, you will be able to save a lot of money, prioritize your company’s goal and also get quality IT software products.
Highly Recommended Outsourcing Resource
The Definitive Resource for Automating Your Life, Creating More Time, and Outsourcing:
Source Control
This is why information technology software companies in developed countries, such as US, Canada, and countries in Europe are now considering outsourcing their information technology in developing countries, such as China, Philippines and India to reduce costs and remain competitive in the information technology industry
As an entrepreneur, you would want to definitely remain competitive in this industry. You want to satisfy more clients in order to keep those IT software orders coming and let your company grow. When you outsource IT, you will be making very large savings in terms of salary and also other expenses that your company may provide your employees.
By outsourcing, you will only have to worry about the contract and the payment that you will be providing the outsourcing company in other countries, which can be cheaper than doing it in-house.
Most IT jobs that are often outsourced are creating software in .Net, database solutions, smartcard solution, Java/J2EE, and wireless application developments. You have to consider that creating software for these things will require you to invest a lot of money and manpower if you do it in-house. When you outsource it, the technology and manpower is readily available.
You have to consider that there are many talented information technology professionals in these developing countries. Also, they charge far less than equally qualified professionals in well-developed countries. For example, try to imagine that you need a software and you let someone in your IT department design the program. The person you hired charges 1000 dollars for the job. However, when you outsourced it, you will see that an equally qualified professional did the same software design with the same quality and they did it for only 100 dollars. Now, try to imagine that you need a thousand of that software. You will see that you will save a lot more money if you outsource it rather than get it done in-house not to mention the company benefits that you will provide, such as insurance.
These are the advantages of outsourcing IT to other companies. By outsourcing, you will not only save a lot of money, but you will also get equal quality of IT software since there are a lot of talented and qualified professionals available in those countries. They will charge you far less on every IT job done instead of doing it in-house.
Because of the savings, you will be able to let your company grow. And, because of the quality of work, you will also attract more clients to hire your company to do the software they want.
Another great thing about outsourcing IT is that you can outsource all the small projects your company has and let your company focus on larger projects. This means that you will be able to effectively manage your company’s priorities with outsourcing. With outsourcing, you will be able to save a lot of money, prioritize your company’s goal and also get quality IT software products.
Highly Recommended Outsourcing Resource
The Definitive Resource for Automating Your Life, Creating More Time, and Outsourcing:
Source Control
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Under What Circumstances that Outsourcing is the Best Solution?
There are times when outsourcing is the only option available for reasons such as no in-house employees are qualified or available to complete the particular task. However, there are also times when outsourcing is not the only option but it is also the best option. In these situations, outsourcing becomes a wise business decision as opposed to a requirement or a matter of personal preference. This article will discuss three situations where outsourcing is the best option. These options include:
* When outsourcing saves money
* When outsourcing helps make deadlines
* When outsourcing increases productivity
When Outsourcing Saves Money
Outsourcing becomes the best solution when it saves the company money without compromising the quality of the work. Companies whose goals are predominately financial in nature often focus on the bottom line in determining whether or not to outsource projects or tasks. When the cost savings results in inferior work it is certainly not the best solution. However, companies who are able to outsource projects to highly qualified and capable individuals while still saving money enjoy the benefit of knowing they selected the best solution for their software related problems.
Whether or not outsourcing saves money is a concept which many have difficulty understanding. When most people think of outsourcing, they picture citizens of third world countries working for substandard wages but this is not an accurate representation of outsourcing. Nowadays outsourcing often involves hiring high priced, domestic consultants to tackle complex software problems under aggressive deadlines. This explanation makes the issue even more confusing for some who think it is impossible for it to be less expensive to hire a high priced consultant than to complete the task in-house.
Examining labor costs is often necessary to see how outsourcing can often reduce costs. Outsourcing may carry a higher per hour rate but it is important to note that the company is often not required to pay benefits such as social security, Medicare and workers’ compensation to the consultant. Additionally, the consultant may work offsite meaning he is not putting a drain on company resources. Examining these factors is necessary to determine whether or not outsourcing is the best option.
When Outsourcing Helps Make Deadlines
Aggressive deadlines often make outsourcing the best available option. Most companies do not want to have to turn down work because they do not have enough staff members available to complete a particular project. Having the ability to outsource software jobs makes it easier for a company to compete for more jobs than their staff could possibly handle. This is because the managements know they have a network of consultants to rely on during times when schedules are tight. In these cases outsourcing becomes the best option.
Whether schedules are originally set to be rather aggressive or become accelerated do to problems earlier in the project they can become a hassle for many companies. Regardless of the cause of the scheduling concerns, clients may not understand if the consultant is unable to meet the required deadlines.
When Outsourcing Increases Productivity
Outsourcing also becomes the best solution to a problem when it results in increased productivity. Consider the tasks you intend to outsource and determine the amount of time it would take for these tasks to be completed in-house. Now consider the amount of time it would take to have these tasks completed through outsourcing. If the answer is outsourcing would be quicker, it is logical to go ahead and outsource these tasks. The reason for this is the consultant can be more efficient with the tasks.
When considering productivity it is also important to note that employees who are handling multiple tasks often take longer to complete each individual task then they would to complete each of these same tasks if they were his only responsibility. This is because employees who are multi-tasking are not necessarily as efficient as they believe they are. The main problem with multi-tasking is when switching from one activity there is a small delay each time the employee switches tasks because he often has to review his recent progress and remind himself what he intended to do next. Conversely outsourcing singular tasks allows the individual to focus 100% on each task.
Highly Recommended Outsourcing Resource
The Definitive Resource for Automating Your Life, Creating More Time, and Outsourcing:
Source Control
* When outsourcing saves money
* When outsourcing helps make deadlines
* When outsourcing increases productivity
When Outsourcing Saves Money
Outsourcing becomes the best solution when it saves the company money without compromising the quality of the work. Companies whose goals are predominately financial in nature often focus on the bottom line in determining whether or not to outsource projects or tasks. When the cost savings results in inferior work it is certainly not the best solution. However, companies who are able to outsource projects to highly qualified and capable individuals while still saving money enjoy the benefit of knowing they selected the best solution for their software related problems.
Whether or not outsourcing saves money is a concept which many have difficulty understanding. When most people think of outsourcing, they picture citizens of third world countries working for substandard wages but this is not an accurate representation of outsourcing. Nowadays outsourcing often involves hiring high priced, domestic consultants to tackle complex software problems under aggressive deadlines. This explanation makes the issue even more confusing for some who think it is impossible for it to be less expensive to hire a high priced consultant than to complete the task in-house.
Examining labor costs is often necessary to see how outsourcing can often reduce costs. Outsourcing may carry a higher per hour rate but it is important to note that the company is often not required to pay benefits such as social security, Medicare and workers’ compensation to the consultant. Additionally, the consultant may work offsite meaning he is not putting a drain on company resources. Examining these factors is necessary to determine whether or not outsourcing is the best option.
When Outsourcing Helps Make Deadlines
Aggressive deadlines often make outsourcing the best available option. Most companies do not want to have to turn down work because they do not have enough staff members available to complete a particular project. Having the ability to outsource software jobs makes it easier for a company to compete for more jobs than their staff could possibly handle. This is because the managements know they have a network of consultants to rely on during times when schedules are tight. In these cases outsourcing becomes the best option.
Whether schedules are originally set to be rather aggressive or become accelerated do to problems earlier in the project they can become a hassle for many companies. Regardless of the cause of the scheduling concerns, clients may not understand if the consultant is unable to meet the required deadlines.
When Outsourcing Increases Productivity
Outsourcing also becomes the best solution to a problem when it results in increased productivity. Consider the tasks you intend to outsource and determine the amount of time it would take for these tasks to be completed in-house. Now consider the amount of time it would take to have these tasks completed through outsourcing. If the answer is outsourcing would be quicker, it is logical to go ahead and outsource these tasks. The reason for this is the consultant can be more efficient with the tasks.
When considering productivity it is also important to note that employees who are handling multiple tasks often take longer to complete each individual task then they would to complete each of these same tasks if they were his only responsibility. This is because employees who are multi-tasking are not necessarily as efficient as they believe they are. The main problem with multi-tasking is when switching from one activity there is a small delay each time the employee switches tasks because he often has to review his recent progress and remind himself what he intended to do next. Conversely outsourcing singular tasks allows the individual to focus 100% on each task.
Highly Recommended Outsourcing Resource
The Definitive Resource for Automating Your Life, Creating More Time, and Outsourcing:
Source Control
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
When Not To Outsource
Outsourcing can really be beneficial for a number of reasons. Some companies enjoy benefits such as reduced labor costs, larger workforces, access to industry experts and increased flexibility through outsourcing. However, despite the obvious advantages to outsourcing there are some situations when outsourcing is not a good idea. Although there a number of scenarios where outsourcing is a viable business option there are other scenarios where outsourcing is not the best idea. In these situations it is best to keep the work in-house rather than attempting to make an outsourcing situation work out
When Outsourcing is Too Costly
One of the primary advantages of outsourcing is a cost reduction. In many cases outsourcing results in reduced labor costs because costs such as social security, health care and workers’ compensation are eliminated. Additionally, the increased efficiency resulting when tasks are outsourced to industry experts can also result in a cost reduction.
Despite these many opportunities for cost reductions, there are some situations where outsourcing might be the more expensive alternative and it may also lead to a financial loss instead of a gain. This may include a situation where the cost of outsourcing to a highly specialized expert exceeds the budget for the project. Fees for individuals with highly specialized degrees or areas of expertise are often quite expensive. Another possible situation is one where finding an individual qualified to complete specialized tasks would be too expensive of a process.
When Outsourcing Causes You to Lose Control
Even when tasks or projects are outsourced the company responsible for the work likes to continue to manage the project and keep close tabs on the progress of tasks. It is important for the company to continue to manage the project even after it has been outsourced because they are the ones who are ultimately responsible for the successful completion of the project. Whenever an individual or company wants to deny the company access to project files or documents, outsourcing is a bad idea. The company who has the vested interest in the outcome of the project should never be excluded from participating in making decisions regarding the project.
Before outsourcing a task or project care should be taken to establish criteria for the management of the project. Depending on the length and complexity of the project it may also be wise to schedule regular meetings to provide updates on the progress of the project. During this time the contractor should provide the employer with all documentation necessary to evaluate the progress of the project and verify it is still on track for completion by the established deadline.
When Outsourcing is Not Permitted
Sometimes outsourcing is not a good idea simply because it is not permitted by contract requirements. Some project contracts may have stipulations stating the work cannot be outsourced to an individual or to another company. Inserting such a clause into a contract document is well within the rights of the clients. When they hire a particular company to complete a project or task, they expect all work related to the project or task to be completed by members of that company unless they specified otherwise when negotiating the contract. Violating the contract documents in this situation is not a good idea. The company could be penalized by the client. Penalties may include withholding payment or refusing to award future projects or tasks to the company.
Highly Recommended Outsourcing Resource
The Definitive Resource for Automating Your Life, Creating More Time, and Outsourcing:
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When Outsourcing is Too Costly
One of the primary advantages of outsourcing is a cost reduction. In many cases outsourcing results in reduced labor costs because costs such as social security, health care and workers’ compensation are eliminated. Additionally, the increased efficiency resulting when tasks are outsourced to industry experts can also result in a cost reduction.
Despite these many opportunities for cost reductions, there are some situations where outsourcing might be the more expensive alternative and it may also lead to a financial loss instead of a gain. This may include a situation where the cost of outsourcing to a highly specialized expert exceeds the budget for the project. Fees for individuals with highly specialized degrees or areas of expertise are often quite expensive. Another possible situation is one where finding an individual qualified to complete specialized tasks would be too expensive of a process.
When Outsourcing Causes You to Lose Control
Even when tasks or projects are outsourced the company responsible for the work likes to continue to manage the project and keep close tabs on the progress of tasks. It is important for the company to continue to manage the project even after it has been outsourced because they are the ones who are ultimately responsible for the successful completion of the project. Whenever an individual or company wants to deny the company access to project files or documents, outsourcing is a bad idea. The company who has the vested interest in the outcome of the project should never be excluded from participating in making decisions regarding the project.
Before outsourcing a task or project care should be taken to establish criteria for the management of the project. Depending on the length and complexity of the project it may also be wise to schedule regular meetings to provide updates on the progress of the project. During this time the contractor should provide the employer with all documentation necessary to evaluate the progress of the project and verify it is still on track for completion by the established deadline.
