Deciding which profitable products or services you will promote in a niche market should be based on a simple principle. There should be a demand for your product or service. You want to offer something that people actually need, something that will make their lives better, make them feel better physically, make them look better, or help them solve a problem.
Once you have chosen a product or service to market, researching to find the right niche for your product or service is the next most important part of beginning a niche marketing program. The things that you need to know are where they spend their time online, and what makes them tick from a personal and business point of view. There is niche marketing software out there that can help you learn these things about your potential niche market.
The next thing you need to learn as you research your online niche market is what you can reasonable charge for your product or service. The best and most effective was to do this is to visit sites that advertise products or services similar to what you have chosen to sell. It should be easy to see if they are giving away a service or selling the product at a price far lower than you would have to charge.
If you can determine that there are people out there who are willing to spend money to buy what you are selling and you can identify those people then you have a niche marketing product or service that can make money on the Internet. Sometimes it takes reframing your product or service to make it more attractive, better or just different than what others are selling it for. Research is the key to successful niche marketing.
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Sunday, August 29, 2010
Friday, August 27, 2010
Comparing Niche Marketing and Internet Marketing Niche
Comparing niche marketing and an Internet marketing niche is equivalent to comparing apples with oranges. Apples and oranges are both fruit. Niche marketing and an Internet Marketing niche are both forms of Internet marketing but as different as apples are from oranges.
The term ‘niche marketing’ means selling a specific product to a specific type of buyer. There are far less competitive niches than an Internet marketing niche. Most niche markets are more open to the latest marketing strategies, as well. Small niche markets are not over stocked with gurus and wise men and are much easier for the beginning marketer to break into. A niche market allows you to promote your own niche product or that of a niche affiliate product. There is a niche market for anything and everything you can imagine. All it takes to break into a niche market is a good idea, a good product created by you or someone else that will appeal to certain people, some advertising and the desire to succeed.
The Internet marketing niche, on the other hand, means that you will be promoting your own Internet marketing product. This is a very crowded field of endeavor and really difficult to break into. It’s a world filled with gurus and wise men who have been playing and winning the game for a long time. This doesn’t mean that it is impossible to cash in on the Internet marketing niche because, of course, you can. It is a world still built on demand and that means that if you have a product that can compete and if you have the willingness to play hard ball with the big boys then you can succeed at the Internet marketing niche game. Just be aware that there are easier niche market nuts to crack.
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The term ‘niche marketing’ means selling a specific product to a specific type of buyer. There are far less competitive niches than an Internet marketing niche. Most niche markets are more open to the latest marketing strategies, as well. Small niche markets are not over stocked with gurus and wise men and are much easier for the beginning marketer to break into. A niche market allows you to promote your own niche product or that of a niche affiliate product. There is a niche market for anything and everything you can imagine. All it takes to break into a niche market is a good idea, a good product created by you or someone else that will appeal to certain people, some advertising and the desire to succeed.
The Internet marketing niche, on the other hand, means that you will be promoting your own Internet marketing product. This is a very crowded field of endeavor and really difficult to break into. It’s a world filled with gurus and wise men who have been playing and winning the game for a long time. This doesn’t mean that it is impossible to cash in on the Internet marketing niche because, of course, you can. It is a world still built on demand and that means that if you have a product that can compete and if you have the willingness to play hard ball with the big boys then you can succeed at the Internet marketing niche game. Just be aware that there are easier niche market nuts to crack.
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Tuesday, August 24, 2010
What's Niche Marketing?
"Niche" can be defined as:
"A special area of demand for a product or service".
"Marketing" is defined as:
"The opportunity to buy or sell".
If you put the two works together, niche marketing means "Buying or Selling a product or service in a special area of demand". All that really means is that a product or service is being sold to the people who are most interested in that particular product or service and not to the world in general.
Oftentimes big businesses use niche marketing. For example, a company that makes computers and computer accessories might advertise all-in-one copy/printer/scanners to the home computer user while at the same time advertising single function machines to large businesses.
