As an Internet marketer you know how lucrative marketing through the Internet is, right? Because there are over 2 billion Internet users in the world!
And what about marketing through mobile phones?
As of today there are 6.93 billion people on the planet, and 70% of them have cellphones. That means there are 4.8 BILLION people out there you can market your products or offers (if you know how to)...
Mobile is more than twice as large, which means it can be twice as lucrative...
... or maybe even more so, because there's literally zero competition.
Right now mobile marketing is like the wild-west days of the Internet, where just anybody could come along, get a #1 ranking on Google, and cream in fat paychecks all day long.
And that's great, but there IS a learning curve...
...unless you already know how to do it the right way...
As you know, although mobile marketing has been dominating the wires but the problem has been that no one is effectively teaching the INSIDER Strategies that achieve cash sucking results.
In this regard, I've some good news for you...
...get in on This One - You get a step by step video and 2 PDF blueprints showing how you can get started for free. (Only Available Till July 27)
It's called Mobile Affiliate Profits and has been developed by Mark Roth and Howie Schwartz, the owners of one of the largest Mobile CPA Companies in the US.
With 5 Million + Mobile CPA clicks per month, Mark Roth and Howie Schwartz know exactly what it takes to be successful in this industry and have included everything in the Mobile Affiliate Profits course! These aren't old, dated strategies but real life, LIVE Mobile CPA Campaigns that are working now and driving hard core results.
Mobile Affiliate Profits Course Outline
You'll learn the A-Z of Mobile Marketing through the 8 Modules of the Mobile Affiliate Profits Course:
1. Mobile CPA: The Basics
-terms to be familiar with
-people you should know
-overview - how it works & how you make money as an affiliate
2. Initial Setup
-navigating OfferMobi
-picking an offer
-reviewing targeting requirements
-getting your tracking link
-downloading creatives
-ad network setup (admob, jumptap)
3. Running Traffic for the First Time
-organizing your campaign
-passing subIDs
-before you hit 'go'...
4. Optimizing
-downloading & reviewing stats (parsing data)
-making adjustments in the ad network
-speaking with ad reps
5. Advanced CPA Tactics
-getting more clicks
-expanding to other networks
-3 tricks to improve your CTR
6. PayPerCall
-on mobile ad networks
-on other ad networks
7. List Building On Mobile
-why build a list?
-creating your offer
-building a squeeze page for mobile
-what info to collect
-creating your own banners
8. Advanced Mobile List Building Tactics
-funding your list building
-proper targeting
Who is Mobile Affiliate Profits for?
Mobile Affiliate Profits is for anyone who is interested in affiliate marketing or is an existing affiliate marketer with 3 specific target groups.
1. Current affiliate marketers who are newbies/beginners who have either made a few dollars, lost a few dollars or have investigated / bought other Internet marketing or affiliate courses but have yet to take action.
2. Current affiliate marketers who have had some success but who are interested in entering into the mobile space.
3. Biz Op seekers who are looking to make money in a new business but who have not yet entered the Internet marketing world.
Up until this moment, I haven't seen another mobile marketing course as complete (and good) as Mobile Affiliate Profits. The course overdelivers. Don't take my words for it. See it for yourself.
Tags: Mobile Marketing Affiliate Marketing CPA Cellphones
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Friday, July 22, 2011
Insider Secrets to Rank and Pillage Profitable Niche Markets Revealed
Further down this page there's a link to a video in which you'll see an average Joe from New Zealand who is so skilled at ranking and pillaging crazy little profitable niches that within a few hours he can produce an affiliate website that pays him for YEARS!
He's someone who actually makes a living selling physical and digital products (as an affiliate) on the Internet - OUTSIDE the Internet marketing niche. In fact he'd earned $101,293.00 in affiliate commissions over twelve months, out of which 80% of that came from products OUTSIDE the make-money-online market.
The method described in the video has...
Sold 179 bug-making toys (from 1,534 clicks) to net a quick $518.70 in Amazon affiliate commissions after only two hours of total set-up time...
Plus it converted 86 visitors per day (free traffic from Google) into $384 in commissions per month...
Yet another site turns a digital product from Clickbank into $763 per month...
Another website converted only 396 visitors into commissions totaling $2,141.19...
One Commission Junction (physical product) he pillaged $15,346 in only one months time...
And he has got 190 of these websites pillaging for him all day and night!
His name is Aidan Booth...
Here's the Video Link.
At the end of the video, you can get an absolutely free case study which reveals one of Aidan's secret niches bringing him around $500 per month from a shocking little niche. And that's just the beginning. With the case study in hand you can replicate the results and put together a few of these bad boys for yourself.
The first few minutes of the video will reveal how many of the big Internet marketing guns are pulling the wool over your eyes - in many cases, outright lying to you about what they've accomplished with their "skills". That part will probably disgust you beyond measure...
If you can get your hands on the case study, you'll discover niche research methods that pay dividends and uncover goldmines you can pillage for years... how to catapult your site onto page one and stick there... how to lower the ranking of a competitor... get impeccable content for your authority site for as little as $5.50... see precisely how effective keyword research is performed... the number of keywords you should select and use... the "Top 5 Plan" to reach the top half of the first page of Google, and much more.
BTW, Aidan Booth has recently teamed up with my friend Brian Johnson to create the Rank and Pillage Internet marketing course. With Brian's eleven years of experience on top of Aidan's five years, you will not find higher quality or more effective strategies than those included in Rank and Pillage.
Below, you can see some screenshots of Aidan Booth's Super Affiliate Earnings:
Selling Physical Products via Commission Junction
Affiliate Sales via Amazon
From One Of His Clickbank Accounts
Earnings From Just 1 Set and Forget Website
Other Affiliate Networks
Related Posts:
Rank and Pillage
Rank and Pillage by Brian Johnson and Aidan Booth
Tags: Make Money Online Internet Marketing Rank and Pillage
Further down this page there's a link to a video in which you'll see an average Joe from New Zealand who is so skilled at ranking and pillaging crazy little profitable niches that within a few hours he can produce an affiliate website that pays him for YEARS!
He's someone who actually makes a living selling physical and digital products (as an affiliate) on the Internet - OUTSIDE the Internet marketing niche. In fact he'd earned $101,293.00 in affiliate commissions over twelve months, out of which 80% of that came from products OUTSIDE the make-money-online market.
The method described in the video has...
Sold 179 bug-making toys (from 1,534 clicks) to net a quick $518.70 in Amazon affiliate commissions after only two hours of total set-up time...
Plus it converted 86 visitors per day (free traffic from Google) into $384 in commissions per month...
Yet another site turns a digital product from Clickbank into $763 per month...
Another website converted only 396 visitors into commissions totaling $2,141.19...
One Commission Junction (physical product) he pillaged $15,346 in only one months time...
And he has got 190 of these websites pillaging for him all day and night!
His name is Aidan Booth...
Here's the Video Link.
At the end of the video, you can get an absolutely free case study which reveals one of Aidan's secret niches bringing him around $500 per month from a shocking little niche. And that's just the beginning. With the case study in hand you can replicate the results and put together a few of these bad boys for yourself.
The first few minutes of the video will reveal how many of the big Internet marketing guns are pulling the wool over your eyes - in many cases, outright lying to you about what they've accomplished with their "skills". That part will probably disgust you beyond measure...
If you can get your hands on the case study, you'll discover niche research methods that pay dividends and uncover goldmines you can pillage for years... how to catapult your site onto page one and stick there... how to lower the ranking of a competitor... get impeccable content for your authority site for as little as $5.50... see precisely how effective keyword research is performed... the number of keywords you should select and use... the "Top 5 Plan" to reach the top half of the first page of Google, and much more.
BTW, Aidan Booth has recently teamed up with my friend Brian Johnson to create the Rank and Pillage Internet marketing course. With Brian's eleven years of experience on top of Aidan's five years, you will not find higher quality or more effective strategies than those included in Rank and Pillage.
Below, you can see some screenshots of Aidan Booth's Super Affiliate Earnings:
Selling Physical Products via Commission Junction
Affiliate Sales via Amazon
From One Of His Clickbank Accounts
Earnings From Just 1 Set and Forget Website
Other Affiliate Networks
Related Posts:
Rank and Pillage
Rank and Pillage by Brian Johnson and Aidan Booth
Tags: Make Money Online Internet Marketing Rank and Pillage
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
SBI Vs Affiloblueprint ?