When Outsourcing is Not Permitted
Sometimes outsourcing is not a good idea simply because it is not permitted by contract requirements. Some project contracts may have stipulations stating the work cannot be outsourced to an individual or to another company. Inserting such a clause into a contract document is well within the rights of the clients. When they hire a particular company to complete a project or task, they expect all work related to the project or task to be completed by members of that company unless they specified otherwise when negotiating the contract. Violating the contract documents in this situation is not a good idea. The company could be penalized by the client. Penalties may include withholding payment or refusing to award future projects or tasks to the company.
Highly Recommended Outsourcing Resource
The Definitive Resource for Automating Your Life, Creating More Time, and Outsourcing:
Source Control
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Advantages of Outsourcing
For a number of very valid reasons, outsourcing has become a very popular alternative these days. Outsourcing initially emerged as a way for companies to cut costs by having processes such as manufacturing and assembly done in overseas locations where costs were much lower. Lower wages and operating costs both contributed to these reduced costs. These lower costs were appealing because they greatly improved the profit margins for the companies. However, outsourcing is now gaining in popularity for a variety of other reasons. While cost reduction is still a primary advantage, other elements such as access to industry experts, a larger workforce and more flexible options are being embraced as welcomed advantages offered by outsourcing
Cost Reductions from Outsourcing
As previously mentioned reducing costs was the original purpose of outsourcing and although outsourcing has since been demonstrated to have other significant advantages, cost reduction still remains one of the prime advantages. Companies look to outsource tasks which would be more costly to complete in-house. An example of this type of task would be a software related task requiring specialized training. Companies who do not have an on staff employee qualified to complete this task can benefit financially by outsourcing this task.
There may be significant fees required to retain the services of an industry expert on a contractual basis but the efficiency of this individual will enable him to complete the task much more quickly than it could have been done in-house. If the task were not outsourced an in-house employee would have had to complete the task and may have taken significantly longer costing the company more in the long run.
On Call Experts
In the previous section we discussed how having industry experts available to complete outsourced tasks can result in a cost savings for the company but having these experts on call also provides the potential for new opportunities for the company. With experts waiting in the wings to assist, the company is able to go after larger and more specialized types of work. This is important because in doing this the company can find themselves enjoying greater prosperity.
A Larger Workforce
Still another advantage to outsourcing is the benefit of enjoying a larger workforce when necessary without the hassle of maintaining a larger staff. Through outsourcing companies can bring in additional employees on a contract basis during times of prosperity without worrying about having to lay them off or keep them utilized when the surge of work begins to wane. This is particularly relevant in industries which enjoy peak seasons as well as off seasons.
Another advantage of having a larger workforce is the ability to generate a larger profit. This is important because smaller companies can find themselves in a position where they can compete with larger companies for bigger jobs by outsourcing a portion of the workload.
More Flexibility
Finally, more flexibility is another considerable advantage to outsourcing work. Even the most well planned projects may suddenly end up behind schedule or under a time crunch due to minor errors, changes in plans or other incidental activities. Smaller companies who do not have the resources to compensate for these inevitable mishaps may find themselves in serious trouble without the ability to outsource work when necessary. These companies can take advantage of outsourcing in times of trouble to help them deal with problems without alienating clients or performing poorly on a project.
If you're not outsourcing, you're either about to get crushed by someone who is, or wasting time on worthless tasks. Read More >>
Cost Reductions from Outsourcing
As previously mentioned reducing costs was the original purpose of outsourcing and although outsourcing has since been demonstrated to have other significant advantages, cost reduction still remains one of the prime advantages. Companies look to outsource tasks which would be more costly to complete in-house. An example of this type of task would be a software related task requiring specialized training. Companies who do not have an on staff employee qualified to complete this task can benefit financially by outsourcing this task.
There may be significant fees required to retain the services of an industry expert on a contractual basis but the efficiency of this individual will enable him to complete the task much more quickly than it could have been done in-house. If the task were not outsourced an in-house employee would have had to complete the task and may have taken significantly longer costing the company more in the long run.
On Call Experts
In the previous section we discussed how having industry experts available to complete outsourced tasks can result in a cost savings for the company but having these experts on call also provides the potential for new opportunities for the company. With experts waiting in the wings to assist, the company is able to go after larger and more specialized types of work. This is important because in doing this the company can find themselves enjoying greater prosperity.
A Larger Workforce
Still another advantage to outsourcing is the benefit of enjoying a larger workforce when necessary without the hassle of maintaining a larger staff. Through outsourcing companies can bring in additional employees on a contract basis during times of prosperity without worrying about having to lay them off or keep them utilized when the surge of work begins to wane. This is particularly relevant in industries which enjoy peak seasons as well as off seasons.
Another advantage of having a larger workforce is the ability to generate a larger profit. This is important because smaller companies can find themselves in a position where they can compete with larger companies for bigger jobs by outsourcing a portion of the workload.
More Flexibility
Finally, more flexibility is another considerable advantage to outsourcing work. Even the most well planned projects may suddenly end up behind schedule or under a time crunch due to minor errors, changes in plans or other incidental activities. Smaller companies who do not have the resources to compensate for these inevitable mishaps may find themselves in serious trouble without the ability to outsource work when necessary. These companies can take advantage of outsourcing in times of trouble to help them deal with problems without alienating clients or performing poorly on a project.
If you're not outsourcing, you're either about to get crushed by someone who is, or wasting time on worthless tasks. Read More >>
Thursday, September 2, 2010
What is Outsourcing?
"If you're not outsourcing, you're either about to get crushed by someone who is, or wasting time on worthless tasks."
Outsourcing is a term which has received a great deal of attention lately. Despite the increasing trend in companies relying on outsourcing there are still some who do not clearly understand what is meant by the term outsourcing. This article will examine some of the key elements of outsourcing to help the reader develop a better understanding of the concept of outsourcing.
Defining Outsourcing
What is outsourcing? This is the most basic
question many have about the subject of outsourcing. They are not yet interested in more complex aspects of the issue because they have not yet grasped the most basic understanding of the process. In the simplest language outsourcing is when a company delegates the completion of certain tasks to an individual not employed by the company directly. This individual may be an independent contractor or an employee of another company who is subcontracted to complete these tasks. In exchange for the individual’s services, he or his company receives monetary compensation.
This description of outsourcing makes it far easier to understand the concept. Most people incorrectly assume outsourcing only applies to situations where large corporations have products manufactured overseas by a subsidiary and don’t realize examples of outsourcing can be seen just about everywhere in corporate America.
Domestic Outsourcing
Domestic outsourcing refers to outsourcing where both the primary company and the independent contractor or subsidiary are located in the same country. One of the main reasons for outsourcing is to reduce costs but it is not always necessary to outsource work overseas to reduce costs. Cost savings will be discussed in greater detail in the section on the benefits of outsourcing but essentially outsourcing results in a savings as a result of a reduction of labor costs.
Overseas Outsourcing
Overseas outsourcing is the type of outsourcing most people already understand. This is where large corporations such as Nike, and even some smaller companies, employ manufacturing plants overseas in third world countries to upsize their profits. This is significant because their costs including wages, materials and building lease would be considerably higher in the United States than they are in these other countries.
Benefits of Outsourcing
Now that you have a clearer understanding of the concept of outsourcing, you might wonder why companies would go to the trouble of outsourcing certain tasks. Outsourcing is popular because there are a great deal of benefits to the companies who outsource the work. Some of the benefits include:
* Reduced labor costs
* Increased workforce
* Greater flexibility
One of the main reasons companies resort to outsourcing is it can significantly reduce costs. In the case of overseas outsourcing of manufacturing tasks, costs can be cut dramatically because there are lower wages and costs associated with managing and maintaining the manufacturing plants. However, companies also enjoy a cost savings when they outsource tasks domestically. Reduction of labor costs is the primary source of savings in this case. Independent contractors hired on a contract basis for the purpose of completing specific tasks are often not given benefits such as social security, Medicare and workers’ compensation.
Another benefit to outsourcing is enjoying a larger workforce without actually hiring additional employees. Companies who maintain networking relationships with qualified individuals have more opportunities open to them because they are able to rely on these individuals to assist them if they acquire large or complicated projects.
Finally, outsourcing gives a company a great deal of flexibility. Companies who have a significant workload and backlog of work where the majority of the employees are highly utilized might be hesitant to compete for new work because they do not have a great deal of employee availability. However, with a network of individuals to rely on if the need to outsource arises, the company has more flexibility in pursuing new work.
Highly Recommended Outsourcing Resource
The Definitive Resource for Automating Your Life, Creating More Time, and Outsourcing:
Source Control
Outsourcing is a term which has received a great deal of attention lately. Despite the increasing trend in companies relying on outsourcing there are still some who do not clearly understand what is meant by the term outsourcing. This article will examine some of the key elements of outsourcing to help the reader develop a better understanding of the concept of outsourcing.
Defining Outsourcing
What is outsourcing? This is the most basic
question many have about the subject of outsourcing. They are not yet interested in more complex aspects of the issue because they have not yet grasped the most basic understanding of the process. In the simplest language outsourcing is when a company delegates the completion of certain tasks to an individual not employed by the company directly. This individual may be an independent contractor or an employee of another company who is subcontracted to complete these tasks. In exchange for the individual’s services, he or his company receives monetary compensation.
This description of outsourcing makes it far easier to understand the concept. Most people incorrectly assume outsourcing only applies to situations where large corporations have products manufactured overseas by a subsidiary and don’t realize examples of outsourcing can be seen just about everywhere in corporate America.
Domestic Outsourcing
Domestic outsourcing refers to outsourcing where both the primary company and the independent contractor or subsidiary are located in the same country. One of the main reasons for outsourcing is to reduce costs but it is not always necessary to outsource work overseas to reduce costs. Cost savings will be discussed in greater detail in the section on the benefits of outsourcing but essentially outsourcing results in a savings as a result of a reduction of labor costs.
Overseas Outsourcing
Overseas outsourcing is the type of outsourcing most people already understand. This is where large corporations such as Nike, and even some smaller companies, employ manufacturing plants overseas in third world countries to upsize their profits. This is significant because their costs including wages, materials and building lease would be considerably higher in the United States than they are in these other countries.
Benefits of Outsourcing
Now that you have a clearer understanding of the concept of outsourcing, you might wonder why companies would go to the trouble of outsourcing certain tasks. Outsourcing is popular because there are a great deal of benefits to the companies who outsource the work. Some of the benefits include:
* Reduced labor costs
* Increased workforce
* Greater flexibility
One of the main reasons companies resort to outsourcing is it can significantly reduce costs. In the case of overseas outsourcing of manufacturing tasks, costs can be cut dramatically because there are lower wages and costs associated with managing and maintaining the manufacturing plants. However, companies also enjoy a cost savings when they outsource tasks domestically. Reduction of labor costs is the primary source of savings in this case. Independent contractors hired on a contract basis for the purpose of completing specific tasks are often not given benefits such as social security, Medicare and workers’ compensation.
Another benefit to outsourcing is enjoying a larger workforce without actually hiring additional employees. Companies who maintain networking relationships with qualified individuals have more opportunities open to them because they are able to rely on these individuals to assist them if they acquire large or complicated projects.
Finally, outsourcing gives a company a great deal of flexibility. Companies who have a significant workload and backlog of work where the majority of the employees are highly utilized might be hesitant to compete for new work because they do not have a great deal of employee availability. However, with a network of individuals to rely on if the need to outsource arises, the company has more flexibility in pursuing new work.
Highly Recommended Outsourcing Resource
The Definitive Resource for Automating Your Life, Creating More Time, and Outsourcing:
Source Control
Sunday, August 29, 2010
How to Research and Find Your Profitable Niche
Deciding which profitable products or services you will promote in a niche market should be based on a simple principle. There should be a demand for your product or service. You want to offer something that people actually need, something that will make their lives better, make them feel better physically, make them look better, or help them solve a problem.
Once you have chosen a product or service to market, researching to find the right niche for your product or service is the next most important part of beginning a niche marketing program. The things that you need to know are where they spend their time online, and what makes them tick from a personal and business point of view. There is niche marketing software out there that can help you learn these things about your potential niche market.
The next thing you need to learn as you research your online niche market is what you can reasonable charge for your product or service. The best and most effective was to do this is to visit sites that advertise products or services similar to what you have chosen to sell. It should be easy to see if they are giving away a service or selling the product at a price far lower than you would have to charge.