One of the things that make niche marketing so attractive to sellers is that their advertising budgets go further. It costs less to advertise to a specialized market than it does to advertise to a broader market.
Niche marketing must be designed to meet the unique needs of the targeted audience. Niche marketers must tailor their product to meet those unique needs. If, for example, you have designed a product to make poodle grooming easy enough for the untrained professional to do it, those who own poodles will be most interested in your product. Those who own Blood Hounds or cats couldn’t care less. If you have written an e-book that will explain how to start and succeed at an online business, those who are looking for that information are your niche market. Those who are happy doing what they are doing are not interested at all.
Niche marketing is a very effective and cost efficient way to advertise and sell specific products or services to a specific audience or, hopefully, buyers of that product or service.
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"A special area of demand for a product or service".
"Marketing" is defined as:
"The opportunity to buy or sell".
If you put the two works together, niche marketing means "Buying or Selling a product or service in a special area of demand". All that really means is that a product or service is being sold to the people who are most interested in that particular product or service and not to the world in general.
Oftentimes big businesses use niche marketing. For example, a company that makes computers and computer accessories might advertise all-in-one copy/printer/scanners to the home computer user while at the same time advertising single function machines to large businesses.
One of the things that make niche marketing so attractive to sellers is that their advertising budgets go further. It costs less to advertise to a specialized market than it does to advertise to a broader market.
Niche marketing must be designed to meet the unique needs of the targeted audience. Niche marketers must tailor their product to meet those unique needs. If, for example, you have designed a product to make poodle grooming easy enough for the untrained professional to do it, those who own poodles will be most interested in your product. Those who own Blood Hounds or cats couldn’t care less. If you have written an e-book that will explain how to start and succeed at an online business, those who are looking for that information are your niche market. Those who are happy doing what they are doing are not interested at all.
Niche marketing is a very effective and cost efficient way to advertise and sell specific products or services to a specific audience or, hopefully, buyers of that product or service.
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Thursday, August 12, 2010
SEO: Towards Internet Marketing Success
The acronym SEO is not new for most Internet marketers. In fact, it is one of the unwritten protocols that must be learned and kept in mind by every aspiring Internet marketer. Thus, if you are unfamiliar with SEO, you will experience difficulty in terms of achieving your Internet marketing business objectives.
Before discussing SEO to Internet marketing beginners, let's first tackle search engines. If you are familiar with Yahoo, Google, or MSN (Bing), these are some of the widely used search engines on the Internet. If you are looking for any information on the Internet, search engines will always be your first and probably your sole option. You will just type several words that are related to the information you are looking for on the search box, and when you click the "search button", you will be redirected to a page that contains listings of websites containing the words that you type on the search box.
Because of the popularity of search engines to Internet users, Internet marketers consider it as one of the primary tools in getting online buyers. Thus, it paved the way to the birth of SEO as an essential attribute on Internet marketing. The acronym stands for search engine optimization, which is the art of producing web pages that will have high rankings on related search engine results. It is accomplished through optimization of several sections or elements in the HTML coding of every web page. Search engines specifically interpret such sections, and the latter will rank the former according to its level of optimization.
There are various methods and opinions on how a certain webpage should be optimized. Such methods and opinions will heavily dependent on the type website you have, its contents, the purpose of its existence, and the existing competition. However, when speaking about general SEO, it heavily depends on the proper use of certain keywords and/or key phrases that are used to describe your website's content.
Probably you will wonder how these keywords affect the SEO performance of your Internet marketing website. When you search for needed information using several words, you will notice that such words are "highlighted" when search results are displayed. The words that you type on the search box serves as the "keywords" that is utilized by webmasters in optimizing their websites. Although it may not be of importance to an Internet user, but it is as good as "gold" for Internet marketers who want their site to be shown on the top pages of every related search engine result.