I noticed from my blog's Analytics, some rather unusual search queries over the past couple of weeks -- some folks came to this blog looking for information on AffiloBlueprint and SBI (which I obviously had written some posts on both).
Here are some of the keywords (or phrases) they used in their search queries:
"Affiloblueprint Vs SBI"
"Comparison of Affiloblueprint and SBI"
"Is SBI better than Affiloblueprint?"
"Compare SBI with Affiloblueprint"
"Is Affiloblueprint more effective than SBI?"
I'm sure these folks would be very disappointed with what they saw here 'cos I'd never made any comparison of the two products. As a matter of fact, you can't compare an apple to an orange, can you?
Both Affiloblueprint and SBI! are top-rated products. But they are two completely different things -- Affiloblueprint is an Affiliate Marketing Course. Whereas SBI! is a Complete Business Building System! If Affiloblueprint were an apple, then SBI! would be the orange! It doesn't make too much sense to compare them, at least that's the way I think.
So I better do a post here to explain both products side-by-side for the benefits of my future readers.
O.K., let me do Affiloblueprint first...
Affiloblueprint is a high quality affiliate marketing course created by super affiliate Mark Ling, who reportedly earns over $1 million dollars a year from a variety of affiliate sites. Apparently he uses the same formula to create each site. He finds a niche, builds a site, gets up and running and then basically leaves it just ticking away – earning him money, while he just goes off and builds another one. I know Mark Ling. He has an excellent reputation as a marketer. I trust him.
Affiloblueprint consists of a 12 week program with 55 video lessons. It starts out with how to find a profitable niche and market research, you're taken through picking keywords, creating content, building a website, search-engine-optimization, creating newsletters, analytics, a brilliant troubleshooting lesson, and pay per click lessons. All are pretty comprehensive.
The main idea of Affiloblueprint is that you can learn step by step to create multiple sites, in any viable product niche you like, by using the same process over and over again. This means you can create a whole bunch of small $50 per week sites, and then just build up your income by building as many sites as you desire. Then, as Mark Ling explains, if you reinvest some of that money back into the sites in the form of building contents and SEO campaigns, you can very quickly accelerate your earnings into the thousands a week just by starting with a few $50 a week sites. This has got to be one of the simplest, but yet most believable methods I've seen for creating this level of income through affiliate marketing.
Affiloblueprint is designed for both the affiliate marketing newbie & intermediate marketers who wants a step-by-step guide to creating a successful affiliate business, plus includes the highly valuable WordPress theme which makes it easy for newbies to set up Affiloblueprint-style websites.
Affiloblueprint covers all the basics of affiliate marketing, while also providing a novice-proof formula that can be used over and over again to create profitable sites in different niches.
The Affiloblueprint course costs you a one-time investment of $197.
Detailed Information on Affiloblueprint can be found here.
Now SBI!...
SBI! is not just a site builder, not just a training course as a lot of people were confused.
SBI! is all about building a business per se. It is a platform on which to build a complete online business.
SBI! has a very long track record of creating successful businesses - 14 years, since 1997! I'm an SBIer myself, since 2005.
SBI! is an international provider of a proprietary web business building platform, the flagship product of SiteSell Inc., a company founded by Dr. Ken Evoy in 1997.
You can use SBI! to turn anything (your ideas, your hobbies or passion, your knowledge, anything) into a successful online business provided that you're a do-it-yourself type of person, who's willing to work for a long-term goal by following the SBI Action Guide. There won't be any shortcut in business building, not with SBI.
SBI! gives you EVERYTHING you'll ever need to build an online business - All the tools, learning & training, website building, traffic generation, content writing, web hosting, etc., etc. Absolutely everything needed for building an online business is inside SBI!
See All the Tools
Compare Web hosting
The SBI! C-T-P-M Process:
SBI! focus on C
M, the proven way to build any business online:
C = Content: Internet users search for information, for solutions. They are not looking for you - they don't know you. They seek what you know. Give it to them. Convert your knowledge into in-demand Content. To succeed online, start where they start - at "the search."
T = Traffic: Your site content ranks high at the search engines (Google, Yahoo, MSN, etc), attracting free, targeted, open-to-you visitors. Basically, these future customers "meet you" at your site. These visitors are known as "Traffic." How well does SBI! drive "T"? Top 3% - Proof with Results.
P = Presell: Complete strangers develop trust and confidence in you. Why? Because you "presell" by overdelivering what they seek... relevant, original, information. Deliver this information in your own voice, in your own way, and go beyond merely instilling confidence. Your visitors will like you.
M = Monetize: Convert warm, willing-to-buy ("Presold") visitors into income. This is known as "Monetization," this is the easy part. But "M" cannot happen if you fail to first execute C T P. This is where 99% of small businesses fail!
SBI! is all about you starting and building your own business online.
SBI! costs $299 per year (or $29.99 per month).
Not possible to conclude which is better - SBI or Affiloblueprint? It all depends on What You Really Want or Aim For.
Affiloblueprint teaches just one type of business, which is Affiliate Marketing.
Whereas SBI! builds any types of businesses (including affiliate marketing), you name it, and SBI! has all the right tools and strategies to get you there.
Tags: SBI Affiloblueprint Business Affiliate Marketing Internet Marketing
Here are some of the keywords (or phrases) they used in their search queries:
"Affiloblueprint Vs SBI"
"Comparison of Affiloblueprint and SBI"
"Is SBI better than Affiloblueprint?"
"Compare SBI with Affiloblueprint"
"Is Affiloblueprint more effective than SBI?"
I'm sure these folks would be very disappointed with what they saw here 'cos I'd never made any comparison of the two products. As a matter of fact, you can't compare an apple to an orange, can you?
Both Affiloblueprint and SBI! are top-rated products. But they are two completely different things -- Affiloblueprint is an Affiliate Marketing Course. Whereas SBI! is a Complete Business Building System! If Affiloblueprint were an apple, then SBI! would be the orange! It doesn't make too much sense to compare them, at least that's the way I think.
So I better do a post here to explain both products side-by-side for the benefits of my future readers.
O.K., let me do Affiloblueprint first...
Affiloblueprint is a high quality affiliate marketing course created by super affiliate Mark Ling, who reportedly earns over $1 million dollars a year from a variety of affiliate sites. Apparently he uses the same formula to create each site. He finds a niche, builds a site, gets up and running and then basically leaves it just ticking away – earning him money, while he just goes off and builds another one. I know Mark Ling. He has an excellent reputation as a marketer. I trust him.
Affiloblueprint consists of a 12 week program with 55 video lessons. It starts out with how to find a profitable niche and market research, you're taken through picking keywords, creating content, building a website, search-engine-optimization, creating newsletters, analytics, a brilliant troubleshooting lesson, and pay per click lessons. All are pretty comprehensive.
The main idea of Affiloblueprint is that you can learn step by step to create multiple sites, in any viable product niche you like, by using the same process over and over again. This means you can create a whole bunch of small $50 per week sites, and then just build up your income by building as many sites as you desire. Then, as Mark Ling explains, if you reinvest some of that money back into the sites in the form of building contents and SEO campaigns, you can very quickly accelerate your earnings into the thousands a week just by starting with a few $50 a week sites. This has got to be one of the simplest, but yet most believable methods I've seen for creating this level of income through affiliate marketing.
Affiloblueprint is designed for both the affiliate marketing newbie & intermediate marketers who wants a step-by-step guide to creating a successful affiliate business, plus includes the highly valuable WordPress theme which makes it easy for newbies to set up Affiloblueprint-style websites.
Affiloblueprint covers all the basics of affiliate marketing, while also providing a novice-proof formula that can be used over and over again to create profitable sites in different niches.
The Affiloblueprint course costs you a one-time investment of $197.
Detailed Information on Affiloblueprint can be found here.
Now SBI!...
SBI! is not just a site builder, not just a training course as a lot of people were confused.
SBI! is all about building a business per se. It is a platform on which to build a complete online business.
SBI! has a very long track record of creating successful businesses - 14 years, since 1997! I'm an SBIer myself, since 2005.
SBI! is an international provider of a proprietary web business building platform, the flagship product of SiteSell Inc., a company founded by Dr. Ken Evoy in 1997.
You can use SBI! to turn anything (your ideas, your hobbies or passion, your knowledge, anything) into a successful online business provided that you're a do-it-yourself type of person, who's willing to work for a long-term goal by following the SBI Action Guide. There won't be any shortcut in business building, not with SBI.