If you can determine that there are people out there who are willing to spend money to buy what you are selling and you can identify those people then you have a niche marketing product or service that can make money on the Internet. Sometimes it takes reframing your product or service to make it more attractive, better or just different than what others are selling it for. Research is the key to successful niche marketing.
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Once you have chosen a product or service to market, researching to find the right niche for your product or service is the next most important part of beginning a niche marketing program. The things that you need to know are where they spend their time online, and what makes them tick from a personal and business point of view. There is niche marketing software out there that can help you learn these things about your potential niche market.
The next thing you need to learn as you research your online niche market is what you can reasonable charge for your product or service. The best and most effective was to do this is to visit sites that advertise products or services similar to what you have chosen to sell. It should be easy to see if they are giving away a service or selling the product at a price far lower than you would have to charge.
If you can determine that there are people out there who are willing to spend money to buy what you are selling and you can identify those people then you have a niche marketing product or service that can make money on the Internet. Sometimes it takes reframing your product or service to make it more attractive, better or just different than what others are selling it for. Research is the key to successful niche marketing.
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Friday, August 27, 2010
Comparing Niche Marketing and Internet Marketing Niche
Comparing niche marketing and an Internet marketing niche is equivalent to comparing apples with oranges. Apples and oranges are both fruit. Niche marketing and an Internet Marketing niche are both forms of Internet marketing but as different as apples are from oranges.
The term ‘niche marketing’ means selling a specific product to a specific type of buyer. There are far less competitive niches than an Internet marketing niche. Most niche markets are more open to the latest marketing strategies, as well. Small niche markets are not over stocked with gurus and wise men and are much easier for the beginning marketer to break into. A niche market allows you to promote your own niche product or that of a niche affiliate product. There is a niche market for anything and everything you can imagine. All it takes to break into a niche market is a good idea, a good product created by you or someone else that will appeal to certain people, some advertising and the desire to succeed.
The Internet marketing niche, on the other hand, means that you will be promoting your own Internet marketing product. This is a very crowded field of endeavor and really difficult to break into. It’s a world filled with gurus and wise men who have been playing and winning the game for a long time. This doesn’t mean that it is impossible to cash in on the Internet marketing niche because, of course, you can. It is a world still built on demand and that means that if you have a product that can compete and if you have the willingness to play hard ball with the big boys then you can succeed at the Internet marketing niche game. Just be aware that there are easier niche market nuts to crack.
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The term ‘niche marketing’ means selling a specific product to a specific type of buyer. There are far less competitive niches than an Internet marketing niche. Most niche markets are more open to the latest marketing strategies, as well. Small niche markets are not over stocked with gurus and wise men and are much easier for the beginning marketer to break into. A niche market allows you to promote your own niche product or that of a niche affiliate product. There is a niche market for anything and everything you can imagine. All it takes to break into a niche market is a good idea, a good product created by you or someone else that will appeal to certain people, some advertising and the desire to succeed.
The Internet marketing niche, on the other hand, means that you will be promoting your own Internet marketing product. This is a very crowded field of endeavor and really difficult to break into. It’s a world filled with gurus and wise men who have been playing and winning the game for a long time. This doesn’t mean that it is impossible to cash in on the Internet marketing niche because, of course, you can. It is a world still built on demand and that means that if you have a product that can compete and if you have the willingness to play hard ball with the big boys then you can succeed at the Internet marketing niche game. Just be aware that there are easier niche market nuts to crack.
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Tuesday, August 24, 2010
What's Niche Marketing?
"Niche" can be defined as:
"A special area of demand for a product or service".
"Marketing" is defined as:
"The opportunity to buy or sell".
If you put the two works together, niche marketing means "Buying or Selling a product or service in a special area of demand". All that really means is that a product or service is being sold to the people who are most interested in that particular product or service and not to the world in general.
Oftentimes big businesses use niche marketing. For example, a company that makes computers and computer accessories might advertise all-in-one copy/printer/scanners to the home computer user while at the same time advertising single function machines to large businesses.
One of the things that make niche marketing so attractive to sellers is that their advertising budgets go further. It costs less to advertise to a specialized market than it does to advertise to a broader market.
Niche marketing must be designed to meet the unique needs of the targeted audience. Niche marketers must tailor their product to meet those unique needs. If, for example, you have designed a product to make poodle grooming easy enough for the untrained professional to do it, those who own poodles will be most interested in your product. Those who own Blood Hounds or cats couldn’t care less. If you have written an e-book that will explain how to start and succeed at an online business, those who are looking for that information are your niche market. Those who are happy doing what they are doing are not interested at all.
Niche marketing is a very effective and cost efficient way to advertise and sell specific products or services to a specific audience or, hopefully, buyers of that product or service.
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"A special area of demand for a product or service".
"Marketing" is defined as:
"The opportunity to buy or sell".
If you put the two works together, niche marketing means "Buying or Selling a product or service in a special area of demand". All that really means is that a product or service is being sold to the people who are most interested in that particular product or service and not to the world in general.
Oftentimes big businesses use niche marketing. For example, a company that makes computers and computer accessories might advertise all-in-one copy/printer/scanners to the home computer user while at the same time advertising single function machines to large businesses.
One of the things that make niche marketing so attractive to sellers is that their advertising budgets go further. It costs less to advertise to a specialized market than it does to advertise to a broader market.
Niche marketing must be designed to meet the unique needs of the targeted audience. Niche marketers must tailor their product to meet those unique needs. If, for example, you have designed a product to make poodle grooming easy enough for the untrained professional to do it, those who own poodles will be most interested in your product. Those who own Blood Hounds or cats couldn’t care less. If you have written an e-book that will explain how to start and succeed at an online business, those who are looking for that information are your niche market. Those who are happy doing what they are doing are not interested at all.
Niche marketing is a very effective and cost efficient way to advertise and sell specific products or services to a specific audience or, hopefully, buyers of that product or service.
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Thursday, August 12, 2010
SEO: Towards Internet Marketing Success
The acronym SEO is not new for most Internet marketers. In fact, it is one of the unwritten protocols that must be learned and kept in mind by every aspiring Internet marketer. Thus, if you are unfamiliar with SEO, you will experience difficulty in terms of achieving your Internet marketing business objectives.
Before discussing SEO to Internet marketing beginners, let's first tackle search engines. If you are familiar with Yahoo, Google, or MSN (Bing), these are some of the widely used search engines on the Internet. If you are looking for any information on the Internet, search engines will always be your first and probably your sole option. You will just type several words that are related to the information you are looking for on the search box, and when you click the "search button", you will be redirected to a page that contains listings of websites containing the words that you type on the search box.
Because of the popularity of search engines to Internet users, Internet marketers consider it as one of the primary tools in getting online buyers. Thus, it paved the way to the birth of SEO as an essential attribute on Internet marketing. The acronym stands for search engine optimization, which is the art of producing web pages that will have high rankings on related search engine results. It is accomplished through optimization of several sections or elements in the HTML coding of every web page. Search engines specifically interpret such sections, and the latter will rank the former according to its level of optimization.
There are various methods and opinions on how a certain webpage should be optimized. Such methods and opinions will heavily dependent on the type website you have, its contents, the purpose of its existence, and the existing competition. However, when speaking about general SEO, it heavily depends on the proper use of certain keywords and/or key phrases that are used to describe your website's content.
Probably you will wonder how these keywords affect the SEO performance of your Internet marketing website. When you search for needed information using several words, you will notice that such words are "highlighted" when search results are displayed. The words that you type on the search box serves as the "keywords" that is utilized by webmasters in optimizing their websites. Although it may not be of importance to an Internet user, but it is as good as "gold" for Internet marketers who want their site to be shown on the top pages of every related search engine result.
Keywords that are used in SEO have standard placements on a website. For instance, such keywords must appear on the title section of your webpage's source code. Moreover, it must appear on the META description section wherein the page is described in an accurate manner by repeating the selected keywords. The META section often contains the keywords that are used to describe your site's content and its product or service.
If you will carefully analyze the previous discussion, you will notice that the performance of the site's SEO heavily depends on the keywords that you are using. Thus, the main keywords or key phrases must appear on the first 2 paragraphs of the content of every page, and then scatter it throughout the rest of the page. In scattering your main keywords, make sure that it will be an integral part of the content itself. It must appear as if it is among the original content of the page.
In addition, the last paragraph of each page must be keyword-rich. One of the unwritten rules involving keyword placement is that the keywords density of your page must be between 5 to 15 percent. Although it is advised that you maximize the use of your keywords, avoid using it excessively. A content with keyword density above the standard will not help on the optimization of your website.
Another consideration in SEO performance of your site is the placement of relative back links, or hyperlinks directing to external sites. It is relatively important since search engine spiders navigate through links. In addition, the text of your page relating to external links may also contain keywords.
If you are one of the aspiring Internet marketers who want to take the challenge of earning on the Internet, do not ever forget the acronym that will lead you to the success of your Internet marketing career-SEO.
Before discussing SEO to Internet marketing beginners, let's first tackle search engines. If you are familiar with Yahoo, Google, or MSN (Bing), these are some of the widely used search engines on the Internet. If you are looking for any information on the Internet, search engines will always be your first and probably your sole option. You will just type several words that are related to the information you are looking for on the search box, and when you click the "search button", you will be redirected to a page that contains listings of websites containing the words that you type on the search box.
Because of the popularity of search engines to Internet users, Internet marketers consider it as one of the primary tools in getting online buyers. Thus, it paved the way to the birth of SEO as an essential attribute on Internet marketing. The acronym stands for search engine optimization, which is the art of producing web pages that will have high rankings on related search engine results. It is accomplished through optimization of several sections or elements in the HTML coding of every web page. Search engines specifically interpret such sections, and the latter will rank the former according to its level of optimization.
There are various methods and opinions on how a certain webpage should be optimized. Such methods and opinions will heavily dependent on the type website you have, its contents, the purpose of its existence, and the existing competition. However, when speaking about general SEO, it heavily depends on the proper use of certain keywords and/or key phrases that are used to describe your website's content.
Probably you will wonder how these keywords affect the SEO performance of your Internet marketing website. When you search for needed information using several words, you will notice that such words are "highlighted" when search results are displayed. The words that you type on the search box serves as the "keywords" that is utilized by webmasters in optimizing their websites. Although it may not be of importance to an Internet user, but it is as good as "gold" for Internet marketers who want their site to be shown on the top pages of every related search engine result.
Keywords that are used in SEO have standard placements on a website. For instance, such keywords must appear on the title section of your webpage's source code. Moreover, it must appear on the META description section wherein the page is described in an accurate manner by repeating the selected keywords. The META section often contains the keywords that are used to describe your site's content and its product or service.
If you will carefully analyze the previous discussion, you will notice that the performance of the site's SEO heavily depends on the keywords that you are using. Thus, the main keywords or key phrases must appear on the first 2 paragraphs of the content of every page, and then scatter it throughout the rest of the page. In scattering your main keywords, make sure that it will be an integral part of the content itself. It must appear as if it is among the original content of the page.
In addition, the last paragraph of each page must be keyword-rich. One of the unwritten rules involving keyword placement is that the keywords density of your page must be between 5 to 15 percent. Although it is advised that you maximize the use of your keywords, avoid using it excessively. A content with keyword density above the standard will not help on the optimization of your website.
Another consideration in SEO performance of your site is the placement of relative back links, or hyperlinks directing to external sites. It is relatively important since search engine spiders navigate through links. In addition, the text of your page relating to external links may also contain keywords.
If you are one of the aspiring Internet marketers who want to take the challenge of earning on the Internet, do not ever forget the acronym that will lead you to the success of your Internet marketing career-SEO.
Mobile Marketing
In a nutshell, Mobile marketing can be classified into two types based on the technology involved:
1. Marketing on the move like moving billboards and road shows - This is the more traditional form.
2. Marketing on a mobile phone like cell phone - Since the onset of millennium, mobile marketing though cell phone has become very popular. Short message service popularly known as SMS has made marketing by this method a lot easier.
There were some problems in the beginning as unwanted information was being sent to the people. Most of the SMS that were passed around was spam and it received negative media response in all parts of the world. This was because a sector of the advertisers bought list of mobile users and began sending them unsolicited messages. They were later stopped due to strict security measures and laws passed. Marketing industry recognized the potential of mobile marketing and utilized it to the full extent. The mobile service providers coded guidelines and laws. It then became a legal advertising channel. The Mobile Marketing Association and Interactive Advertising Bureau also have laid down guidelines for the proper functioning of mobile marketing.