Keywords that are used in SEO have standard placements on a website. For instance, such keywords must appear on the title section of your webpage's source code. Moreover, it must appear on the META description section wherein the page is described in an accurate manner by repeating the selected keywords. The META section often contains the keywords that are used to describe your site's content and its product or service.
If you will carefully analyze the previous discussion, you will notice that the performance of the site's SEO heavily depends on the keywords that you are using. Thus, the main keywords or key phrases must appear on the first 2 paragraphs of the content of every page, and then scatter it throughout the rest of the page. In scattering your main keywords, make sure that it will be an integral part of the content itself. It must appear as if it is among the original content of the page.
In addition, the last paragraph of each page must be keyword-rich. One of the unwritten rules involving keyword placement is that the keywords density of your page must be between 5 to 15 percent. Although it is advised that you maximize the use of your keywords, avoid using it excessively. A content with keyword density above the standard will not help on the optimization of your website.
Another consideration in SEO performance of your site is the placement of relative back links, or hyperlinks directing to external sites. It is relatively important since search engine spiders navigate through links. In addition, the text of your page relating to external links may also contain keywords.
If you are one of the aspiring Internet marketers who want to take the challenge of earning on the Internet, do not ever forget the acronym that will lead you to the success of your Internet marketing career-SEO.
Before discussing SEO to Internet marketing beginners, let's first tackle search engines. If you are familiar with Yahoo, Google, or MSN (Bing), these are some of the widely used search engines on the Internet. If you are looking for any information on the Internet, search engines will always be your first and probably your sole option. You will just type several words that are related to the information you are looking for on the search box, and when you click the "search button", you will be redirected to a page that contains listings of websites containing the words that you type on the search box.
Because of the popularity of search engines to Internet users, Internet marketers consider it as one of the primary tools in getting online buyers. Thus, it paved the way to the birth of SEO as an essential attribute on Internet marketing. The acronym stands for search engine optimization, which is the art of producing web pages that will have high rankings on related search engine results. It is accomplished through optimization of several sections or elements in the HTML coding of every web page. Search engines specifically interpret such sections, and the latter will rank the former according to its level of optimization.
There are various methods and opinions on how a certain webpage should be optimized. Such methods and opinions will heavily dependent on the type website you have, its contents, the purpose of its existence, and the existing competition. However, when speaking about general SEO, it heavily depends on the proper use of certain keywords and/or key phrases that are used to describe your website's content.
Probably you will wonder how these keywords affect the SEO performance of your Internet marketing website. When you search for needed information using several words, you will notice that such words are "highlighted" when search results are displayed. The words that you type on the search box serves as the "keywords" that is utilized by webmasters in optimizing their websites. Although it may not be of importance to an Internet user, but it is as good as "gold" for Internet marketers who want their site to be shown on the top pages of every related search engine result.
Keywords that are used in SEO have standard placements on a website. For instance, such keywords must appear on the title section of your webpage's source code. Moreover, it must appear on the META description section wherein the page is described in an accurate manner by repeating the selected keywords. The META section often contains the keywords that are used to describe your site's content and its product or service.
If you will carefully analyze the previous discussion, you will notice that the performance of the site's SEO heavily depends on the keywords that you are using. Thus, the main keywords or key phrases must appear on the first 2 paragraphs of the content of every page, and then scatter it throughout the rest of the page. In scattering your main keywords, make sure that it will be an integral part of the content itself. It must appear as if it is among the original content of the page.
In addition, the last paragraph of each page must be keyword-rich. One of the unwritten rules involving keyword placement is that the keywords density of your page must be between 5 to 15 percent. Although it is advised that you maximize the use of your keywords, avoid using it excessively. A content with keyword density above the standard will not help on the optimization of your website.
Another consideration in SEO performance of your site is the placement of relative back links, or hyperlinks directing to external sites. It is relatively important since search engine spiders navigate through links. In addition, the text of your page relating to external links may also contain keywords.
