Are you a webmaster who writes your own articles? If so,
what do you do with those articles? Chances are you list
them on your website as content. This is nice, but have
you ever considered rewriting those articles to extend their
As for what rewriting articles can do for you, it can get you
a better value for your money and make better use of your
time. If you can rewrite your own articles multiple times,
you get an amazing deal. For example, you can rewrite an
article five different times to walk away with a total of six
articles, only one of which you had to put your full effort into.
Although rewriting articles may seem hard, it is an easy process.
In fact, it is one that you should be able to do yourself.
As for how much rewriting is required, it depends on your intended
use. Do you want your website to share helpful information with
readers? If so, rewriting an article that basically states the same
points isn’t recommend for website content. Your readers may
think your website is too repetitive. Instead, use those rewrites
for marketing purposes.
Since many writers put most of their time and effort into the
original article, the one that rewrites will be based on, that article
should be posted on your website. The rewritten articles can be
submitted to article directories. Although you aren’t paid for
posting your articles, do you indirectly help to increase your profits.
Blogging is also increasing in popularity and many website owners
now have blogs that accompany their niche websites. You can use
your blog to promote your website and visa versa. Rewritten articles
can be posted on your blog as well. When doing so, consider shortening
the articles or dividing them into multiple posts. Readers do not
expect to see long articles on blogs, as they do with traditional websites.
The main goal of rewriting outsourced articles is to eliminate duplicate
content. You could be penalized by the search engines for having
duplicate content on your website. Your website may disappear
from the search engine or drop in ranking. For that reason, don’t
distribute the same articles to article directories that you have
posted on your website. That is why rewriting is advised.
The good news is that you don’t have to write a whole new article.
You basically want to trick the search engines into believing that
you did. As for how you can do so, rearrange a few sentences,
change the context of a few sentences in each paragraph, and
reorder your paragraphs when possible.
As an example:
“If you are looking for ways to save money on groceries, try using
online coupon websites to your advantage.”
This can become “You can use online coupon websites to help you
save money on groceries.”
By rearranging the wording of the sentence, you have new content,
but the sentence retains its original meaning. Not all sentences need
to be reworded as such. While your goal is to basically trick the
search engines, make sure your articles are easy for readers to
Although it is easier to rewrite your own articles, you may not want
to or have the time to do so. If that is the case, this website can
help a great deal!
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