Mobile marketing has become popular in Asia and Europe as it is a novel idea and in Europe alone hundreds of millions of pounds have been investing in SMS advertising. Now SMS has become the most famous part of mobile marketing. Because of the popularity of short codes, SMSing has become a lot easier. This has created a new approach to reach out to potential customers. Now mobile short codes are looked upon as mobile domain name, by many of the brands around the world, when the customers message the brand at any occasion.
In the U.S., the first SMS short code campaign was started in 2002. SMS containing short codes are easier to send a message with complete information. Short codes are usually numbers that are assigned to mobile operators of a particular location, which they use for brand campaigning and other purposes. They are very small, like they contain only four to five words. These numbers are always under scrutiny by the service provider and each and every message is monitored to see that they do not go against the original service description.
Like opt-in emails, customers have to opt for SMSes. This is the biggest criterion, which the advertiser has to follow in order to send a promotional SMS. Some of the mobile operators ask for double opt-in form from the receiver. At the same time opting out is made easy for the customer. When the customer wishes to terminate receiving messages, they have to send STOP word by SMS. All these guidelines have been laid by the Mobile Marketing Association consumer best practice guidelines and it’s a compulsion to follow those by all the marketers who wish to do mobile marketing in America.
Now, service providers have started to provide the option of sending SMS to email addresses. Other than this, other services provided are mobile games, mobile tones etc., which are used for promotional purposes. This has lead to the invention of MMS or Multi-media Message Service, through which short promotional videos and animations can be send. Bluetooth is another good technology. It started in 2003, and many companies in Europe have found it useful. When a message is send via Bluetooth, the receiver should accept request from the sender. So, sending messages by this method is legitimate. The message transfer speed is high and is also a free service as it is a radio-based technology.
The method of sending SMS advertisement to mobile phone users based on their geographical location is known as Location based service. The customer is tracked via a GPS chip which is built-in the phone. Radiolocation signals from the nearest cell phone towers are used for this purpose.
Mobile marketing follows a very safe marketing strategy, as it is customer opted. The short message sent through this method is known as mobile originated or MO message. If the advertisement is done through a call, the call is known as mobile terminated or MT message. As there is a phenomenal increase in the number of mobile phone users, this kind of marketing is a sure hit.
How to tap the Pocket-Sized Money Machine that's ALREADY 5 Times BIGGER than the Internet?
Want to Jump on the Hottest Untapped Marketing Trend?
Get The Answer >>> Mobile Monopoly
1. Marketing on the move like moving billboards and road shows - This is the more traditional form.
2. Marketing on a mobile phone like cell phone - Since the onset of millennium, mobile marketing though cell phone has become very popular. Short message service popularly known as SMS has made marketing by this method a lot easier.
There were some problems in the beginning as unwanted information was being sent to the people. Most of the SMS that were passed around was spam and it received negative media response in all parts of the world. This was because a sector of the advertisers bought list of mobile users and began sending them unsolicited messages. They were later stopped due to strict security measures and laws passed. Marketing industry recognized the potential of mobile marketing and utilized it to the full extent. The mobile service providers coded guidelines and laws. It then became a legal advertising channel. The Mobile Marketing Association and Interactive Advertising Bureau also have laid down guidelines for the proper functioning of mobile marketing.
Mobile marketing has become popular in Asia and Europe as it is a novel idea and in Europe alone hundreds of millions of pounds have been investing in SMS advertising. Now SMS has become the most famous part of mobile marketing. Because of the popularity of short codes, SMSing has become a lot easier. This has created a new approach to reach out to potential customers. Now mobile short codes are looked upon as mobile domain name, by many of the brands around the world, when the customers message the brand at any occasion.
In the U.S., the first SMS short code campaign was started in 2002. SMS containing short codes are easier to send a message with complete information. Short codes are usually numbers that are assigned to mobile operators of a particular location, which they use for brand campaigning and other purposes. They are very small, like they contain only four to five words. These numbers are always under scrutiny by the service provider and each and every message is monitored to see that they do not go against the original service description.
Like opt-in emails, customers have to opt for SMSes. This is the biggest criterion, which the advertiser has to follow in order to send a promotional SMS. Some of the mobile operators ask for double opt-in form from the receiver. At the same time opting out is made easy for the customer. When the customer wishes to terminate receiving messages, they have to send STOP word by SMS. All these guidelines have been laid by the Mobile Marketing Association consumer best practice guidelines and it’s a compulsion to follow those by all the marketers who wish to do mobile marketing in America.
Now, service providers have started to provide the option of sending SMS to email addresses. Other than this, other services provided are mobile games, mobile tones etc., which are used for promotional purposes. This has lead to the invention of MMS or Multi-media Message Service, through which short promotional videos and animations can be send. Bluetooth is another good technology. It started in 2003, and many companies in Europe have found it useful. When a message is send via Bluetooth, the receiver should accept request from the sender. So, sending messages by this method is legitimate. The message transfer speed is high and is also a free service as it is a radio-based technology.
The method of sending SMS advertisement to mobile phone users based on their geographical location is known as Location based service. The customer is tracked via a GPS chip which is built-in the phone. Radiolocation signals from the nearest cell phone towers are used for this purpose.
Mobile marketing follows a very safe marketing strategy, as it is customer opted. The short message sent through this method is known as mobile originated or MO message. If the advertisement is done through a call, the call is known as mobile terminated or MT message. As there is a phenomenal increase in the number of mobile phone users, this kind of marketing is a sure hit.
How to tap the Pocket-Sized Money Machine that's ALREADY 5 Times BIGGER than the Internet?
Want to Jump on the Hottest Untapped Marketing Trend?
Get The Answer >>> Mobile Monopoly
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Tips for Rewriting Your Articles
Are you a webmaster who writes your own articles? If so,
what do you do with those articles? Chances are you list
them on your website as content. This is nice, but have
you ever considered rewriting those articles to extend their
As for what rewriting articles can do for you, it can get you
a better value for your money and make better use of your
time. If you can rewrite your own articles multiple times,
you get an amazing deal. For example, you can rewrite an
article five different times to walk away with a total of six
articles, only one of which you had to put your full effort into.
Although rewriting articles may seem hard, it is an easy process.
In fact, it is one that you should be able to do yourself.
As for how much rewriting is required, it depends on your intended
use. Do you want your website to share helpful information with
readers? If so, rewriting an article that basically states the same
points isn’t recommend for website content. Your readers may
think your website is too repetitive. Instead, use those rewrites
for marketing purposes.
Since many writers put most of their time and effort into the
original article, the one that rewrites will be based on, that article
should be posted on your website. The rewritten articles can be
submitted to article directories. Although you aren’t paid for
posting your articles, do you indirectly help to increase your profits.
Blogging is also increasing in popularity and many website owners
now have blogs that accompany their niche websites. You can use
your blog to promote your website and visa versa. Rewritten articles
can be posted on your blog as well. When doing so, consider shortening
the articles or dividing them into multiple posts. Readers do not
expect to see long articles on blogs, as they do with traditional websites.
The main goal of rewriting outsourced articles is to eliminate duplicate
content. You could be penalized by the search engines for having
duplicate content on your website. Your website may disappear
from the search engine or drop in ranking. For that reason, don’t
distribute the same articles to article directories that you have
posted on your website. That is why rewriting is advised.
The good news is that you don’t have to write a whole new article.
You basically want to trick the search engines into believing that
you did. As for how you can do so, rearrange a few sentences,
change the context of a few sentences in each paragraph, and
reorder your paragraphs when possible.
As an example:
“If you are looking for ways to save money on groceries, try using
online coupon websites to your advantage.”
This can become “You can use online coupon websites to help you
save money on groceries.”
By rearranging the wording of the sentence, you have new content,
but the sentence retains its original meaning. Not all sentences need
to be reworded as such. While your goal is to basically trick the
search engines, make sure your articles are easy for readers to
Although it is easier to rewrite your own articles, you may not want
to or have the time to do so. If that is the case, this website can
help a great deal!
what do you do with those articles? Chances are you list
them on your website as content. This is nice, but have
you ever considered rewriting those articles to extend their
As for what rewriting articles can do for you, it can get you
a better value for your money and make better use of your
time. If you can rewrite your own articles multiple times,
you get an amazing deal. For example, you can rewrite an
article five different times to walk away with a total of six
articles, only one of which you had to put your full effort into.
Although rewriting articles may seem hard, it is an easy process.
In fact, it is one that you should be able to do yourself.
As for how much rewriting is required, it depends on your intended
use. Do you want your website to share helpful information with
readers? If so, rewriting an article that basically states the same
points isn’t recommend for website content. Your readers may
think your website is too repetitive. Instead, use those rewrites
for marketing purposes.
Since many writers put most of their time and effort into the
original article, the one that rewrites will be based on, that article
should be posted on your website. The rewritten articles can be
submitted to article directories. Although you aren’t paid for
posting your articles, do you indirectly help to increase your profits.
Blogging is also increasing in popularity and many website owners
now have blogs that accompany their niche websites. You can use
your blog to promote your website and visa versa. Rewritten articles
can be posted on your blog as well. When doing so, consider shortening
the articles or dividing them into multiple posts. Readers do not
expect to see long articles on blogs, as they do with traditional websites.
The main goal of rewriting outsourced articles is to eliminate duplicate
content. You could be penalized by the search engines for having
duplicate content on your website. Your website may disappear
from the search engine or drop in ranking. For that reason, don’t
distribute the same articles to article directories that you have
posted on your website. That is why rewriting is advised.
The good news is that you don’t have to write a whole new article.
You basically want to trick the search engines into believing that
you did. As for how you can do so, rearrange a few sentences,
change the context of a few sentences in each paragraph, and
reorder your paragraphs when possible.
As an example:
“If you are looking for ways to save money on groceries, try using
online coupon websites to your advantage.”
This can become “You can use online coupon websites to help you
save money on groceries.”
By rearranging the wording of the sentence, you have new content,
but the sentence retains its original meaning. Not all sentences need
to be reworded as such. While your goal is to basically trick the
search engines, make sure your articles are easy for readers to
Although it is easier to rewrite your own articles, you may not want
to or have the time to do so. If that is the case, this website can
help a great deal!
Monday, August 2, 2010
Keyword Research and Internet Marketing
Keywords are terms or words that relate to particular topics
in Internet marketing. Keyword research involves various
aspects, such as finding sales oriented keywords or driving
maximum qualified users to increase their online sales.
Keyword research is the first step towards a successful search
engine optimization campaign. You have to be very careful when
selecting keywords, as it can be very tricky to select targeted
keywords for a website.
The selection of keywords should always be based on various
aspects such as product names, services, brands, or general terms.
Often times, people forget about targeting geographical terms when
they have global presence.
When doing keyword research, it's highly recommended to do a very
thorough market research analysis to find the best keywords used
by search engines to find products and services online - and find out
what keywords are targeted by competitors who are doing well in
marketing on the Internet.
The first step in finding the best keywords is to make a list of the
products, topics, and services that you offer. You can also make good
use of your website logs to know which keywords have brought
you the traffic in the past.
Be sure to select keywords that clearly define your business and
products to drive traffic from the search engines. There are some
websites which get high levels of traffic through general keywords
although they might not end up being sales.
Today, users of search engines are aware of how they work, for
searching products and services on the net. Users always look for
the better products, locations, etc. Therefore, you should cover all
terms for each - products, locations, etc.
There are numerous tools available which will help you identify
keywords that are suitable for search engines. The challenge here,
is to determine which keyword is the best to generate traffic.
in Internet marketing. Keyword research involves various
aspects, such as finding sales oriented keywords or driving
maximum qualified users to increase their online sales.
Keyword research is the first step towards a successful search
engine optimization campaign. You have to be very careful when
selecting keywords, as it can be very tricky to select targeted
keywords for a website.
The selection of keywords should always be based on various
aspects such as product names, services, brands, or general terms.
Often times, people forget about targeting geographical terms when
they have global presence.
When doing keyword research, it's highly recommended to do a very
thorough market research analysis to find the best keywords used
by search engines to find products and services online - and find out
what keywords are targeted by competitors who are doing well in
marketing on the Internet.
The first step in finding the best keywords is to make a list of the
products, topics, and services that you offer. You can also make good
use of your website logs to know which keywords have brought
you the traffic in the past.
Be sure to select keywords that clearly define your business and
products to drive traffic from the search engines. There are some
websites which get high levels of traffic through general keywords
although they might not end up being sales.