If you are one of the aspiring Internet marketers who want to take the challenge of earning on the Internet, do not ever forget the acronym that will lead you to the success of your Internet marketing career-SEO.
Mobile Marketing
In a nutshell, Mobile marketing can be classified into two types based on the technology involved:
1. Marketing on the move like moving billboards and road shows - This is the more traditional form.
2. Marketing on a mobile phone like cell phone - Since the onset of millennium, mobile marketing though cell phone has become very popular. Short message service popularly known as SMS has made marketing by this method a lot easier.
There were some problems in the beginning as unwanted information was being sent to the people. Most of the SMS that were passed around was spam and it received negative media response in all parts of the world. This was because a sector of the advertisers bought list of mobile users and began sending them unsolicited messages. They were later stopped due to strict security measures and laws passed. Marketing industry recognized the potential of mobile marketing and utilized it to the full extent. The mobile service providers coded guidelines and laws. It then became a legal advertising channel. The Mobile Marketing Association and Interactive Advertising Bureau also have laid down guidelines for the proper functioning of mobile marketing.
Mobile marketing has become popular in Asia and Europe as it is a novel idea and in Europe alone hundreds of millions of pounds have been investing in SMS advertising. Now SMS has become the most famous part of mobile marketing. Because of the popularity of short codes, SMSing has become a lot easier. This has created a new approach to reach out to potential customers. Now mobile short codes are looked upon as mobile domain name, by many of the brands around the world, when the customers message the brand at any occasion.
In the U.S., the first SMS short code campaign was started in 2002. SMS containing short codes are easier to send a message with complete information. Short codes are usually numbers that are assigned to mobile operators of a particular location, which they use for brand campaigning and other purposes. They are very small, like they contain only four to five words. These numbers are always under scrutiny by the service provider and each and every message is monitored to see that they do not go against the original service description.
Like opt-in emails, customers have to opt for SMSes. This is the biggest criterion, which the advertiser has to follow in order to send a promotional SMS. Some of the mobile operators ask for double opt-in form from the receiver. At the same time opting out is made easy for the customer. When the customer wishes to terminate receiving messages, they have to send STOP word by SMS. All these guidelines have been laid by the Mobile Marketing Association consumer best practice guidelines and it’s a compulsion to follow those by all the marketers who wish to do mobile marketing in America.
Now, service providers have started to provide the option of sending SMS to email addresses. Other than this, other services provided are mobile games, mobile tones etc., which are used for promotional purposes. This has lead to the invention of MMS or Multi-media Message Service, through which short promotional videos and animations can be send. Bluetooth is another good technology. It started in 2003, and many companies in Europe have found it useful. When a message is send via Bluetooth, the receiver should accept request from the sender. So, sending messages by this method is legitimate. The message transfer speed is high and is also a free service as it is a radio-based technology.
The method of sending SMS advertisement to mobile phone users based on their geographical location is known as Location based service. The customer is tracked via a GPS chip which is built-in the phone. Radiolocation signals from the nearest cell phone towers are used for this purpose.
Mobile marketing follows a very safe marketing strategy, as it is customer opted. The short message sent through this method is known as mobile originated or MO message. If the advertisement is done through a call, the call is known as mobile terminated or MT message. As there is a phenomenal increase in the number of mobile phone users, this kind of marketing is a sure hit.
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1. Marketing on the move like moving billboards and road shows - This is the more traditional form.
2. Marketing on a mobile phone like cell phone - Since the onset of millennium, mobile marketing though cell phone has become very popular. Short message service popularly known as SMS has made marketing by this method a lot easier.
There were some problems in the beginning as unwanted information was being sent to the people. Most of the SMS that were passed around was spam and it received negative media response in all parts of the world. This was because a sector of the advertisers bought list of mobile users and began sending them unsolicited messages. They were later stopped due to strict security measures and laws passed. Marketing industry recognized the potential of mobile marketing and utilized it to the full extent. The mobile service providers coded guidelines and laws. It then became a legal advertising channel. The Mobile Marketing Association and Interactive Advertising Bureau also have laid down guidelines for the proper functioning of mobile marketing.