SBI! gives you EVERYTHING you'll ever need to build an online business - All the tools, learning & training, website building, traffic generation, content writing, web hosting, etc., etc. Absolutely everything needed for building an online business is inside SBI!
See All the Tools
Compare Web hosting
The SBI! C-T-P-M Process:
SBI! focus on C
C = Content: Internet users search for information, for solutions. They are not looking for you - they don't know you. They seek what you know. Give it to them. Convert your knowledge into in-demand Content. To succeed online, start where they start - at "the search."
T = Traffic: Your site content ranks high at the search engines (Google, Yahoo, MSN, etc), attracting free, targeted, open-to-you visitors. Basically, these future customers "meet you" at your site. These visitors are known as "Traffic." How well does SBI! drive "T"? Top 3% - Proof with Results.
P = Presell: Complete strangers develop trust and confidence in you. Why? Because you "presell" by overdelivering what they seek... relevant, original, information. Deliver this information in your own voice, in your own way, and go beyond merely instilling confidence. Your visitors will like you.
M = Monetize: Convert warm, willing-to-buy ("Presold") visitors into income. This is known as "Monetization," this is the easy part. But "M" cannot happen if you fail to first execute C T P. This is where 99% of small businesses fail!
SBI! is all about you starting and building your own business online.
SBI! costs $299 per year (or $29.99 per month).
Not possible to conclude which is better - SBI or Affiloblueprint? It all depends on What You Really Want or Aim For.
Affiloblueprint teaches just one type of business, which is Affiliate Marketing.
Whereas SBI! builds any types of businesses (including affiliate marketing), you name it, and SBI! has all the right tools and strategies to get you there.
Tags: SBI Affiloblueprint Business Affiliate Marketing Internet Marketing
Friday, July 15, 2011
Online Advertising with Amazon Product Ads
Two emails and two pieces of bad news of the same nature in a single day have prompted me to write this post about Amazon Product Ads...
Dave, a close friend of mine had his Adwords account terminated last week wrote to ask for information of alternative paid advertising sources and paid media buying sites that I use. The second case is a Super Affiliate - a lady (I choose not to mention her name for privacy reasons) who's quite well known in the IM community, also lost her Adwords account around the same time as Dave. But she said that's no big deal to her since she had decided to do away with paid advertising completely and focus on SEO.
It makes me wonder just how many other marketers are having the same problem out there!?
Back to Amazon Product Ads...
I started using Amazon Product Ads nine months ago in place of Google Adwords and I'm fairy happy with my result (averaging about 4% conversion rate) so far. To be honest, I was making heavy losses with Adwords during the first 6 months of 2010 and since the Google Slap had become too ridiculous I'd no choice but pulled out completely. Before moving over to Amazon Product Ads, I also tested Facebook Ads. To these days, I still use Facebook Ads for some of my CPA offers and low ticket info products but not for any physical products.
Amazon Product Ads has great potentials as a highly targeted advertising channel. But I think it's unfair to consider Amazon Product Ads as a direct alternative to Google Adwords. Firstly, unlike Google which is a search engine, is an e-commerce marketplace. Secondly, Amazon Product Ads is only good for promoting physical products. Whereas Adwords is for everything - physical products, services, CPA offers, digital products, just about anything.
What is Amazon Product Ads?
Launched in February, 2008, Amazon Product Ads is a cost per click (call it pay per click or ppc if you like) advertising program that allows marketers, retailers and business owners to drive traffic from to products sold on their own website.
There are no monthly fees and no minimum spend. As an advertiser of Amazon Product Ads, you are charged only when someone (an Amazon customer or site visitor in this case) clicks on your ad and is taken to your web site. You're in full control of the maximum price you are willing to pay for that click (bidding), as well as your daily budget.
How Amazon Product Ads Works:
1. First, sign up for an Amazon Product Ads account.
2. Upload Your Product Catalog and Set Your Budget
A Product Ad is created for each product that you upload to the catalog. Once you have signed up for an account, you can upload your items directly through Amazon's online account management interface or Seller Central. Your ads will then appear on
When you get your first click, will give you the next $75 worth of clicks for FREE. Some restrictions apply -- Read details here.
3. Customers See Your Product Ads on
Your Ads will be viewed by active customers 24/7 via Amazon product pages, as well as being displayed in relevant product search and browse results and contextually targeted placements.
4. Customers Click to Product Pages on Your Website
When customers click on your ad they are taken directly to your Web site where you control the brand and buying experience for your products. This allows you to deliver a unique buying experience, giving you the opportunity to acquire new customers and grow revenue for your business.
5. You Are Charged a Cost-Per-Click
Using Seller Central, you can easily view your invoices and track your advertising budget. There are no fees for impressions - you are only charged when customers choose to click on your ad and are directed to your web site. You control not only the maximum price you are willing to pay for each click, but also your daily and monthly budget. Most importantly, you can measure your return on investment and optimize your budget accordingly. Invoices are published as you accumulate clicks and payment is collected via credit card.
6. Customers Purchase Products From Your Website
You control the buying experience because customers are clicking through to your Web site. Customers benefit from the seamless discovery of your products on and your e-commerce expertise. Your Amazon Product Ads will deliver you engaged customers giving you the opportunity to acquire repeat orders and increased sales for your business.
Eligible Product Categories and Pricing at time of writing:
Please note:
You don't pay for customers who spend time to read and view your products on Amazon. You only pay when they click on your ad to go to your website.
Minimum Cost-Per-Click Bid changes with each product's unit price, meaning, the higher the unit price the higher will be the bid.
Open Categories
Baby Apparel, Baby Bedding & General Baby Products
Minimum Cost-Per-Click Bids: $0.15 - $0.70
Computer Accessories, Desktops and Servers, Drives and Storage, Laptops, Monitors, Netbooks & Networking and Communications
Minimum Cost-Per-Click Bids: $0.20 - $0.70
Blank Media and Film, Cameras and Camcorders, Electronics Accessories, GPS and Accessories, General Electronics, Home Theater Components, Home Theater Systems, MP3 Players, Portable Audio and Video, Musical Instruments, Televisions, USB Drives and Flash Memory & Video Players and Recorders
Minimum Cost-Per-Click Bids: $0.10 - $1.40
Health and Beauty:
Diapers, General Health and Beauty & Shaving and Hair Removal
Minimum Cost-Per-Click Bids: $0.10 - $0.60
Furniture, General Home Products, Home Decor, Kitchen and Dining, Large Appliances, Pet Supplies & Small Appliances
Minimum Cost-Per-Click Bids: $0.10 - $0.80
Home Improvement:
Battery Packs and Chargers, General Home Improvement, Lighting, Power Tools & Storage and Shelving
Minimum Cost-Per-Click Bids: $0.15 - $1.00
General Office Products, Ink and Toner Cartridges, Printers and Scanners & Projectors
Minimum Cost-Per-Click Bids: $0.20 - $0.80
Exercise and Fitness Equipment, General Sporting Goods & Sports Apparel
Minimum Cost-Per-Click Bids: $0.15 - $0.70
Toys and Games
Minimum Cost-Per-Click Bids: $0.10 - $0.20
Restricted categories:
Advertisers must obtain approval from in order to list products in the following restricted categories.
Grocery and Gourmet
Minimum Cost-Per-Click Bids: $0.10 - $0.40
Minimum Cost-Per-Click Bids: $0.25 - $1.00
Handbags, Luggage, and Fashion Accessories & Shoes
Minimum Cost-Per-Click Bids: $0.15 - $0.60
Watch Accessories & Watches
Minimum Cost-Per-Click Bids: $0.25 - $0.80
The following categories of products are not supported by Amazon Product Ads:
Automotive Parts and Accessories
CD and Vinyl
Cell Phones & Accessories
Kindle Accessories
Motorcycles, ATV and Protective Gear
Software and Computer Games
Video Game Consoles
Videos VHS
Who Should Advertise with Amazon Product Ads?
To advertise with Amazon Product Ads, you need an eCommerce website with a secure checkout. Each product you list must have a unique detail page URL on your website. Customers must be able to add the product to their shopping cart directly from your detail page.
Need help to create your eCommerce website? Click here.
I like Amazon Product Ads. It's a great place to advertise and sell physical products. is currently the #17 most trafficked website in the world (#5 in the US), representing nearly 0.4% of the total global page views according to Alexa.
It seemed like Google was the only game in town for years. However, more and more PPC marketers are becoming progressively more despondent as Google's rules got tougher. Amazon Product Ads can be the salvation route I see for many of us who are marketers of physical products -- lesser rules, quality traffic and most importantly, CHEAPER.