Today, users of search engines are aware of how they work, for
searching products and services on the net. Users always look for
the better products, locations, etc. Therefore, you should cover all
terms for each - products, locations, etc.
There are numerous tools available which will help you identify
keywords that are suitable for search engines. The challenge here,
is to determine which keyword is the best to generate traffic.
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Facebook As a Marketing Tool: Turning Facebook Traffic Into Cash
Today, Facebook is not only one of the hottest social networking
websites available in the Internet, it is now the largest traffic
source in the US! Facebook has even overtaken Google in terms
of traffic volume -- According to a major tracking website,, March 2010 was the first month that Facebook
had overtaken Google as the most trafficked website in the US.
Here at Facebook, you will be able keep in touch with your friends
as well as your relatives and even meet new friends and build new
relationships. With all the tools and applications that Facebook has
to offer, you will see that it is a lot of fun and it will definitely provide
a great way for you to interact with other people with accounts on
However, you have to consider the fact that Facebook is not only
a website that you can use to connect with your friends. It is also
a tool that you can use to market the products and services you offer.
If you have an online business or you are an internet marketer, you
will see that Facebook is the perfect place to market in the internet.
With more than 400 million active users from all over the world, you
will see that this website is truly the Internet marketer's dream.
So, here are some tips that you can use in order to use Facebook at
its full potential and let it help you make a lot of money.
The first thing that you need to remember is that once you have a
Facebook account, you might want to fill out your profile. Don’t just
include your name, age and other basic things, but you need to really
fill your profile page. You need to remember that the best profile is
often a profile that is fully completed.
Once you establish your network, just don’t stay in that circle. Try to
interact with other people within your industry. This is a great way
to build new relationships and is also a great way to market your
products or services as well as your business website. To do this,
you might want to join groups related to your profession. This way,
you will be able to meet people that are also interested in what you
have to offer.
You have to remember that Facebook is all about connecting and
interacting with other members. So, you shouldn’t be shy. Try
interacting with other members. Once you establish a relationship,
then you will be able to expand your network and improve your
marketing strategy.
In Internet marketing, getting targeted traffic is the key to success.
If you have a Facebook profile page, you might want to make a
unique profile page in order to catch other people's attention. Try
adding some applications, such as games and add some videos as
well as syndicate your blog website using RSS. By doing these things,
you will be able to provide people with lots of fun things to do in your
profile page.
These are some of the things that you need to do in order to successfully
market in Facebook. Always remember that getting people to view your
profile page is the key to success in Facebook marketing. Through these
tips, you can be sure that you will get a lot of viewers in your profile page
and increase the chances of getting them in your business website or get
them to buy your products or services.
The mount of traffic you can find on Facebook is simply amazing. In
addition to having the most amount of US traffic, Facebook is also more
targeted than Google or most other traffic sources out there! That means…
better customers, better traffic, better profits!
How Can You Make Money On Facebook?
There's an excellent ebook written by Jonathan Volk entitled
"Facebook Ads Guide" which you can download and learn how
to successfully use Facebook to market your products and
services online.
Jonathan Volk is a well known and trusted super affiliate who
had personally generated over $1,000,000 in revenue using
Facebook Ads in just 10 months time!
Click here to download Facebook Ads Guide
websites available in the Internet, it is now the largest traffic
source in the US! Facebook has even overtaken Google in terms
of traffic volume -- According to a major tracking website,, March 2010 was the first month that Facebook
had overtaken Google as the most trafficked website in the US.
Here at Facebook, you will be able keep in touch with your friends
as well as your relatives and even meet new friends and build new
relationships. With all the tools and applications that Facebook has
to offer, you will see that it is a lot of fun and it will definitely provide
a great way for you to interact with other people with accounts on
However, you have to consider the fact that Facebook is not only
a website that you can use to connect with your friends. It is also
a tool that you can use to market the products and services you offer.
If you have an online business or you are an internet marketer, you
will see that Facebook is the perfect place to market in the internet.
With more than 400 million active users from all over the world, you
will see that this website is truly the Internet marketer's dream.
So, here are some tips that you can use in order to use Facebook at
its full potential and let it help you make a lot of money.
The first thing that you need to remember is that once you have a
Facebook account, you might want to fill out your profile. Don’t just
include your name, age and other basic things, but you need to really
fill your profile page. You need to remember that the best profile is
often a profile that is fully completed.
Once you establish your network, just don’t stay in that circle. Try to
interact with other people within your industry. This is a great way
to build new relationships and is also a great way to market your
products or services as well as your business website. To do this,
you might want to join groups related to your profession. This way,
you will be able to meet people that are also interested in what you
have to offer.
You have to remember that Facebook is all about connecting and
interacting with other members. So, you shouldn’t be shy. Try
interacting with other members. Once you establish a relationship,
then you will be able to expand your network and improve your
marketing strategy.
In Internet marketing, getting targeted traffic is the key to success.
If you have a Facebook profile page, you might want to make a
unique profile page in order to catch other people's attention. Try
adding some applications, such as games and add some videos as
well as syndicate your blog website using RSS. By doing these things,
you will be able to provide people with lots of fun things to do in your
profile page.
These are some of the things that you need to do in order to successfully
market in Facebook. Always remember that getting people to view your
profile page is the key to success in Facebook marketing. Through these
tips, you can be sure that you will get a lot of viewers in your profile page
and increase the chances of getting them in your business website or get
them to buy your products or services.
The mount of traffic you can find on Facebook is simply amazing. In
addition to having the most amount of US traffic, Facebook is also more
targeted than Google or most other traffic sources out there! That means…
better customers, better traffic, better profits!
How Can You Make Money On Facebook?
There's an excellent ebook written by Jonathan Volk entitled
"Facebook Ads Guide" which you can download and learn how
to successfully use Facebook to market your products and
services online.
Jonathan Volk is a well known and trusted super affiliate who
had personally generated over $1,000,000 in revenue using
Facebook Ads in just 10 months time!
Click here to download Facebook Ads Guide
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Info Prodigy - Million Dollar Info Product Secrets Exposed
Tim Godfrey and Steve Clayton are at it again! These two
well-known super affiliates along with the expertise of
Kate Anderson, are formally launching the long awaited
'Info Prodigy' product on the 9th August... a course that
reveals the exact process Tim and Steve have used to make
millions of dollars online selling information... in both Internet
marketing and Non-Internet marketing markets.
Tim Godfrey and Steve Clayton are best known as the creators
of Niche Blueprint and Commission Blueprint. And Kate Anderson
has created and sold over 300 information products and has also
created entire courses for many Internet marketing gurus and
Info Prodigy - Million Dollar Info Product Secrets
Exposed In Seven (7) Parts
Info Prodigy Part 1 - Finding a niche
1.01: Introduction
1.02: Brainstorming part 1
1.03: Brainstorming part 2
1.04: Testing The Market
Info Prodigy Part 2 - Developing Your Product
2.01: Do It Yourself Info Product Creation
- How to organize & structure info product
- How to research ideas
- Creating a USP
- Compiling, packaging, finishing touches
- PLR Mastery
- How to use private label rights to create high value info products
- Where to find quality PLR products
- How to modify/edit/improve private label
- How to re+package private label products
- Outsourcing Blueprint
- How to outsource your info product
- Where to find freelancers, choosing the best developers
- How to protect yourself when hiring freelancers
- Payment terms & delivery
2.02: 72 Hour Info Product
- How to compile info products from articles & reports
- How to create a Q&A info product
- Interview Secrets
- How to approach & interview experts to create info products
- Where to find market experts
- What questions to ask
- Equipment Needed
- How to package the info product
- Offering various formats, enhancing value
- Do It Yourself Info Product Creation
- How to organize & structure info product
- How to research ideas
- Creating a USP
- Finishing Touches For A Polished Product
- Bonus: Ebook Templates (will see what I can come up with )
2.03: Protecting Your Product
- How to set up download protection
- Protection Software & Script resource file
2.04: Continuity Profits
- How to create a successful membership website
- Finding & re-purposing content
- Setting up the website (membership script overview)
- Choosing Your Membership Format ( e+courses, training,
monthly/traditional etc)
- Boosting member retention rates
- Increasing subscriber value
Info Prodigy Part 3 - Sales and marketing strategies
3.01: Introduction
3.02: Product and domain names
- Why names are so important
- Choosing a catchy name
3.03: Product Presentation and Pricing
- Deciding How To Present
- deciding how to price
3.04: Creating a pitch page
- Sales Methods
- Sales copy
- Video sales
- Layouts
3.05: Product Product Graphics and Images
- What graphics to use and why
- How and where to get them done
3.06: Membership Models
- The advantage of membership models
- Creating an Angle
- how to implement
3.07: Upselling And Backend funnels
- Exit pops - trials, reductions and list building
- Upselling techniques and examples
Info Prodigy Part 4 - Taking Payments
4.01: Introduction
4.02: Payment Processors
- Clickbank
- Paydotcom
4.03: Process Flow
- Content
4.04: Setting Up And Autoresponder
- Content
4.05: Protecting Yourself Legally
- Documents that you should include
- Where to get then and how to implement
- Affiliate legal issues
Info Prodigy Part 5 - Getting Affiliates And JV Partners
5.01: Introduction
5.02: Building Relationships
- The importance of building relationships
- How to do it
- How to find affiliates and JV partners
- Advertising
- Forums
- Networking events
5.03: How to contact affiliates and JV partners
- What to say
- Email templates
5.04: Creating Affiliate Tools and resources
- The importance of affiliate tools
- What to include
- Examples
Info Prodigy Part 6 - Launching Your Product
6.01: Introduction
6.02: The launch sequence
- Overview of launch process
- how to implement it
- process flow
6.03: Product launch techniques
- buzz building
- Free Stuff
- Scarcity
6.04: Creating a pre-launch
- What to include
- The set-up
6.05: Launch Crunch time
- Getting prepared
- Severs and backup
6.06: Post launch and customer support
- organizing support
- Outsourcing
- stopping refunds
Info Prodigy Part 7 - Exit Strategy, How To Sell Your
Website & Product
7.01: Getting Started
- How to set up your website for a quick and easy exit strategy
- Why and where to sell your info product/website
- Collecting Data + Important Information needed when selling
your website
7.02: Increasing Value
- How to add value to website before selling
- Essential Components Of A High Value Listing
7.03: Your Value Range
- How to determine the websites value
- How to price your website for the marketplace
- How to gauge perceived marketplace value
7.04: Killer Listing Strategies
- How to create an auction listing on Flippa
- Getting the most from your listing
- How to deal with bidder questions
- How to generate massive exposure for your listing
- When to list, starting price and reserve auctions
7.05: Completing The Sale
- Conducting buyer due diligence
- How to transfer website
- After sales support
Info Prodigy course will go Live on August 9. 2010.
In the mean time you can check out this video and sign up for
the free report entitled:
'From $24.95 to $2,495,000 Selling Information Online'.
well-known super affiliates along with the expertise of
Kate Anderson, are formally launching the long awaited
'Info Prodigy' product on the 9th August... a course that
reveals the exact process Tim and Steve have used to make
millions of dollars online selling information... in both Internet
marketing and Non-Internet marketing markets.
