it's important for us to take advantage of the best internet
marketing strategies in order to stay ahead of the trend.
One of which is to start blogging!
Blogging has a huge impact on the way information is
presented, published, and consumed on the Internet.
It is also a huge opportunity for online marketers to earn
more money online!
Since 2005, I came to realize that a blog is also a great way
to keep in contact with my customers and fellow networkers,
and put a "human" face on my business. After all, it's unlikely
we'll ever have any face-to-face contact with our customers,
so showing them that we are a real person can be invaluable.
Tips and strategies to start your blog and turn it into a
traffic magnet:
First, you have to choose which blogging platforms you'll use.
Here are some choices : - Google's blog platform, very easy to use.
You can have as many blogs as you wish, all free-of-charge.
I personally have several free Blogger blogs in different accounts
and usernames, for different purposes. This one which you're
now reading is a free Blogger blog. -This one charges a small monthly fee and is a
bit more sophisticated than Blogger. Personally I've had no
experience with it but one of my blogger friends has been
using it for a while with full satisfaction. -This platform has been the no. one
choice for more advanced Internet users, as the software is
a bit more complex. Personally I'm setting up one at the
moment with my own domain and a reputable paid web-host
recommended by Wordpress. By the way, you can try out a
free Wordpress blog at
The next important strategy is to pick a name for your blog
that relates to your business as well as your top keyword as
far as possible.
And lastly, don't forget to post on your blog regularly (at least
a couple of times each week) for it to be valuable. People won't
keep coming back if there's nothing new to read!
For more information on starting and growing a successful
blog, check out Blogging For Dollars
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