So, if you're also sick of busting your tail for traffic or getting slapped by Google, I suggest you give yourself a chance to test out Amazon Product Ads. Who knows, you may discover a whole new world of advertising opportunities with!
One Very Useful Amazon Product Ads Tip - Make sure your products have UPC codes to get better exposure.
Tags: Amazon Product Ads Amazon Online Advertising
Dave, a close friend of mine had his Adwords account terminated last week wrote to ask for information of alternative paid advertising sources and paid media buying sites that I use. The second case is a Super Affiliate - a lady (I choose not to mention her name for privacy reasons) who's quite well known in the IM community, also lost her Adwords account around the same time as Dave. But she said that's no big deal to her since she had decided to do away with paid advertising completely and focus on SEO.
It makes me wonder just how many other marketers are having the same problem out there!?
Back to Amazon Product Ads...
I started using Amazon Product Ads nine months ago in place of Google Adwords and I'm fairy happy with my result (averaging about 4% conversion rate) so far. To be honest, I was making heavy losses with Adwords during the first 6 months of 2010 and since the Google Slap had become too ridiculous I'd no choice but pulled out completely. Before moving over to Amazon Product Ads, I also tested Facebook Ads. To these days, I still use Facebook Ads for some of my CPA offers and low ticket info products but not for any physical products.
Amazon Product Ads has great potentials as a highly targeted advertising channel. But I think it's unfair to consider Amazon Product Ads as a direct alternative to Google Adwords. Firstly, unlike Google which is a search engine, is an e-commerce marketplace. Secondly, Amazon Product Ads is only good for promoting physical products. Whereas Adwords is for everything - physical products, services, CPA offers, digital products, just about anything.
What is Amazon Product Ads?
Launched in February, 2008, Amazon Product Ads is a cost per click (call it pay per click or ppc if you like) advertising program that allows marketers, retailers and business owners to drive traffic from to products sold on their own website.
There are no monthly fees and no minimum spend. As an advertiser of Amazon Product Ads, you are charged only when someone (an Amazon customer or site visitor in this case) clicks on your ad and is taken to your web site. You're in full control of the maximum price you are willing to pay for that click (bidding), as well as your daily budget.
How Amazon Product Ads Works:
1. First, sign up for an Amazon Product Ads account.
2. Upload Your Product Catalog and Set Your Budget
A Product Ad is created for each product that you upload to the catalog. Once you have signed up for an account, you can upload your items directly through Amazon's online account management interface or Seller Central. Your ads will then appear on
When you get your first click, will give you the next $75 worth of clicks for FREE. Some restrictions apply -- Read details here.
3. Customers See Your Product Ads on
Your Ads will be viewed by active customers 24/7 via Amazon product pages, as well as being displayed in relevant product search and browse results and contextually targeted placements.
4. Customers Click to Product Pages on Your Website
When customers click on your ad they are taken directly to your Web site where you control the brand and buying experience for your products. This allows you to deliver a unique buying experience, giving you the opportunity to acquire new customers and grow revenue for your business.
5. You Are Charged a Cost-Per-Click
Using Seller Central, you can easily view your invoices and track your advertising budget. There are no fees for impressions - you are only charged when customers choose to click on your ad and are directed to your web site. You control not only the maximum price you are willing to pay for each click, but also your daily and monthly budget. Most importantly, you can measure your return on investment and optimize your budget accordingly. Invoices are published as you accumulate clicks and payment is collected via credit card.
6. Customers Purchase Products From Your Website
You control the buying experience because customers are clicking through to your Web site. Customers benefit from the seamless discovery of your products on and your e-commerce expertise. Your Amazon Product Ads will deliver you engaged customers giving you the opportunity to acquire repeat orders and increased sales for your business.
Eligible Product Categories and Pricing at time of writing:
Please note:
You don't pay for customers who spend time to read and view your products on Amazon. You only pay when they click on your ad to go to your website.
Minimum Cost-Per-Click Bid changes with each product's unit price, meaning, the higher the unit price the higher will be the bid.
Open Categories
Baby Apparel, Baby Bedding & General Baby Products
Minimum Cost-Per-Click Bids: $0.15 - $0.70
Computer Accessories, Desktops and Servers, Drives and Storage, Laptops, Monitors, Netbooks & Networking and Communications
Minimum Cost-Per-Click Bids: $0.20 - $0.70
Blank Media and Film, Cameras and Camcorders, Electronics Accessories, GPS and Accessories, General Electronics, Home Theater Components, Home Theater Systems, MP3 Players, Portable Audio and Video, Musical Instruments, Televisions, USB Drives and Flash Memory & Video Players and Recorders
Minimum Cost-Per-Click Bids: $0.10 - $1.40
Health and Beauty:
Diapers, General Health and Beauty & Shaving and Hair Removal
Minimum Cost-Per-Click Bids: $0.10 - $0.60
Furniture, General Home Products, Home Decor, Kitchen and Dining, Large Appliances, Pet Supplies & Small Appliances
Minimum Cost-Per-Click Bids: $0.10 - $0.80
Home Improvement:
Battery Packs and Chargers, General Home Improvement, Lighting, Power Tools & Storage and Shelving
Minimum Cost-Per-Click Bids: $0.15 - $1.00
General Office Products, Ink and Toner Cartridges, Printers and Scanners & Projectors
Minimum Cost-Per-Click Bids: $0.20 - $0.80
Exercise and Fitness Equipment, General Sporting Goods & Sports Apparel
Minimum Cost-Per-Click Bids: $0.15 - $0.70
Toys and Games
Minimum Cost-Per-Click Bids: $0.10 - $0.20
Restricted categories:
Advertisers must obtain approval from in order to list products in the following restricted categories.
Grocery and Gourmet
Minimum Cost-Per-Click Bids: $0.10 - $0.40
Minimum Cost-Per-Click Bids: $0.25 - $1.00
Handbags, Luggage, and Fashion Accessories & Shoes
Minimum Cost-Per-Click Bids: $0.15 - $0.60
Watch Accessories & Watches
Minimum Cost-Per-Click Bids: $0.25 - $0.80
The following categories of products are not supported by Amazon Product Ads:
Automotive Parts and Accessories
CD and Vinyl
Cell Phones & Accessories
Kindle Accessories
Motorcycles, ATV and Protective Gear
Software and Computer Games
Video Game Consoles
Videos VHS
Who Should Advertise with Amazon Product Ads?
To advertise with Amazon Product Ads, you need an eCommerce website with a secure checkout. Each product you list must have a unique detail page URL on your website. Customers must be able to add the product to their shopping cart directly from your detail page.
Need help to create your eCommerce website? Click here.
I like Amazon Product Ads. It's a great place to advertise and sell physical products. is currently the #17 most trafficked website in the world (#5 in the US), representing nearly 0.4% of the total global page views according to Alexa.
It seemed like Google was the only game in town for years. However, more and more PPC marketers are becoming progressively more despondent as Google's rules got tougher. Amazon Product Ads can be the salvation route I see for many of us who are marketers of physical products -- lesser rules, quality traffic and most importantly, CHEAPER.
So, if you're also sick of busting your tail for traffic or getting slapped by Google, I suggest you give yourself a chance to test out Amazon Product Ads. Who knows, you may discover a whole new world of advertising opportunities with!
One Very Useful Amazon Product Ads Tip - Make sure your products have UPC codes to get better exposure.
Tags: Amazon Product Ads Amazon Online Advertising
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
How To Read Kindle Books
Some folks just got confused - they thought they must own an Amazon Kindle in order to read any Kindle books. No, that's not the case. You can actually read Kindle books on many other devices!
As a matter of fact, all Kindle books let you "Buy Once, Read Everywhere" - on all generation Kindles, as well as on the largest number of devices and platforms, which include iPad, iPod touch, iPhone, Mac, PC, BlackBerry, Windows Phone, Android-based devices (and soon HP TouchPads and BlackBerry PlayBooks). Amazon's Whispersync technology syncs your place across devices, so you can pick up where you left off.
Click Here To Learn More
Free Reading Apps are available for download in
Kindle for PC - System Requirements:
Kindle for iPhone & iPod Touch:
Requires iPhone 3.0 software update
Availability: U.S. and International
Kindle for Mac - Minimum System Requirements:
Kindle for BlackBerry:
Supported BlackBerry Devices: Bold 9000, Bold 9700, Curve 8520, Curve 8900, Storm 9530, Storm 9550, Tour 9630
Availability: U.S. Customers Only
Kindle for iPad:
Requires iPhone/iPad OS 3.2 software update
Availability: U.S. and International
Kindle for Android:
Requires Android OS 2.1 or greater
Availability: U.S. and International
Kindle for Windows Phone 7:
Now Available: Read Kindle books on your Windows Phone 7.