Tim Godfrey and Steve Clayton are best known as the creators
of Niche Blueprint and Commission Blueprint. And Kate Anderson
has created and sold over 300 information products and has also
created entire courses for many Internet marketing gurus and
Info Prodigy - Million Dollar Info Product Secrets
Exposed In Seven (7) Parts
Info Prodigy Part 1 - Finding a niche
1.01: Introduction
1.02: Brainstorming part 1
1.03: Brainstorming part 2
1.04: Testing The Market
Info Prodigy Part 2 - Developing Your Product
2.01: Do It Yourself Info Product Creation
- How to organize & structure info product
- How to research ideas
- Creating a USP
- Compiling, packaging, finishing touches
- PLR Mastery
- How to use private label rights to create high value info products
- Where to find quality PLR products
- How to modify/edit/improve private label
- How to re+package private label products
- Outsourcing Blueprint
- How to outsource your info product
- Where to find freelancers, choosing the best developers
- How to protect yourself when hiring freelancers
- Payment terms & delivery
2.02: 72 Hour Info Product
- How to compile info products from articles & reports
- How to create a Q&A info product
- Interview Secrets
- How to approach & interview experts to create info products
- Where to find market experts
- What questions to ask
- Equipment Needed
- How to package the info product
- Offering various formats, enhancing value
- Do It Yourself Info Product Creation
- How to organize & structure info product
- How to research ideas
- Creating a USP
- Finishing Touches For A Polished Product
- Bonus: Ebook Templates (will see what I can come up with )
2.03: Protecting Your Product
- How to set up download protection
- Protection Software & Script resource file
2.04: Continuity Profits
- How to create a successful membership website
- Finding & re-purposing content
- Setting up the website (membership script overview)
- Choosing Your Membership Format ( e+courses, training,
monthly/traditional etc)
- Boosting member retention rates
- Increasing subscriber value
Info Prodigy Part 3 - Sales and marketing strategies
3.01: Introduction
3.02: Product and domain names
- Why names are so important
- Choosing a catchy name
3.03: Product Presentation and Pricing
- Deciding How To Present
- deciding how to price
3.04: Creating a pitch page
- Sales Methods
- Sales copy
- Video sales
- Layouts
3.05: Product Product Graphics and Images
- What graphics to use and why
- How and where to get them done
3.06: Membership Models
- The advantage of membership models
- Creating an Angle
- how to implement
3.07: Upselling And Backend funnels
- Exit pops - trials, reductions and list building
- Upselling techniques and examples
Info Prodigy Part 4 - Taking Payments
4.01: Introduction
4.02: Payment Processors
- Clickbank
- Paydotcom
4.03: Process Flow
- Content
4.04: Setting Up And Autoresponder
- Content
4.05: Protecting Yourself Legally
- Documents that you should include
- Where to get then and how to implement
- Affiliate legal issues
Info Prodigy Part 5 - Getting Affiliates And JV Partners
5.01: Introduction
5.02: Building Relationships
- The importance of building relationships
- How to do it
- How to find affiliates and JV partners
- Advertising
- Forums
- Networking events
5.03: How to contact affiliates and JV partners
- What to say
- Email templates
5.04: Creating Affiliate Tools and resources
- The importance of affiliate tools
- What to include
- Examples
Info Prodigy Part 6 - Launching Your Product
6.01: Introduction
6.02: The launch sequence
- Overview of launch process
- how to implement it
- process flow
6.03: Product launch techniques
- buzz building
- Free Stuff
- Scarcity
6.04: Creating a pre-launch
- What to include
- The set-up
6.05: Launch Crunch time
- Getting prepared
- Severs and backup
6.06: Post launch and customer support
- organizing support
- Outsourcing
- stopping refunds
Info Prodigy Part 7 - Exit Strategy, How To Sell Your
Website & Product
7.01: Getting Started
- How to set up your website for a quick and easy exit strategy
- Why and where to sell your info product/website
- Collecting Data + Important Information needed when selling
your website
7.02: Increasing Value
- How to add value to website before selling
- Essential Components Of A High Value Listing
7.03: Your Value Range
- How to determine the websites value
- How to price your website for the marketplace
- How to gauge perceived marketplace value
7.04: Killer Listing Strategies
- How to create an auction listing on Flippa
- Getting the most from your listing
- How to deal with bidder questions
- How to generate massive exposure for your listing
- When to list, starting price and reserve auctions
7.05: Completing The Sale
- Conducting buyer due diligence
- How to transfer website
- After sales support
Info Prodigy course will go Live on August 9. 2010.
In the mean time you can check out this video and sign up for
the free report entitled:
'From $24.95 to $2,495,000 Selling Information Online'.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
How to Make Money Through Creating and Selling Information Products Online
It's a well known fact that the 'information business' is the
largest and most profitable online market in the world. And
is most likely to remain that way for many years to come.
That's why Apple can sell over a quarter of a million iPads in
just 24 hours... It's why Google performs over a quarter of a
billion searches each day...
...and it's all down to the mammoth numbers of people across
the world who go online to look for information that will solve
problems, provide solutions, and give answers that will make
their life better, easier or more efficient.
To them, it doesn't matter in what form the information is delivered
to them; as long as they get it - and get a result - FAST!
Is 'delivering' information to people something that YOU are already
involved in as a business?
If it is... then that's great news because what I'm about to reveal
could sky-rocket your revenue drastically.
Check out this video and sign up for the free report entitled:
'From $24.95 to $2,495,000 Selling Information Online'...
It has been devised by Tim Godfrey and Steve Clayton (the
creators of the Niche and Commission Blueprints) along with
the expertise of Kate Anderson who has been selling info
products for nearly ten years and has hundreds of them to her
The report reveals how Tim went from making his first sale
of the first ebook he created, to putting together (with Steve)
a string of hugely successful info products, one of which
generated over 2.5 million dollars in revenue in only 36 hours!
People want information and more often than not are willing to
pay you massive sums of money for it, if you have the solution
to their problem or possess the knowledge that they seek.
It's an amazing opportunity for a number of reasons.
Firstly, creating these types of product (ebooks, videos, audio etc)
is a business that you can run from home - it requires no previous
experience and little or no money to start.
Secondly, the profit margins are ridiculously high and you could
get extremely rich very quickly, if you follow the correct formula.
I mean, there are 50 page dieting ebooks out there selling at $39
a piece that have amassed nearly 100,000 sales (do the math!)...
and there are numerous instances of these sales numbers in many
different markets.
Amazing isn't it.... and what's even more incredible is that in each
case, the actual writing of these ebooks was an action that the
product creator took just ONE time!
Then, the sales from this original effort continue forever, raking
in income, even if the creator died... (glum - but a fact) Of course,
the process can be replicated over and over again.
The trend is not going to stop either...
As I've said, the online information market is already a billion-
dollar industry and is set to steadily increase as more of the global
population gets online and also begins needing and paying for
What does this mean?
Simply... more MONEY - for YOU!
*Even* if you created a 'mediocre' product, which by the way is
easy to do and could be outsourced and completed within the
space of 7 days, a FIVE-figure payday would NOT be out of the
This whole thing makes so much sense, yes?
I mean, most people, when they start trying to make money
online, begin with affiliate marketing as it is arguably the
fastest and easiest way to earn your first buck on the net.
...and whilst this is true... and even though millions of dollars
can be made from this business type, it does beg ONE question...
Why Be ONE Affiliate Among Thousands... When You Can
Have Thousands Of Affiliates Promoting For YOU?
As the Product Creator, affiliates will hammer YOUR sales page
with traffic and bring in revenue on autopilot... which is obviously
better than YOU being 1 out of a thousand affiliates trying to
hammer ANOTHER product owner's sales page with traffic.
Make sense? Hopefully it should.
Creating information products is possible to do with NO
experience at all, and can also be done alongside your affiliate
or ecommerce businesses, or indeed any other online venture
that you are currently pursuing.
As a result, I highly recommend you check out this video and
download the accompanying report that reveals more about
the exact step by step formula Tim, Steveand Kate have used
to make millions of dollars online selling information.
And don't forget to find out more about their upcoming and
highly anticipated step-by-step course called 'Info Prodigy'.
largest and most profitable online market in the world. And
is most likely to remain that way for many years to come.
That's why Apple can sell over a quarter of a million iPads in
just 24 hours... It's why Google performs over a quarter of a
billion searches each day...
...and it's all down to the mammoth numbers of people across
the world who go online to look for information that will solve
problems, provide solutions, and give answers that will make
their life better, easier or more efficient.
To them, it doesn't matter in what form the information is delivered
to them; as long as they get it - and get a result - FAST!
Is 'delivering' information to people something that YOU are already
involved in as a business?
If it is... then that's great news because what I'm about to reveal
could sky-rocket your revenue drastically.
Check out this video and sign up for the free report entitled:
'From $24.95 to $2,495,000 Selling Information Online'...
It has been devised by Tim Godfrey and Steve Clayton (the
creators of the Niche and Commission Blueprints) along with
the expertise of Kate Anderson who has been selling info
products for nearly ten years and has hundreds of them to her
The report reveals how Tim went from making his first sale
of the first ebook he created, to putting together (with Steve)
a string of hugely successful info products, one of which
generated over 2.5 million dollars in revenue in only 36 hours!
People want information and more often than not are willing to
pay you massive sums of money for it, if you have the solution
to their problem or possess the knowledge that they seek.
It's an amazing opportunity for a number of reasons.
Firstly, creating these types of product (ebooks, videos, audio etc)
is a business that you can run from home - it requires no previous
experience and little or no money to start.
Secondly, the profit margins are ridiculously high and you could
get extremely rich very quickly, if you follow the correct formula.
I mean, there are 50 page dieting ebooks out there selling at $39
a piece that have amassed nearly 100,000 sales (do the math!)...
and there are numerous instances of these sales numbers in many
different markets.
Amazing isn't it.... and what's even more incredible is that in each
case, the actual writing of these ebooks was an action that the
product creator took just ONE time!
Then, the sales from this original effort continue forever, raking
in income, even if the creator died... (glum - but a fact) Of course,
the process can be replicated over and over again.
The trend is not going to stop either...
As I've said, the online information market is already a billion-
dollar industry and is set to steadily increase as more of the global
population gets online and also begins needing and paying for
What does this mean?
Simply... more MONEY - for YOU!
*Even* if you created a 'mediocre' product, which by the way is
easy to do and could be outsourced and completed within the
space of 7 days, a FIVE-figure payday would NOT be out of the
This whole thing makes so much sense, yes?
I mean, most people, when they start trying to make money
online, begin with affiliate marketing as it is arguably the
fastest and easiest way to earn your first buck on the net.
...and whilst this is true... and even though millions of dollars
can be made from this business type, it does beg ONE question...
Why Be ONE Affiliate Among Thousands... When You Can
Have Thousands Of Affiliates Promoting For YOU?
As the Product Creator, affiliates will hammer YOUR sales page
with traffic and bring in revenue on autopilot... which is obviously
better than YOU being 1 out of a thousand affiliates trying to
hammer ANOTHER product owner's sales page with traffic.
Make sense? Hopefully it should.
Creating information products is possible to do with NO
experience at all, and can also be done alongside your affiliate
or ecommerce businesses, or indeed any other online venture
that you are currently pursuing.
As a result, I highly recommend you check out this video and
download the accompanying report that reveals more about
the exact step by step formula Tim, Steveand Kate have used
to make millions of dollars online selling information.
And don't forget to find out more about their upcoming and
highly anticipated step-by-step course called 'Info Prodigy'.
Saturday, July 24, 2010
CB Wealth Formula - The Most Powerful ClickBank Affiliate Marketing Blueprint
Earning a great income through ClickBank is a dream that
many Internet marketers have. What could be better than
setting up some campaigns, and seeing some wonderful
commissions come through your account?
Unfortunately, earning decent money isn't always as easy as
it looks. There are a variety of factors that go into being a
successful ClickBank affiliate. Thankfully, there are some
excellent products that have been created for this exact
There are many products out there that do not live up to
their claims, but I've found one that does a good job of it.
Take the time to learn how to earn commissions on ClickBank
the right way, and your bank account will thank you for it!
CB Wealth Formula - The Internet's Most Powerful
ClickBank Affiliate Marketing Blueprint...
... In which Two young marketers revealing their secret
affiliate system that makes them over $100,000 a month!
Anik Singal and Saj Purkayastha jointly created the CB Wealth
Anik Singal - Now running an Inc 500 company now (#2 Fastest
growing Education company in 2009 as named by Inc Magazine).
Anik was also named Top 3 Entrepreneurs under 25 by Business
Week magazine in 2009.
Anik Singal is best known as the founder of Affiliate Classroom,
a virtual learning center for Internet and Affiliate Marketing.
By now Anik has sold over $25M of products on the Internet –
through various ways!
Saj Purkayastha (Saj P) - Saj started just a few years ago and has
taken the Internet by storm. To date he has already sold over
$5M worth of products on the Internet and lives the dream lifestyle.
Rather than hiring employees or any of that, Saj used the CB Wealth
Formula system to go in a different direction than Anik. Saj mainly
runs his Multi-Million-Dollar empire using Clickbank.
Benefits of CB Wealth Formula:
- CB Wealth Formula teaches users how to market Clickbank
products using Googles. he system works by creating traffic
through list building which will then generate automated income.
- CB Wealth Formula guides students set up their own business
and provide them with a simple start system with the help of
Anik Singal's team of Internet marketing experts. entire process
for the students how to...
...choose the niches and sites,
...make and design their website
...receive a list of affiliate programs which are selling very well.
- The CB Wealth Formula package also provide students with
500 free email addresses by putting the students in an exclusive
network list.