Mobile marketing has become popular in Asia and Europe as it is a novel idea and in Europe alone hundreds of millions of pounds have been investing in SMS advertising. Now SMS has become the most famous part of mobile marketing. Because of the popularity of short codes, SMSing has become a lot easier. This has created a new approach to reach out to potential customers. Now mobile short codes are looked upon as mobile domain name, by many of the brands around the world, when the customers message the brand at any occasion.
In the U.S., the first SMS short code campaign was started in 2002. SMS containing short codes are easier to send a message with complete information. Short codes are usually numbers that are assigned to mobile operators of a particular location, which they use for brand campaigning and other purposes. They are very small, like they contain only four to five words. These numbers are always under scrutiny by the service provider and each and every message is monitored to see that they do not go against the original service description.
Like opt-in emails, customers have to opt for SMSes. This is the biggest criterion, which the advertiser has to follow in order to send a promotional SMS. Some of the mobile operators ask for double opt-in form from the receiver. At the same time opting out is made easy for the customer. When the customer wishes to terminate receiving messages, they have to send STOP word by SMS. All these guidelines have been laid by the Mobile Marketing Association consumer best practice guidelines and it’s a compulsion to follow those by all the marketers who wish to do mobile marketing in America.
Now, service providers have started to provide the option of sending SMS to email addresses. Other than this, other services provided are mobile games, mobile tones etc., which are used for promotional purposes. This has lead to the invention of MMS or Multi-media Message Service, through which short promotional videos and animations can be send. Bluetooth is another good technology. It started in 2003, and many companies in Europe have found it useful. When a message is send via Bluetooth, the receiver should accept request from the sender. So, sending messages by this method is legitimate. The message transfer speed is high and is also a free service as it is a radio-based technology.
The method of sending SMS advertisement to mobile phone users based on their geographical location is known as Location based service. The customer is tracked via a GPS chip which is built-in the phone. Radiolocation signals from the nearest cell phone towers are used for this purpose.
Mobile marketing follows a very safe marketing strategy, as it is customer opted. The short message sent through this method is known as mobile originated or MO message. If the advertisement is done through a call, the call is known as mobile terminated or MT message. As there is a phenomenal increase in the number of mobile phone users, this kind of marketing is a sure hit.
How to tap the Pocket-Sized Money Machine that's ALREADY 5 Times BIGGER than the Internet?
Want to Jump on the Hottest Untapped Marketing Trend?
Get The Answer >>> Mobile Monopoly
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Tips for Rewriting Your Articles
Are you a webmaster who writes your own articles? If so,
what do you do with those articles? Chances are you list
them on your website as content. This is nice, but have
you ever considered rewriting those articles to extend their
As for what rewriting articles can do for you, it can get you
a better value for your money and make better use of your
time. If you can rewrite your own articles multiple times,
you get an amazing deal. For example, you can rewrite an
article five different times to walk away with a total of six
articles, only one of which you had to put your full effort into.
Although rewriting articles may seem hard, it is an easy process.
In fact, it is one that you should be able to do yourself.
As for how much rewriting is required, it depends on your intended
use. Do you want your website to share helpful information with
readers? If so, rewriting an article that basically states the same
points isn’t recommend for website content. Your readers may
think your website is too repetitive. Instead, use those rewrites
for marketing purposes.
Since many writers put most of their time and effort into the
original article, the one that rewrites will be based on, that article
should be posted on your website. The rewritten articles can be
submitted to article directories. Although you aren’t paid for
posting your articles, do you indirectly help to increase your profits.
Blogging is also increasing in popularity and many website owners
now have blogs that accompany their niche websites. You can use
your blog to promote your website and visa versa. Rewritten articles
can be posted on your blog as well. When doing so, consider shortening
the articles or dividing them into multiple posts. Readers do not
expect to see long articles on blogs, as they do with traditional websites.
