Adsense is the easiest way to make money online.
But wait...
If you're an affiliate marketer (meaning, sell products or
services online), you may not want to place Adsense ads on
your blogs/sites.
Here's why :
Adsense is contextual. Their ads are most likely to compete
with the products/services you sell on your site.
One of the biggest drawbacks with AdSense ads is that you
can't make the ad URL open in a NEW window. That means
that, once someone clicks on your ad, they're immediately
directed off your website! You risk sending your visitors away
from your site before they have a chance to buy your product
... or worse, you might send them right into the arms of your
Can't do away with Adsense? Then at least you should take
the following steps to avoid losing your affiliate sales:
1. Ban competitors' URLs. Google allows you to block up to 200
of your competitors' URLs. In this way you can at least reduce
the competition.
2. Avoid placing Adsense on your SALES PAGES.
3. Regularly review your AdSense statistics and site statistics
to monitor AdSense isn't negatively affecting your sales. By
checking your traffic statistics you're able to determine if the
ads are affecting your sales and how long your visitors stay on
your pages, and at what point they leave your site.
Do you know? You can customize Bidvertiser ads to open in a
NEW window! Perhaps you may want to try it out.
In case you are interested in generating money from your websites/blogs using popunder ads - you should run with one of the most reputable companies - PopAds.