Discover How You Can Use CB Wealth Formula To Create Your
Dream Income, Click Here For More Details
many Internet marketers have. What could be better than
setting up some campaigns, and seeing some wonderful
commissions come through your account?
Unfortunately, earning decent money isn't always as easy as
it looks. There are a variety of factors that go into being a
successful ClickBank affiliate. Thankfully, there are some
excellent products that have been created for this exact
There are many products out there that do not live up to
their claims, but I've found one that does a good job of it.
Take the time to learn how to earn commissions on ClickBank
the right way, and your bank account will thank you for it!
CB Wealth Formula - The Internet's Most Powerful
ClickBank Affiliate Marketing Blueprint...
... In which Two young marketers revealing their secret
affiliate system that makes them over $100,000 a month!
Anik Singal and Saj Purkayastha jointly created the CB Wealth
Anik Singal - Now running an Inc 500 company now (#2 Fastest
growing Education company in 2009 as named by Inc Magazine).
Anik was also named Top 3 Entrepreneurs under 25 by Business
Week magazine in 2009.
Anik Singal is best known as the founder of Affiliate Classroom,
a virtual learning center for Internet and Affiliate Marketing.
By now Anik has sold over $25M of products on the Internet –
through various ways!
Saj Purkayastha (Saj P) - Saj started just a few years ago and has
taken the Internet by storm. To date he has already sold over
$5M worth of products on the Internet and lives the dream lifestyle.
Rather than hiring employees or any of that, Saj used the CB Wealth
Formula system to go in a different direction than Anik. Saj mainly
runs his Multi-Million-Dollar empire using Clickbank.
Benefits of CB Wealth Formula:
- CB Wealth Formula teaches users how to market Clickbank
products using Googles. he system works by creating traffic
through list building which will then generate automated income.
- CB Wealth Formula guides students set up their own business
and provide them with a simple start system with the help of
Anik Singal's team of Internet marketing experts. entire process
for the students how to...
...choose the niches and sites,
...make and design their website
...receive a list of affiliate programs which are selling very well.
- The CB Wealth Formula package also provide students with
500 free email addresses by putting the students in an exclusive
network list.
Discover How You Can Use CB Wealth Formula To Create Your
Dream Income, Click Here For More Details
Friday, July 23, 2010
ClickBank Affiliate Marketing: Make Money Online With ClickBank
If you've been in Internet marketing for any length of time
at all, the chances are good that you have heard of ClickBank.
Why Should You Choose ClickBank to Make Money Online?
ClickBank is an online seller of digital e-books and software.
It is well-known in the marketing world because it is so easy
to become an affiliate or to sell your own products through this
ClickBank also has a long-standing reputation of paying their
affiliates on time. It doesn't hurt that many product owners
offer very generous commissions! For example, you might
earn anywhere from 50% to 75% of a product's price! All you
need to do is get people to click through your link and buy the
ClickBank works so well, that this is often the first stop for many
marketers who want to work as an affiliate. You can literally
create your own business and control your own income with
ClickBank. They are very reliable and have a vast selection of
One of the problems with many other affiliate programs on the
Web is that they are difficult to get accepted into, or it is difficult
to make sales with them. When you go with ClickBank, you will
nearly always get accepted as long as you provide accurate
information in your application.
Once you have signed up, you can easily grab what is called a hop
link to any product that is within the marketplace.
Once you have your hop link, or affiliate link, you will simply start
a campaign to promote the product of your choice. There are many
different ways to do this, but a common example is setting up a
review page of the product and writing articles linking to it. When
people find your articles in the search engines, they may go ahead
and buy the product if it relates to what they were searching for!
Of course, there are many things that go into selecting a profitable
ClickBank product. You need to choose a hungry niche that is
desperate for some kind of solution, or likes to take part in a
kind of hobby. Whatever it is, the people who are buying will be
Choosing a product and promoting it isn't easy, so that's why you
need the absolute best instruction on how to do so. Thankfully,
there are top-of-the-line products that have been created so
you can education yourself, and take action with, until you are
successfully earning a wonderful income with ClickBank.
Recommended further reading:
CB Wealth Formula - A ClickBank Affiliate Marketing Blueprint
at all, the chances are good that you have heard of ClickBank.
Why Should You Choose ClickBank to Make Money Online?
ClickBank is an online seller of digital e-books and software.
It is well-known in the marketing world because it is so easy
to become an affiliate or to sell your own products through this
ClickBank also has a long-standing reputation of paying their
affiliates on time. It doesn't hurt that many product owners
offer very generous commissions! For example, you might
earn anywhere from 50% to 75% of a product's price! All you
need to do is get people to click through your link and buy the
ClickBank works so well, that this is often the first stop for many
marketers who want to work as an affiliate. You can literally
create your own business and control your own income with
ClickBank. They are very reliable and have a vast selection of
One of the problems with many other affiliate programs on the
Web is that they are difficult to get accepted into, or it is difficult
to make sales with them. When you go with ClickBank, you will
nearly always get accepted as long as you provide accurate
information in your application.
Once you have signed up, you can easily grab what is called a hop
link to any product that is within the marketplace.
Once you have your hop link, or affiliate link, you will simply start
a campaign to promote the product of your choice. There are many
different ways to do this, but a common example is setting up a
review page of the product and writing articles linking to it. When
people find your articles in the search engines, they may go ahead
and buy the product if it relates to what they were searching for!
Of course, there are many things that go into selecting a profitable
ClickBank product. You need to choose a hungry niche that is
desperate for some kind of solution, or likes to take part in a
kind of hobby. Whatever it is, the people who are buying will be
Choosing a product and promoting it isn't easy, so that's why you
need the absolute best instruction on how to do so. Thankfully,
there are top-of-the-line products that have been created so
you can education yourself, and take action with, until you are
successfully earning a wonderful income with ClickBank.
Recommended further reading:
CB Wealth Formula - A ClickBank Affiliate Marketing Blueprint
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Get Started with Affiliate Marketing in 6 Easy Steps
Affiliate marketing is an easy to start online business. It is
really easy to start but requires the hard work to become
successful. In this post you will learn the six basic steps that
are required to enter in this business. The steps are brief
and quite simple.
Step 1: Pick a Market
Why to choose a market instead of product? The reason is
quite clear that you would like to put more products in your
pipeline. You have to choose a market which suits you. You
must obtain detailed information about it.
Step 2: Pick a Product
When you have picked a specific market, now it is time to select
a product. You will definitely want to add all the products at the
beginning, but it is advised not to do this in the start. If you
choose more products in the beginning, you will not be able to
focus. Your attention will be diverted to different products.
So it is better to choose one product to get best out of it.
When you have started getting the sales then you can add
more products.
Step 3: Build an Autoresponder Series
After you start your business, you must create a follow up series,
which is also called an autoresponder series. This series must have
the information about your product. There you can add contents
of your product. If you are selling golf clubs, you can build a series
having some basic information about it. There you can tell your
visitors how they can purchase golf clubs. You can also add some
advantages or the profiles of some major golfers in the world.
You should try to be more and more creative. It is observed that
during the period of first few months affiliates do not get reasonable
sales. But after six months, they expect to gain much better sales.
Step 4: Build a Page to Capture Emails
Create a page in your website where you will capture information
about your prospects so you can send them your follow-up series.
If you are building a business, having your own web site is a necessity.
This website will be needed to show your affiliate products to the
website visitors. You will grab the visitor’s emails to promote your
email campaigns.
Step 5: Use Traffic Generation Techniques
Once your website is up, use some traffic generation techniques.
After applying the traffic generation techniques, you should wait for
some time to get the results. Try different techniques and see the
results. Then on the basis of your experience, continue with the
technique that shows best results.
Step 6. Find additional related products
Once you have started to make a good and reliable income with a
single product, then you should add some new products to your
products list. But you must carefully select new products to put
them in the list.
Always start with a single, hot and demanding product to gain
good results. Concentrate on this single product, make your website
to display the product and capture the email addresses of visitors.
Use these email addresses and your website to start a powerful
advertisement campaign. Use the techniques to drive maximum
traffic to your website. Once you have started earning with a single
product, add more products and repeat the process.
Recommended Affiliate Marketing Course:
AffiloBlueprint - Your Blueprint to Affiliate Success
really easy to start but requires the hard work to become
successful. In this post you will learn the six basic steps that
are required to enter in this business. The steps are brief
and quite simple.
Step 1: Pick a Market
Why to choose a market instead of product? The reason is
quite clear that you would like to put more products in your
pipeline. You have to choose a market which suits you. You
must obtain detailed information about it.
Step 2: Pick a Product
When you have picked a specific market, now it is time to select
a product. You will definitely want to add all the products at the
beginning, but it is advised not to do this in the start. If you
choose more products in the beginning, you will not be able to
focus. Your attention will be diverted to different products.
So it is better to choose one product to get best out of it.
When you have started getting the sales then you can add
more products.
Step 3: Build an Autoresponder Series
After you start your business, you must create a follow up series,
which is also called an autoresponder series. This series must have
the information about your product. There you can add contents
of your product. If you are selling golf clubs, you can build a series
having some basic information about it. There you can tell your
visitors how they can purchase golf clubs. You can also add some
advantages or the profiles of some major golfers in the world.
You should try to be more and more creative. It is observed that
during the period of first few months affiliates do not get reasonable
sales. But after six months, they expect to gain much better sales.
Step 4: Build a Page to Capture Emails
Create a page in your website where you will capture information
about your prospects so you can send them your follow-up series.
If you are building a business, having your own web site is a necessity.
This website will be needed to show your affiliate products to the
website visitors. You will grab the visitor’s emails to promote your
email campaigns.
Step 5: Use Traffic Generation Techniques
Once your website is up, use some traffic generation techniques.
After applying the traffic generation techniques, you should wait for
some time to get the results. Try different techniques and see the
results. Then on the basis of your experience, continue with the
technique that shows best results.
Step 6. Find additional related products
Once you have started to make a good and reliable income with a
single product, then you should add some new products to your
products list. But you must carefully select new products to put
them in the list.
Always start with a single, hot and demanding product to gain
good results. Concentrate on this single product, make your website
to display the product and capture the email addresses of visitors.
Use these email addresses and your website to start a powerful
advertisement campaign. Use the techniques to drive maximum
traffic to your website. Once you have started earning with a single
product, add more products and repeat the process.
Recommended Affiliate Marketing Course:
AffiloBlueprint - Your Blueprint to Affiliate Success
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Affiliate Marketing: Staying Away From Scams
Many of us are upset and frustrated with our current jobs.
The low pay and sense of being undervalued drive many of
us to dream of our own businesses. However, the costs
combines with the risk factors stops most of us in our tracks.
Affiliate marketing is a way for people to work for themselves
with no risk. There is no cost to you and you’re paid on
performance. However, today one has to be careful. There are
plenty of scammers and con artists out there that are more
than happy to take you money and hard work off of you.
Unfortunately, affiliate marketing is not immune to these
scammers. Daily, people are taken in by promises of big
money with relatively little effort. In this article we will
teach you some of the signs to look for and tell you how to
spot a scam.
When you join an affiliate marketing scheme, you either going
to sell a product or a service. With products, you usually have
a choice and range to sell. How you decide to do this is largely
up to you. You could also sell a service. Web page designs as
well as increasing sales and Internet traffic are all examples
of services offered by affiliate marketing programs.
How many times have you seen as ad on the internet promising
huge earnings? Things like "Earn 1000$ a day" or Join our
program now and become a millionaire. If your look closely at
these ads they are not actually selling anything. Any company
that is just selling the opportunity to make money is likely a
scam. True, some affiliate marketing companies will have
attention grabbing headlines like the ones mentioned above.
However, if you go on to read the ad and information, there
will likely be a detailed description of what they company sells.
They will also have a disclaimer and terms and conditions listed.
These companies that offer, the opportunity to make money
are likely pyramid schemes. The only people paying money in
are the ones actually joining. There is no income being created,
just money being passed from person to person. Not only are
these scams and you’ll loose what you invested, they are also
illegal and you can face prosecution.
Another thing to watch out for is no free participation. If you
have to pay to join then you may have stumbled upon a scam
or what is known as a multilevel marketing program.
multi-level marketing programs are completely legal and
some people make good livings out of them. However, if you’re
not successful you may end up purchasing a bunch of products
that you cannot sell.
True affiliate programs are free. That is part of their attraction.
There are no costs to you and they should also be risk free.
Any Affiliate marketing programs that demands your money is
not an affiliate program. You should ask yourself why they are
misrepresenting themselves this way if they are legitimate.