The main goal of rewriting outsourced articles is to eliminate duplicate
content. You could be penalized by the search engines for having
duplicate content on your website. Your website may disappear
from the search engine or drop in ranking. For that reason, don’t
distribute the same articles to article directories that you have
posted on your website. That is why rewriting is advised.
The good news is that you don’t have to write a whole new article.
You basically want to trick the search engines into believing that
you did. As for how you can do so, rearrange a few sentences,
change the context of a few sentences in each paragraph, and
reorder your paragraphs when possible.
As an example:
“If you are looking for ways to save money on groceries, try using
online coupon websites to your advantage.”
This can become “You can use online coupon websites to help you
save money on groceries.”
By rearranging the wording of the sentence, you have new content,
but the sentence retains its original meaning. Not all sentences need
to be reworded as such. While your goal is to basically trick the
search engines, make sure your articles are easy for readers to
Although it is easier to rewrite your own articles, you may not want
to or have the time to do so. If that is the case, this website can
help a great deal!
what do you do with those articles? Chances are you list
them on your website as content. This is nice, but have
you ever considered rewriting those articles to extend their
As for what rewriting articles can do for you, it can get you
a better value for your money and make better use of your
time. If you can rewrite your own articles multiple times,
you get an amazing deal. For example, you can rewrite an
article five different times to walk away with a total of six
articles, only one of which you had to put your full effort into.
Although rewriting articles may seem hard, it is an easy process.
In fact, it is one that you should be able to do yourself.
As for how much rewriting is required, it depends on your intended
use. Do you want your website to share helpful information with
readers? If so, rewriting an article that basically states the same
points isn’t recommend for website content. Your readers may
think your website is too repetitive. Instead, use those rewrites
for marketing purposes.
Since many writers put most of their time and effort into the
original article, the one that rewrites will be based on, that article
should be posted on your website. The rewritten articles can be
submitted to article directories. Although you aren’t paid for
posting your articles, do you indirectly help to increase your profits.
Blogging is also increasing in popularity and many website owners
now have blogs that accompany their niche websites. You can use
your blog to promote your website and visa versa. Rewritten articles
can be posted on your blog as well. When doing so, consider shortening
the articles or dividing them into multiple posts. Readers do not
expect to see long articles on blogs, as they do with traditional websites.
The main goal of rewriting outsourced articles is to eliminate duplicate
content. You could be penalized by the search engines for having
duplicate content on your website. Your website may disappear
from the search engine or drop in ranking. For that reason, don’t
distribute the same articles to article directories that you have
posted on your website. That is why rewriting is advised.
The good news is that you don’t have to write a whole new article.
You basically want to trick the search engines into believing that
you did. As for how you can do so, rearrange a few sentences,
change the context of a few sentences in each paragraph, and
reorder your paragraphs when possible.
As an example:
“If you are looking for ways to save money on groceries, try using
online coupon websites to your advantage.”
This can become “You can use online coupon websites to help you
save money on groceries.”
By rearranging the wording of the sentence, you have new content,
but the sentence retains its original meaning. Not all sentences need
to be reworded as such. While your goal is to basically trick the
search engines, make sure your articles are easy for readers to
Although it is easier to rewrite your own articles, you may not want
to or have the time to do so. If that is the case, this website can
help a great deal!
Monday, August 2, 2010
Keyword Research and Internet Marketing
Keywords are terms or words that relate to particular topics
in Internet marketing. Keyword research involves various
aspects, such as finding sales oriented keywords or driving
maximum qualified users to increase their online sales.
Keyword research is the first step towards a successful search
engine optimization campaign. You have to be very careful when
selecting keywords, as it can be very tricky to select targeted
keywords for a website.
The selection of keywords should always be based on various
aspects such as product names, services, brands, or general terms.
Often times, people forget about targeting geographical terms when
they have global presence.