Free App now available for download in the Windows Phone 7 Marketplace!
Coming Soon!
HP TouchPads and BlackBerry PlayBooks
Kindle offers the largest selection of the most popular books people want to read. The Amazon Kindle Store now has more than 950,000 books, including New Releases and 109 of 111 New York Times Best Sellers. Over 790,000 of these books are $9.99 or less, including 69 New York Times Best Sellers. Millions of free, out-of-copyright, pre-1923 books are also available to read on Kindle devices. More than 175,000 books have been added to the Kindle Store in just the last 5 months.
Tags: Kindle Amazon
As a matter of fact, all Kindle books let you "Buy Once, Read Everywhere" - on all generation Kindles, as well as on the largest number of devices and platforms, which include iPad, iPod touch, iPhone, Mac, PC, BlackBerry, Windows Phone, Android-based devices (and soon HP TouchPads and BlackBerry PlayBooks). Amazon's Whispersync technology syncs your place across devices, so you can pick up where you left off.
Click Here To Learn More
Free Reading Apps are available for download in
Kindle for PC - System Requirements:
- A PC with a 500MHz Intel or AMD processor or faster
- At least 128MB of RAM
- Screen resolution of 800x600 or greater
- Windows XP Service Pack 2 or later, or Windows Vista or Windows 7
- 100MB of available disk space
- Availability: U.S. and International
Kindle for iPhone & iPod Touch:
Requires iPhone 3.0 software update
Availability: U.S. and International
Kindle for Mac - Minimum System Requirements:
- A Mac with a 500MHz Intel processor
- 512MB of RAM
- Screen resolution of 800x600
- Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard) or 10.6 (Snow Leopard)
- 100MB of available disk space
- Availability: U.S. and International
Kindle for BlackBerry:
Supported BlackBerry Devices: Bold 9000, Bold 9700, Curve 8520, Curve 8900, Storm 9530, Storm 9550, Tour 9630
Availability: U.S. Customers Only
Kindle for iPad:
Requires iPhone/iPad OS 3.2 software update
Availability: U.S. and International
Kindle for Android:
Requires Android OS 2.1 or greater
Availability: U.S. and International
Kindle for Windows Phone 7:
Now Available: Read Kindle books on your Windows Phone 7.
Free App now available for download in the Windows Phone 7 Marketplace!
Coming Soon!
HP TouchPads and BlackBerry PlayBooks
Kindle offers the largest selection of the most popular books people want to read. The Amazon Kindle Store now has more than 950,000 books, including New Releases and 109 of 111 New York Times Best Sellers. Over 790,000 of these books are $9.99 or less, including 69 New York Times Best Sellers. Millions of free, out-of-copyright, pre-1923 books are also available to read on Kindle devices. More than 175,000 books have been added to the Kindle Store in just the last 5 months.
Tags: Kindle Amazon
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Rank and Pillage
Rank and Pillage is the brand new Internet marketing course created jointly by Brian G Johnson and Aidan Booth, which will be launched on the July 26, 2011 at 12pm EST. I've briefly written about the course in this post on July 03.
I've been lucky enough to get some inside information about the course and I'm going to share it all with you right here...
First of all, Rank and Pillage is not like any other course on the market. It's been a work in progress for over 7 months and contains the exact strategies used by Brian G Johnson and Aidan Booth to bring in hundreds of thousands of dollars in the last few years.
The Rank and Pillage course offers a huge core manual (over 250 pages long) as well as a members area packed with over 100 videos. The best part of all however is that all the content is jam packed with real strategies to help you make money online quickly.
The course is divided into 8 modules, each tackling a different aspect of Internet marketing:
Module 1: Introduction to Rank and Pillage – This module is the course introduction. It looks at Internet marketing in general and discusses exactly what you need in order to succeed.
Module 2: Traffic Battle Plan – Module 2 looks at the amount of traffic or website visitors you need, and also the type of traffic, in order to make money from your website.
Module 3: SEO Siege – The SEO Siege modules dives deep into the world of SEO and explains in detail how to rank number 1 in Google. This is personally one of my favorite modules in the entire course because many of the strategies are brand new, work extremely well, and have never been shared before!
Module 4: The Pillage Blueprints – This is the money making module. Inside "The Pillage Blueprints" Brian and Aidan reveal a diverse range of different money making methods, each broken down into an easy to follow step by step blueprint. In this module you'll learn how make money via Adsense, Clickbank, through selling physical products on Amazon and Commission Junction, through targeting product launches, email marketing and much more.
Module 5: Fortress Foundation Brick by Brick – In this module Brian Johnson and Aidan Booth walk through the set-up of a website. If you've never used WordPress before or simply want to know the absolute best, proven method for creating an SEO optimized and conversion optimized website, this is the module you'll look at.
Module 6: Link Catapult Formulas – Here Brian and Aidan reveal several in depth link building plans. Each plan is broken down into day-by-day steps making it as easy as possible to follow. This is the most thorough link building plan I've seen produced in a long time.
Module 7: King of Your Empire – Once you have a website that makes money, it's often relatively easy to take it to the next level and earn a lot of money from it. This is exactly what this modules about – how to dominate a niche and earn serious money!
Module 8: Outsourcing Crusade – Outsourcing has been hyped a lot over the last few years but very few guru's actually do it. Aidan Booth is an expert in outsourcing and you'll learn the exactly how to outsource for the best quality work at the best prices in this module. This part of the course is designed for people who want to grow their business faster than ever.
Rank and Pillage combines the ideas of two Internet marketing masterminds to create a huge course detailing exactly how to build an online income, regardless of your current level of experience and technical know-how. This course gives up and coming Internet marketers a chance to take an up close and personal look at how two SEO experts leverage free traffic to make a killing online.
Whether you want to sell physical goods online, become a master of digital products of ClickBank, or cash in with Google Adsense, it's all included in Rank and Pillage.
Regardless of if you're a complete newbie, or a seasoned Internet marketer, you stand to learn a lot from Rank and Pillage. I strongly recommend you mark the 26th of July in your calendar and return to this page, you won't want to miss the launch of this course.

Related Posts:
Insider Secrets to Rank and Pillage Profitable Niche Markets Revealed
Rank and Pillage by Brian Johnson and Aidan Booth
Tags: Rank and Pillage Internet Marketing
I've been lucky enough to get some inside information about the course and I'm going to share it all with you right here...
First of all, Rank and Pillage is not like any other course on the market. It's been a work in progress for over 7 months and contains the exact strategies used by Brian G Johnson and Aidan Booth to bring in hundreds of thousands of dollars in the last few years.
The Rank and Pillage course offers a huge core manual (over 250 pages long) as well as a members area packed with over 100 videos. The best part of all however is that all the content is jam packed with real strategies to help you make money online quickly.
The course is divided into 8 modules, each tackling a different aspect of Internet marketing:
Module 1: Introduction to Rank and Pillage – This module is the course introduction. It looks at Internet marketing in general and discusses exactly what you need in order to succeed.
Module 2: Traffic Battle Plan – Module 2 looks at the amount of traffic or website visitors you need, and also the type of traffic, in order to make money from your website.
Module 3: SEO Siege – The SEO Siege modules dives deep into the world of SEO and explains in detail how to rank number 1 in Google. This is personally one of my favorite modules in the entire course because many of the strategies are brand new, work extremely well, and have never been shared before!
Module 4: The Pillage Blueprints – This is the money making module. Inside "The Pillage Blueprints" Brian and Aidan reveal a diverse range of different money making methods, each broken down into an easy to follow step by step blueprint. In this module you'll learn how make money via Adsense, Clickbank, through selling physical products on Amazon and Commission Junction, through targeting product launches, email marketing and much more.
Module 5: Fortress Foundation Brick by Brick – In this module Brian Johnson and Aidan Booth walk through the set-up of a website. If you've never used WordPress before or simply want to know the absolute best, proven method for creating an SEO optimized and conversion optimized website, this is the module you'll look at.
Module 6: Link Catapult Formulas – Here Brian and Aidan reveal several in depth link building plans. Each plan is broken down into day-by-day steps making it as easy as possible to follow. This is the most thorough link building plan I've seen produced in a long time.