Many of us dream of being our own bosses. We would love to be
able to take control of our lives and careers. The attraction of
answering only to you combined with setting your own working
hours and committing what your choose bring loads of people
into the affiliate marketing schemes. Affilaite marketing can be
an excellent way for a highly motivated, creative person to make
an excellent living. There are some wonderful programs out there
just waiting to be joined. However, for every great program there
is likely one that is fraudulent. Con artists operate in many areas
and unfortunate affiliate marketing is not immune.
Before joining, check to see what the company is selling. If they
are not selling goods or services then they are likely an illegal
pyramid scheme. If they require your own money to get started
then they are what are known as a multi level marketing program.
Affiliate marketing can be a great opportunity but you need to do
your homework.
Recommended Reading:
AffiloBlueprint - Your Blueprint to Affiliate Success
The low pay and sense of being undervalued drive many of
us to dream of our own businesses. However, the costs
combines with the risk factors stops most of us in our tracks.
Affiliate marketing is a way for people to work for themselves
with no risk. There is no cost to you and you’re paid on
performance. However, today one has to be careful. There are
plenty of scammers and con artists out there that are more
than happy to take you money and hard work off of you.
Unfortunately, affiliate marketing is not immune to these
scammers. Daily, people are taken in by promises of big
money with relatively little effort. In this article we will
teach you some of the signs to look for and tell you how to
spot a scam.
When you join an affiliate marketing scheme, you either going
to sell a product or a service. With products, you usually have
a choice and range to sell. How you decide to do this is largely
up to you. You could also sell a service. Web page designs as
well as increasing sales and Internet traffic are all examples
of services offered by affiliate marketing programs.
How many times have you seen as ad on the internet promising
huge earnings? Things like "Earn 1000$ a day" or Join our
program now and become a millionaire. If your look closely at
these ads they are not actually selling anything. Any company
that is just selling the opportunity to make money is likely a
scam. True, some affiliate marketing companies will have
attention grabbing headlines like the ones mentioned above.
However, if you go on to read the ad and information, there
will likely be a detailed description of what they company sells.
They will also have a disclaimer and terms and conditions listed.
These companies that offer, the opportunity to make money
are likely pyramid schemes. The only people paying money in
are the ones actually joining. There is no income being created,
just money being passed from person to person. Not only are
these scams and you’ll loose what you invested, they are also
illegal and you can face prosecution.
Another thing to watch out for is no free participation. If you
have to pay to join then you may have stumbled upon a scam
or what is known as a multilevel marketing program.
multi-level marketing programs are completely legal and
some people make good livings out of them. However, if you’re
not successful you may end up purchasing a bunch of products
that you cannot sell.
True affiliate programs are free. That is part of their attraction.
There are no costs to you and they should also be risk free.
Any Affiliate marketing programs that demands your money is
not an affiliate program. You should ask yourself why they are
misrepresenting themselves this way if they are legitimate.
Many of us dream of being our own bosses. We would love to be
able to take control of our lives and careers. The attraction of
answering only to you combined with setting your own working
hours and committing what your choose bring loads of people
into the affiliate marketing schemes. Affilaite marketing can be
an excellent way for a highly motivated, creative person to make
an excellent living. There are some wonderful programs out there
just waiting to be joined. However, for every great program there
is likely one that is fraudulent. Con artists operate in many areas
and unfortunate affiliate marketing is not immune.
Before joining, check to see what the company is selling. If they
are not selling goods or services then they are likely an illegal
pyramid scheme. If they require your own money to get started
then they are what are known as a multi level marketing program.
Affiliate marketing can be a great opportunity but you need to do
your homework.
Recommended Reading:
AffiloBlueprint - Your Blueprint to Affiliate Success
Monday, July 19, 2010
How to Make Piles of Cash Online By Giving Away Free Content - Free PDF Report Download
Mark Ling has just released a 23 page page report on:
"How to Make Piles of Cash By Giving Away Free Content"
In this report he reveals his 365 day autoresponder sequence
for maximizing repeat affiliate sales.
His section explaining how to convert more sales was enlightening
also, and there are a lot of other gold nuggets of advice contained
in this report.
You can download this free report here.
(It's available for a limited period of time only)
"How to Make Piles of Cash By Giving Away Free Content"
In this report he reveals his 365 day autoresponder sequence
for maximizing repeat affiliate sales.
His section explaining how to convert more sales was enlightening
also, and there are a lot of other gold nuggets of advice contained
in this report.
You can download this free report here.
(It's available for a limited period of time only)
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Free PDF Report Download: The 5 Step Formula for Making $10K/Month Online by Mark Ling
Have you ever read those stories about how people started an
online business with a tiny amount like $5 and grew it into a
multi-million dollar company?
Well, Mark Ling is one of those guys. I've been following him for
the past several years and he's one of those guys who just comes
across as so honest and genuine that it's easy to forget that he
earns a seven-figure income online.
It also means that whenever he reveals any of his strategies, people
sit up and take notice. Which is why there's currently a lot of excitement
over the release of his Free PDF Report:
"The 5-Step Formula to Earning 10k a Month Online".
In addition to earning all this money himself, Mark has spent
many years coaching people to make money online through
affiliate marketing.
Mark has the patience of a saint, but there's one thing that really
seems to bug him, and that's when people spend ages bashing
around with strategies and techniques that just DON'T WORK.
That's why he's laid out his strategy once and for all in this report.
If you've been trying a bit of affiliate marketing yourself and you
haven't seen much success, or if you're looking at trying to make
money online, I strongly recommend you grab this free report and
see whether you're on the right track.
Inside the 5 Step Formula Report, you'll discover Mark's step by
step system for building websites that maximize the revenue per
The system is genius and the great news is that you can implement
it right now. Mark hasn't held back, he has revealed his full system
here and you should print it out, make notes and follow this strategy.
This is really motivating and inspiring stuff...
It comes with a video version too, I hope you take action with this as
it is killer info!
For a limited time you can download this 5 Step Formula PDF Report
and video for free...
5 Step Formula PDF Report Free Download - Click Here
online business with a tiny amount like $5 and grew it into a
multi-million dollar company?
Well, Mark Ling is one of those guys. I've been following him for
the past several years and he's one of those guys who just comes
across as so honest and genuine that it's easy to forget that he
earns a seven-figure income online.
It also means that whenever he reveals any of his strategies, people
sit up and take notice. Which is why there's currently a lot of excitement
over the release of his Free PDF Report:
"The 5-Step Formula to Earning 10k a Month Online".
In addition to earning all this money himself, Mark has spent
many years coaching people to make money online through
affiliate marketing.
Mark has the patience of a saint, but there's one thing that really
seems to bug him, and that's when people spend ages bashing
around with strategies and techniques that just DON'T WORK.
That's why he's laid out his strategy once and for all in this report.
If you've been trying a bit of affiliate marketing yourself and you
haven't seen much success, or if you're looking at trying to make
money online, I strongly recommend you grab this free report and
see whether you're on the right track.
Inside the 5 Step Formula Report, you'll discover Mark's step by
step system for building websites that maximize the revenue per
The system is genius and the great news is that you can implement
it right now. Mark hasn't held back, he has revealed his full system
here and you should print it out, make notes and follow this strategy.
This is really motivating and inspiring stuff...
It comes with a video version too, I hope you take action with this as
it is killer info!
For a limited time you can download this 5 Step Formula PDF Report
and video for free...
5 Step Formula PDF Report Free Download - Click Here
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
AffiloJetpack Course Component Breakdown
Here's the detailed list of course components for AffiloJetpack
1. Niche Research
A choice of 5 out of 10 niches. These niches have been chosen
because they offer great potential for affiliates.
2. Push-button web design solution
AffiloJetpack's custom Wordpress theme (called AffiloTheme)
gives users the power to perform dramatic changes to the look
at layout of their site, without having to learn HTML, CSS or PHP.
- Change background colors/patterns
- Set colors and font styles for headings, menu items and body text
- Switch the sidebar from left to right
- Set page width, header height, sidebar width
- Easily add/remove pages and text in the footer
- Siloing option
- Upload background images and header images without FTP
- Squeeze page generator uses my top 4 converting squeeze page
layouts to quickly and easily generate squeeze pages with opt-in
3. Three (3) Professionally designed header graphics for each niche
A lot of new affiliates tripping up on designing headers for their
websites, so AffiloJetpack takes that problem away with three
professionally designed header graphics for each niche.
Users can add these into their sites directly, and then just add their
own text into the header using our Theme Options panel. Or take
them into a Paint program like Paint.NET to use different fonts and
4. One-click installation of Wordpress and AffiloTheme AffiloJetpack's
Hosting Incubator
As soon as a user enters their domain name and presses the button,
they'll be able to start adding content to their website. Mark worked
out that that even when using a simplified installer like Fantastico,
there were still a number of steps to getting Wordpress up and
running with our theme. So Mark and his team decided to use a
pared-back hosting option which allows them to install these things
for people instead. One less place to get tripped up.
Everbody who buys AffiloJetpack gets one year's free hosting. At the
end of that period, the user can purchase additional hosting (for a price
equal to or lower than other hosting providers) or they can easily move
to another hosting provider.
5. High quality 80-part (1 year) autoresponder sequence
- High quality, informational emails for building a great relationship
with your list
- Hard-sell promotional emails written by Mark Ling himself.
Each email is around 600 words long.
6. Three Free report ebooks per niche
These ebooks can be used to entice people to sign up for a newsletter list,
as bonuses for people who buy through a user's affiliate link... they can
even be sold as their own product.
Each ebook is approximately 7500 words long.
7. Twenty high-quality PLR articles for a website
Note: If people want to use these to build an SEO site, they will still
need to do their own keyword research and re-write the articles to
avoid duplicate content penalties. They should also look at doing their
own research on keywords closely related to the topics of the niches,
and maybe tweak the articles a little bit to reflect their keyword choices.
Visit AffiloJetpack website
Related Posts:
Building a Passive Income Stream with AffiloJetpack
AffiloJetpack Review
1. Niche Research
A choice of 5 out of 10 niches. These niches have been chosen
because they offer great potential for affiliates.
2. Push-button web design solution
AffiloJetpack's custom Wordpress theme (called AffiloTheme)
gives users the power to perform dramatic changes to the look
at layout of their site, without having to learn HTML, CSS or PHP.
- Change background colors/patterns
- Set colors and font styles for headings, menu items and body text
- Switch the sidebar from left to right
- Set page width, header height, sidebar width
- Easily add/remove pages and text in the footer
- Siloing option
- Upload background images and header images without FTP
- Squeeze page generator uses my top 4 converting squeeze page
layouts to quickly and easily generate squeeze pages with opt-in
3. Three (3) Professionally designed header graphics for each niche
A lot of new affiliates tripping up on designing headers for their
websites, so AffiloJetpack takes that problem away with three
professionally designed header graphics for each niche.
Users can add these into their sites directly, and then just add their
own text into the header using our Theme Options panel. Or take
them into a Paint program like Paint.NET to use different fonts and
4. One-click installation of Wordpress and AffiloTheme AffiloJetpack's
Hosting Incubator
As soon as a user enters their domain name and presses the button,
they'll be able to start adding content to their website. Mark worked
out that that even when using a simplified installer like Fantastico,
there were still a number of steps to getting Wordpress up and
running with our theme. So Mark and his team decided to use a
pared-back hosting option which allows them to install these things
for people instead. One less place to get tripped up.
Everbody who buys AffiloJetpack gets one year's free hosting. At the
end of that period, the user can purchase additional hosting (for a price
equal to or lower than other hosting providers) or they can easily move
to another hosting provider.
5. High quality 80-part (1 year) autoresponder sequence
- High quality, informational emails for building a great relationship
with your list
- Hard-sell promotional emails written by Mark Ling himself.
Each email is around 600 words long.
6. Three Free report ebooks per niche
These ebooks can be used to entice people to sign up for a newsletter list,
as bonuses for people who buy through a user's affiliate link... they can
even be sold as their own product.
Each ebook is approximately 7500 words long.
7. Twenty high-quality PLR articles for a website
Note: If people want to use these to build an SEO site, they will still
need to do their own keyword research and re-write the articles to
avoid duplicate content penalties. They should also look at doing their
own research on keywords closely related to the topics of the niches,
and maybe tweak the articles a little bit to reflect their keyword choices.
Visit AffiloJetpack website
Related Posts:
Building a Passive Income Stream with AffiloJetpack
AffiloJetpack Review
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