When doing keyword research, it's highly recommended to do a very
thorough market research analysis to find the best keywords used
by search engines to find products and services online - and find out
what keywords are targeted by competitors who are doing well in
marketing on the Internet.
The first step in finding the best keywords is to make a list of the
products, topics, and services that you offer. You can also make good
use of your website logs to know which keywords have brought
you the traffic in the past.
Be sure to select keywords that clearly define your business and
products to drive traffic from the search engines. There are some
websites which get high levels of traffic through general keywords
although they might not end up being sales.
Today, users of search engines are aware of how they work, for
searching products and services on the net. Users always look for
the better products, locations, etc. Therefore, you should cover all
terms for each - products, locations, etc.
There are numerous tools available which will help you identify
keywords that are suitable for search engines. The challenge here,
is to determine which keyword is the best to generate traffic.
in Internet marketing. Keyword research involves various
aspects, such as finding sales oriented keywords or driving
maximum qualified users to increase their online sales.
Keyword research is the first step towards a successful search
engine optimization campaign. You have to be very careful when
selecting keywords, as it can be very tricky to select targeted
keywords for a website.
The selection of keywords should always be based on various
aspects such as product names, services, brands, or general terms.
Often times, people forget about targeting geographical terms when
they have global presence.
When doing keyword research, it's highly recommended to do a very
thorough market research analysis to find the best keywords used
by search engines to find products and services online - and find out
what keywords are targeted by competitors who are doing well in
marketing on the Internet.
The first step in finding the best keywords is to make a list of the
products, topics, and services that you offer. You can also make good
use of your website logs to know which keywords have brought
you the traffic in the past.
Be sure to select keywords that clearly define your business and
products to drive traffic from the search engines. There are some
websites which get high levels of traffic through general keywords
although they might not end up being sales.
Today, users of search engines are aware of how they work, for
searching products and services on the net. Users always look for
the better products, locations, etc. Therefore, you should cover all
terms for each - products, locations, etc.
There are numerous tools available which will help you identify
keywords that are suitable for search engines. The challenge here,
is to determine which keyword is the best to generate traffic.
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Facebook As a Marketing Tool: Turning Facebook Traffic Into Cash
Today, Facebook is not only one of the hottest social networking
websites available in the Internet, it is now the largest traffic
source in the US! Facebook has even overtaken Google in terms
of traffic volume -- According to a major tracking website,, March 2010 was the first month that Facebook
had overtaken Google as the most trafficked website in the US.
Here at Facebook, you will be able keep in touch with your friends
as well as your relatives and even meet new friends and build new
relationships. With all the tools and applications that Facebook has
to offer, you will see that it is a lot of fun and it will definitely provide
a great way for you to interact with other people with accounts on
However, you have to consider the fact that Facebook is not only
a website that you can use to connect with your friends. It is also
a tool that you can use to market the products and services you offer.
If you have an online business or you are an internet marketer, you
will see that Facebook is the perfect place to market in the internet.
With more than 400 million active users from all over the world, you
will see that this website is truly the Internet marketer's dream.
So, here are some tips that you can use in order to use Facebook at
its full potential and let it help you make a lot of money.
The first thing that you need to remember is that once you have a
Facebook account, you might want to fill out your profile. Don’t just
include your name, age and other basic things, but you need to really
fill your profile page. You need to remember that the best profile is
often a profile that is fully completed.
Once you establish your network, just don’t stay in that circle. Try to
interact with other people within your industry. This is a great way
to build new relationships and is also a great way to market your
products or services as well as your business website. To do this,
you might want to join groups related to your profession. This way,
you will be able to meet people that are also interested in what you
have to offer.
You have to remember that Facebook is all about connecting and
interacting with other members. So, you shouldn’t be shy. Try
interacting with other members. Once you establish a relationship,
then you will be able to expand your network and improve your
marketing strategy.
In Internet marketing, getting targeted traffic is the key to success.