Module 7: King of Your Empire – Once you have a website that makes money, it's often relatively easy to take it to the next level and earn a lot of money from it. This is exactly what this modules about – how to dominate a niche and earn serious money!
Module 8: Outsourcing Crusade – Outsourcing has been hyped a lot over the last few years but very few guru's actually do it. Aidan Booth is an expert in outsourcing and you'll learn the exactly how to outsource for the best quality work at the best prices in this module. This part of the course is designed for people who want to grow their business faster than ever.
Rank and Pillage combines the ideas of two Internet marketing masterminds to create a huge course detailing exactly how to build an online income, regardless of your current level of experience and technical know-how. This course gives up and coming Internet marketers a chance to take an up close and personal look at how two SEO experts leverage free traffic to make a killing online.
Whether you want to sell physical goods online, become a master of digital products of ClickBank, or cash in with Google Adsense, it's all included in Rank and Pillage.
Regardless of if you're a complete newbie, or a seasoned Internet marketer, you stand to learn a lot from Rank and Pillage. I strongly recommend you mark the 26th of July in your calendar and return to this page, you won't want to miss the launch of this course.
Related Posts:
Insider Secrets to Rank and Pillage Profitable Niche Markets Revealed
Rank and Pillage by Brian Johnson and Aidan Booth
Tags: Rank and Pillage Internet Marketing
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Kindle Book Publishing - A Hot Money Making Opportunity
Do you know that Kindle book publishing is now a hot money making opportunity?
I got an interesting email from a long time buddy showing me a screenshot from Amazon of an eBook he created hitting the top 50 on the Kindle list (and made more than $10,000!) last month! Even more interesting is that he has never been a good writer himself! After a lot of pushing he finally admitted that he didn't write the book but paid a freelance writer to write for him. I wasn't able to find out the exact amount he had paid for the writing job. But he did say he had fully recovered his investment two weeks after uploaded his book to the Amazon e-book publishing platform!
Isn't this a real window of opportunity for making money?
According to statistics from the February 2011 Sales Report by Association of American Publishers, eBooks rank as #1 format among all trade categories. For the February results, eBooks have enjoyed triple-digit percentage growth, 202.3%, vs February 2010. Even Yahoo! eBooks reported that they are poised to have a 4x increase in eBook sales during the next 2 years. See video below:
And interestingly, Amazon announced that their Kindle book sales have finally eclipsed print books sales. Amazon now sells 105 electronic books for every 100 printed ones. This is a sign of the growing dominance of their Kindle digital reader
, currently the company's best-selling electronic device. This will be a major shift for Amazon -- They have been selling printed books for more than 15 years vis-a-vis ebooks for less than four years.
This is the time to jump on the trend because there are 9,000,000 prints books on Amazon but only 950,000 eBooks. (That's a measly 1/10 the competition with tons of genres wide open for the taking.)
For those who love writing or who can write well, this is a HUGE opportunity to make money. Even if you cannot write or hate writing you can still jump on the bandwagon just like my friend did (outsource the writing part).
How to go about publishing an eBook at Amazon?
First thing first, go to Amazons Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) and sign up for an account. It costs nothing.
If you plan to sell a lot of eBooks, it's advisable for you to figure out a way to upload your eBook files directly to the KDP platform, IF you're a do-it-yourself kind of person.
You can create your own book cover and format your ebook from a Microsoft Word file. There's a free software tool you can use to do the job - Mobipocket eBook Creator which allows you to create an ebook with a table of contents and then convert it to AZW, Amazon's proprietary Kindle ebook format. This is the process:
Microsoft Word file ==> HTML ==> MOBI
MOBI is the file output by Mobipocket, which is the SAME as AZW.
You can find out more from the Mobipocket official website.
If you can't do it yourself and need help, click here.
A few words of caution:
Read the Kindle Publishing Guide thoroughly. Don't be tempted to use public domain titles (PLRs) in their original forms because Amazon is currently implementing a new standard policy to eliminate the problem caused by multiple, undifferentiated copies of public domain titles in their Kindle catalog. You don't want your name blacklisted. However, you may make use of any public domain material as a reference to come up with your own version of eBook - rewriting the content, changing the graphic and book title, etc.
Here are a couple of useful guides you can use to speed up your whole process of making money with Kindle Book Publishing:
Kindle Publishing Made Easy : A Step-by-Step Guide to publishing your books and ebooks in the Amazon Kindle Store
The Kindle Cash Machine : Publish Your Own Book Today And Start Generating Sales On Amazon Fast and Make Real Money In the Process
Tags: Kindle Amazon Kindle Book Publishing eBook
I got an interesting email from a long time buddy showing me a screenshot from Amazon of an eBook he created hitting the top 50 on the Kindle list (and made more than $10,000!) last month! Even more interesting is that he has never been a good writer himself! After a lot of pushing he finally admitted that he didn't write the book but paid a freelance writer to write for him. I wasn't able to find out the exact amount he had paid for the writing job. But he did say he had fully recovered his investment two weeks after uploaded his book to the Amazon e-book publishing platform!
Isn't this a real window of opportunity for making money?
According to statistics from the February 2011 Sales Report by Association of American Publishers, eBooks rank as #1 format among all trade categories. For the February results, eBooks have enjoyed triple-digit percentage growth, 202.3%, vs February 2010. Even Yahoo! eBooks reported that they are poised to have a 4x increase in eBook sales during the next 2 years. See video below:
And interestingly, Amazon announced that their Kindle book sales have finally eclipsed print books sales. Amazon now sells 105 electronic books for every 100 printed ones. This is a sign of the growing dominance of their Kindle digital reader
This is the time to jump on the trend because there are 9,000,000 prints books on Amazon but only 950,000 eBooks. (That's a measly 1/10 the competition with tons of genres wide open for the taking.)
For those who love writing or who can write well, this is a HUGE opportunity to make money. Even if you cannot write or hate writing you can still jump on the bandwagon just like my friend did (outsource the writing part).
How to go about publishing an eBook at Amazon?
First thing first, go to Amazons Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) and sign up for an account. It costs nothing.
If you plan to sell a lot of eBooks, it's advisable for you to figure out a way to upload your eBook files directly to the KDP platform, IF you're a do-it-yourself kind of person.
You can create your own book cover and format your ebook from a Microsoft Word file. There's a free software tool you can use to do the job - Mobipocket eBook Creator which allows you to create an ebook with a table of contents and then convert it to AZW, Amazon's proprietary Kindle ebook format. This is the process:
Microsoft Word file ==> HTML ==> MOBI
MOBI is the file output by Mobipocket, which is the SAME as AZW.
You can find out more from the Mobipocket official website.
If you can't do it yourself and need help, click here.
A few words of caution:
Read the Kindle Publishing Guide thoroughly. Don't be tempted to use public domain titles (PLRs) in their original forms because Amazon is currently implementing a new standard policy to eliminate the problem caused by multiple, undifferentiated copies of public domain titles in their Kindle catalog. You don't want your name blacklisted. However, you may make use of any public domain material as a reference to come up with your own version of eBook - rewriting the content, changing the graphic and book title, etc.
Here are a couple of useful guides you can use to speed up your whole process of making money with Kindle Book Publishing:
Kindle Publishing Made Easy : A Step-by-Step Guide to publishing your books and ebooks in the Amazon Kindle Store
The Kindle Cash Machine : Publish Your Own Book Today And Start Generating Sales On Amazon Fast and Make Real Money In the Process
Tags: Kindle Amazon Kindle Book Publishing eBook
Friday, July 8, 2011
Derek Gehl Now Agent 007 At Undergroud X
I lost touch with Derek Gehl since he retired from The Internet Marketing Center in March 2009...
...Until...Early this year I found him at Undergroud X (click to see his 007 look!) with another guy, Yanik Silver!
Anyway, Derek & Yanik have now joined forces for 2011 to deliver some innovative training in advanced moneymaking to skeptical, battle-weary Internet entrepreneurs.
Yanik Silver is a serial Internet entrepreneur and self-made millionaire. Starting from his one-bedroom apartment back in 1998 with just a few hundred dollars, Yanik has built multiple 7-figure businesses. He is recognized as one of the leading experts on web marketing even though he still considers himself a 'techno dunce'.
His story and businesses have been featured on the cover of “Millionaire Blue Prints” magazine, inside Business 2.0, Fox Business News,, USA Today,, MSN Money,, The Boston Globe, Denver Business Journal and many others.
And Derek Gehl, as you may already know, is a self-proclaimed Internet marketing junkie, Derek Gehl has spent the last 13+ years behind the scenes of the Internet marketing world, the silent engine propelling a $65 Million Internet marketing company (IMC) – first as COO and later CEO – as well as consulting for multiple other $100 Million+ companies in almost every industry imaginable.
Preferring to be “in the trenches” of his marketing labs, constantly testing new ideas – Derek has been a driving force behind many of the trends you’ve seen in niche marketing, email marketing, affiliate marketing, Internet copywriting, and more since the late 1990’s.
With a combined 24+ years experience helping businesses generate literally hundreds of millions of dollars in Internet sales, these guys both know exactly what it takes to propel a website to six figures and beyond.
Expect these guys bring in some fresh excitement to the Internet marketing community from now on...
Tags: Internet Marketing Derek Gehl
Yanik Silver
...Until...Early this year I found him at Undergroud X (click to see his 007 look!) with another guy, Yanik Silver!
Anyway, Derek & Yanik have now joined forces for 2011 to deliver some innovative training in advanced moneymaking to skeptical, battle-weary Internet entrepreneurs.
Yanik Silver is a serial Internet entrepreneur and self-made millionaire. Starting from his one-bedroom apartment back in 1998 with just a few hundred dollars, Yanik has built multiple 7-figure businesses. He is recognized as one of the leading experts on web marketing even though he still considers himself a 'techno dunce'.
His story and businesses have been featured on the cover of “Millionaire Blue Prints” magazine, inside Business 2.0, Fox Business News,, USA Today,, MSN Money,, The Boston Globe, Denver Business Journal and many others.
And Derek Gehl, as you may already know, is a self-proclaimed Internet marketing junkie, Derek Gehl has spent the last 13+ years behind the scenes of the Internet marketing world, the silent engine propelling a $65 Million Internet marketing company (IMC) – first as COO and later CEO – as well as consulting for multiple other $100 Million+ companies in almost every industry imaginable.
Preferring to be “in the trenches” of his marketing labs, constantly testing new ideas – Derek has been a driving force behind many of the trends you’ve seen in niche marketing, email marketing, affiliate marketing, Internet copywriting, and more since the late 1990’s.
With a combined 24+ years experience helping businesses generate literally hundreds of millions of dollars in Internet sales, these guys both know exactly what it takes to propel a website to six figures and beyond.
Expect these guys bring in some fresh excitement to the Internet marketing community from now on...
Tags: Internet Marketing Derek Gehl
Yanik Silver
Thursday, July 7, 2011
10 Amazing Business Books for Online Sellers
Unless you hate reading, books are an excellent learning resource. If you search carefully, you'll notice that every good learning course on earth has a matching book to go with it. The best part, learning from books is inexpensive.
Business books are a fundamental enterprising skill builder. In this post I'm going to pick 10 of the best books related to online selling business to help save you time searching. Yes, I've read all the books myself over the years. They are all very useful, plenty of stuff to learn from. But you don't have to take my words for it - just go to the "Book Overview Page" to read some of the readers' reviews and see for yourself.
1. Selling Online: How to Become a Successful E-Commerce Merchant by Jim Carroll & Rick Broadhead
Whether you're an individual, an organization, large or small, Selling Online is a perfect resource for learning how to build a successful, profitable, and sustainable online retail business.
In Selling Online, Jim Carroll and Rick Broadhead discuss what makes an online business fail or triumph. From the nuts and bolts of how to build a site to an in depth look at merchant accounts, a systematic business plan walks you through the complex issues of doing business over the Internet.
About Jim Carroll & Rick Broadhead:
Since teaming up in 1994, internationally recognized e-commerce analysts Jim Carroll and Rick Broadhead have played a key role in educating consumers on the Internet, business and new technology. They have co-authored an astonishing 29 books, many of which feature partnerships with prominent Internet and technology firms, including Sprint, IBM, Visa and Excite.
Book Overview Page
2. Selling Online: How to Start a Home-Based Business Selling Used Books, DVD's and More Online by Patrick Leo
Learn how to start a profitable home-based business selling used items online. You will learn: Where to find items to sell online: Where to look for used items to resell, both on the web and in your own neighborhood. Where to find new items to sell online. What to buy and how much to pay: What products you should focus on and what you should avoid. Find the items that sell the fastest, are the easiest to store, and are simple to ship. Where to sell your items online: Detailed instructions on how to sell online without ever owning a website.
About Patrick Leo:
Patrick Leo is an author and professional online seller. Formerly an auditor for a Certified Public Accounting firm, he began selling used items online in 2003. He found selling online to be so profitable that he started a home-based business and has been able to sell from the comfort of his home ever since. He specializes in selling used books, CD's, DVD's, and video games and has sold items on every major sales channel on the Internet; including,,,, and
Book Overview Page
3. The Little Black Book of Online Business: 1001 Insider Resources Every Business Owner Needs by Paul Galloway
This is not a book about how to make money on the Internet. Instead, it provides the tools and resources you need to implement an online marketing program for any business idea you can come up with.
The Little Black Book of Online Business gives you some of the best, proven resources to help you supercharge your online business. A required reference for anyone doing business online, it's packed with endless resources no online marketer should be without.
About Paul Galloway:
Paul Galloway has spent the last ten years working in online marketing. He currently consults and executes online marketing technology, particularly affiliate propagation and tracking systems for new product launches.
Book Overview Page
4. Selling Online: Beyond eBay by Donny Lowy
Selling Online is based on the advice, experiences, and strategies, that the most successful online entrepreneurs have been using for years to quietly develop online fortunes.
If you have a business you would like to take online, or you already have an online business that you want to grow, or you would simply love to start your own online business, then you will be amazed by the value of the inside information that you will be given.
About Donny Lowy:
Donny Lowy is a recognized and well-respected entrepreneur who has started and operated many successful online businesses. As an online entrepreneur he is sought after for his valuable consulting services which have helped many individuals and businesses take advantage of the lucrative opportunities found online.
Book Overview Page
5. The Stranger's Long Neck: How to Deliver What Your Customers Really Want Online by Gerry McGovern
Gerry McGovern is widely regarded as the number one worldwide authority on managing web content as a business asset. Named as one of the 100 most influential figures in e-commerce in the UK and Ireland, he has appeared on CNN , CNBC and BBC television and has been featured in numerous print media publications.
Top 5 Tips for Improving Your Website by Gerry McGovern:
- On the Web, content may be king but the customer is dictator. There's one word to describe the web customer: IMPATIENT.
- Traditional marketing and communication is about GETTING ATTENTION. Web marketing and communication is about PAYING ATTENTION. When customers are at your website you already have their attention. Don't waste their time by telling them things they already know.
- Every website has a small set of top tasks what I call the "long neck" that customers expect to complete quickly and easily. The customers' top tasks are often not what the organisation thinks they are, or wants them to be.
- The BIGGEST key to website improvement and efficiency of "long neck" consumer tasks is most often overlooked: companies must do rigorous, methodical and continuous testing! Great web management is based on facts about your consumers, not opinions offered by the smartest people in your company.
- The Web is about doing, not talking about doing. A great website puts task-completion features on the homepage. In Web 1.0 you saw a picture of a hotel room on the homepage of a hotel website. Now, you book your room on the homepage.
Find out more in The Stranger's Long Neck:
Book Overview Page
6. If You Build It Will They Come: Three Steps to Test and Validate Any Market Opportunity by Rob Adams
If You Build It Will They Come helps you execute the essential actions for any new product offering. Using this book's "Ready, Aim, Fire" framework, you'll:
- Evaluate product ideas
- Gather the right information on competitors
- Find and understand your target audience
- Match product features to market demand
- Determine pricing
- Utilize experts and data
- Prepare the market for your product
- Bring your product to market
About Rob Adams:
Rob Adams is a strategy consultant and venture capitalist, and on the faculty of The University of Texas at Austin's McCombs School of Business. He has been a founder, founding investor, or involved with the IPO or merger and acquisition of more than forty companies, involving the launch of more than 100 new products, representing more than a billion dollars of investment. He is the author of A Good Hard Kick in the Ass: Basic Training for Entrepreneurs
. He has been covered in Business Week, Forbes, Fortune, Money, the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, and the Washington Post, as well as on Bloomberg Radio, Public Television, and National Public Radio's Marketplace program.