If you have a Facebook profile page, you might want to make a
unique profile page in order to catch other people's attention. Try
adding some applications, such as games and add some videos as
well as syndicate your blog website using RSS. By doing these things,
you will be able to provide people with lots of fun things to do in your
profile page.
These are some of the things that you need to do in order to successfully
market in Facebook. Always remember that getting people to view your
profile page is the key to success in Facebook marketing. Through these
tips, you can be sure that you will get a lot of viewers in your profile page
and increase the chances of getting them in your business website or get
them to buy your products or services.
The mount of traffic you can find on Facebook is simply amazing. In
addition to having the most amount of US traffic, Facebook is also more
targeted than Google or most other traffic sources out there! That means…
better customers, better traffic, better profits!
How Can You Make Money On Facebook?
There's an excellent ebook written by Jonathan Volk entitled
"Facebook Ads Guide" which you can download and learn how
to successfully use Facebook to market your products and
services online.
Jonathan Volk is a well known and trusted super affiliate who
had personally generated over $1,000,000 in revenue using
Facebook Ads in just 10 months time!
Click here to download Facebook Ads Guide
websites available in the Internet, it is now the largest traffic
source in the US! Facebook has even overtaken Google in terms
of traffic volume -- According to a major tracking website,, March 2010 was the first month that Facebook
had overtaken Google as the most trafficked website in the US.
Here at Facebook, you will be able keep in touch with your friends
as well as your relatives and even meet new friends and build new
relationships. With all the tools and applications that Facebook has
to offer, you will see that it is a lot of fun and it will definitely provide
a great way for you to interact with other people with accounts on
However, you have to consider the fact that Facebook is not only
a website that you can use to connect with your friends. It is also
a tool that you can use to market the products and services you offer.
If you have an online business or you are an internet marketer, you
will see that Facebook is the perfect place to market in the internet.
With more than 400 million active users from all over the world, you
will see that this website is truly the Internet marketer's dream.
So, here are some tips that you can use in order to use Facebook at
its full potential and let it help you make a lot of money.
The first thing that you need to remember is that once you have a
Facebook account, you might want to fill out your profile. Don’t just
include your name, age and other basic things, but you need to really
fill your profile page. You need to remember that the best profile is
often a profile that is fully completed.
Once you establish your network, just don’t stay in that circle. Try to
interact with other people within your industry. This is a great way
to build new relationships and is also a great way to market your
products or services as well as your business website. To do this,
you might want to join groups related to your profession. This way,
you will be able to meet people that are also interested in what you
have to offer.
You have to remember that Facebook is all about connecting and
interacting with other members. So, you shouldn’t be shy. Try
interacting with other members. Once you establish a relationship,
then you will be able to expand your network and improve your
marketing strategy.
In Internet marketing, getting targeted traffic is the key to success.
If you have a Facebook profile page, you might want to make a
unique profile page in order to catch other people's attention. Try
adding some applications, such as games and add some videos as
well as syndicate your blog website using RSS. By doing these things,
you will be able to provide people with lots of fun things to do in your
profile page.
These are some of the things that you need to do in order to successfully
market in Facebook. Always remember that getting people to view your
profile page is the key to success in Facebook marketing. Through these
tips, you can be sure that you will get a lot of viewers in your profile page
and increase the chances of getting them in your business website or get
them to buy your products or services.
The mount of traffic you can find on Facebook is simply amazing. In
addition to having the most amount of US traffic, Facebook is also more
targeted than Google or most other traffic sources out there! That means…
better customers, better traffic, better profits!
How Can You Make Money On Facebook?
There's an excellent ebook written by Jonathan Volk entitled
"Facebook Ads Guide" which you can download and learn how
to successfully use Facebook to market your products and
services online.
Jonathan Volk is a well known and trusted super affiliate who
had personally generated over $1,000,000 in revenue using
Facebook Ads in just 10 months time!
Click here to download Facebook Ads Guide
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