Book Overview Page
7. Consumerology: The Market Research Myth, the Truth About Consumers, and the Psychology of Shopping by Philip Graves
Philip Graves, one of the world's leading experts in consumer behaviour, reveals why the findings obtained from most market research are completely unreliable. Whether it is company executives seeking to define their corporate strategy or politicians wanting to understand the electorate, the idea that questions answered on a questionnaire or discussed in a focus group can provide useful insights on which to base business decisions is the cause of product failures, political blunders and wasted billions.
Using his unique AFECT approach, a set of five criteria to evaluate the reliability of any consumer insight, Graves asserts that it's time for a fresh approach that embraces this new understanding of human behaviour. Along the way, he reveals why the current practice of market research is a false science, why we often don't buy what we say we will, and how to understand consumers better than they do themselves.
About Philip Graves:
Philip Graves is a consumer behaviour consultant, author and speaker. 20 years observing consumers as a market research manager and research consultant made him aware of a conflict between what people said in research and what they actually did, which led to the introduction of the psychology of shopping into his work. He has advised numerous international businesses, including Comet, ITV, Whirlpool, Dr Martens, New Covent Garden Food Company, Camelot, Virgin Media, Hotpoint and Pepsi. In addition to running his own consultancy business, Shift, Philip is an associate of Frontier Economics.
Book Overview Page
8. Finding Your Niche Can Be a Real Bitch But It Doesn't Have to Be by Kathy Dolbow Doran
An excellent book for you:
- If you're someone who gets inspired by reading other people's success stories.
- If you're someone who knows you have a lot to offer, but has yet to find your calling.
- If you're willing to look at the world as a place of possibility, not as a victim who's had a run of bad luck.
- If you're willing to take a chance of becoming someone who's found their niche.
This book focuses on those people who have found their niche by manifestation. By reading transcribed interviews with people who have discovered their calling, you will begin to view your own situation as one in which there is a world of possibility. Think of the people profiled in this book as your own personal mentors. Each person has a story to tell and one of their stories may resonate with you and propel you to finding your niche. After the interviews, there's a section that highlights one aspect of each interviewee's philosophy. You will be given a chance to apply this data to your own situation to see how it could be used to change your life.
About Kathy Dolbow Doran:
Along the way to discovering her niche, Kathy Dolbow Doran, M.S. was an English teacher, a paralegal, a flight attendant, a writer/producer/hand model in advertising, a curriculum developer, and owner of a business developing training materials for corporations, government organizations and non-profits. She is now happily helping other people find their niche.
Book Overview Page
9. A Quick Start Guide to Online Selling: How to Sell Your Product on e-Bay, Amazon, i-Tunes and Other Online Marketplaces by Cresta Norris
In this book, new media marketing specialist Cresta Norris explains the fundamentals of online selling, the advantages of doing so, what to consider when creating an online shop, and the pitfalls to avoid. She explains online payments, creating an online shop, search engine optimization, pay-per-click advertising, distance selling, online trading, fulfilling customer orders, and planning for e-commerce. She also includes an array of international case studies.
About Cresta Norris:
Cresta Norris is former head of new media content at UKTV, a joint venture between Virgin and the BBC. She has created online content for the marketing arms of the BBC and has also worked for them as a radio producer.
Book Overview Page
10. The Handmade Marketplace: How to Sell Your Crafts Locally, Globally, and Online by Kari Chapin
The Handmade Market Place is a fantastic resource full of useful tips and guidelines from top D.I.Y. insiders. Whether the product is beaded jewelry or felted slippers, illustrations or tote bags, author Kari Chapin helps crafters determine cost of goods, market competition, and the pros and cons of wholesale and retail sales. If the price is right, customers will buy. The Handmade Marketplace breaks down and makes sense of the global possibilities for marketing and selling crafts.
About Kari Chapin:
Kari Chapin has worked in marketing and publicity for a variety of arts and non-profit organizations and managed a retail store featuring artisan goods.
Book Overview Page
Enjoy reading and well wishes for your online selling business!
Tags: Business Books Online Business
Business books are a fundamental enterprising skill builder. In this post I'm going to pick 10 of the best books related to online selling business to help save you time searching. Yes, I've read all the books myself over the years. They are all very useful, plenty of stuff to learn from. But you don't have to take my words for it - just go to the "Book Overview Page" to read some of the readers' reviews and see for yourself.
1. Selling Online: How to Become a Successful E-Commerce Merchant by Jim Carroll & Rick Broadhead
Whether you're an individual, an organization, large or small, Selling Online is a perfect resource for learning how to build a successful, profitable, and sustainable online retail business.
In Selling Online, Jim Carroll and Rick Broadhead discuss what makes an online business fail or triumph. From the nuts and bolts of how to build a site to an in depth look at merchant accounts, a systematic business plan walks you through the complex issues of doing business over the Internet.
About Jim Carroll & Rick Broadhead:
Since teaming up in 1994, internationally recognized e-commerce analysts Jim Carroll and Rick Broadhead have played a key role in educating consumers on the Internet, business and new technology. They have co-authored an astonishing 29 books, many of which feature partnerships with prominent Internet and technology firms, including Sprint, IBM, Visa and Excite.
Book Overview Page
2. Selling Online: How to Start a Home-Based Business Selling Used Books, DVD's and More Online by Patrick Leo
Learn how to start a profitable home-based business selling used items online. You will learn: Where to find items to sell online: Where to look for used items to resell, both on the web and in your own neighborhood. Where to find new items to sell online. What to buy and how much to pay: What products you should focus on and what you should avoid. Find the items that sell the fastest, are the easiest to store, and are simple to ship. Where to sell your items online: Detailed instructions on how to sell online without ever owning a website.
About Patrick Leo:
Patrick Leo is an author and professional online seller. Formerly an auditor for a Certified Public Accounting firm, he began selling used items online in 2003. He found selling online to be so profitable that he started a home-based business and has been able to sell from the comfort of his home ever since. He specializes in selling used books, CD's, DVD's, and video games and has sold items on every major sales channel on the Internet; including,,,, and
Book Overview Page
3. The Little Black Book of Online Business: 1001 Insider Resources Every Business Owner Needs by Paul Galloway
This is not a book about how to make money on the Internet. Instead, it provides the tools and resources you need to implement an online marketing program for any business idea you can come up with.
The Little Black Book of Online Business gives you some of the best, proven resources to help you supercharge your online business. A required reference for anyone doing business online, it's packed with endless resources no online marketer should be without.
About Paul Galloway:
Paul Galloway has spent the last ten years working in online marketing. He currently consults and executes online marketing technology, particularly affiliate propagation and tracking systems for new product launches.
Book Overview Page
4. Selling Online: Beyond eBay by Donny Lowy
Selling Online is based on the advice, experiences, and strategies, that the most successful online entrepreneurs have been using for years to quietly develop online fortunes.
If you have a business you would like to take online, or you already have an online business that you want to grow, or you would simply love to start your own online business, then you will be amazed by the value of the inside information that you will be given.
About Donny Lowy:
Donny Lowy is a recognized and well-respected entrepreneur who has started and operated many successful online businesses. As an online entrepreneur he is sought after for his valuable consulting services which have helped many individuals and businesses take advantage of the lucrative opportunities found online.
Book Overview Page
5. The Stranger's Long Neck: How to Deliver What Your Customers Really Want Online by Gerry McGovern
Gerry McGovern is widely regarded as the number one worldwide authority on managing web content as a business asset. Named as one of the 100 most influential figures in e-commerce in the UK and Ireland, he has appeared on CNN , CNBC and BBC television and has been featured in numerous print media publications.
Top 5 Tips for Improving Your Website by Gerry McGovern:
- On the Web, content may be king but the customer is dictator. There's one word to describe the web customer: IMPATIENT.
- Traditional marketing and communication is about GETTING ATTENTION. Web marketing and communication is about PAYING ATTENTION. When customers are at your website you already have their attention. Don't waste their time by telling them things they already know.
- Every website has a small set of top tasks what I call the "long neck" that customers expect to complete quickly and easily. The customers' top tasks are often not what the organisation thinks they are, or wants them to be.
- The BIGGEST key to website improvement and efficiency of "long neck" consumer tasks is most often overlooked: companies must do rigorous, methodical and continuous testing! Great web management is based on facts about your consumers, not opinions offered by the smartest people in your company.
- The Web is about doing, not talking about doing. A great website puts task-completion features on the homepage. In Web 1.0 you saw a picture of a hotel room on the homepage of a hotel website. Now, you book your room on the homepage.
Find out more in The Stranger's Long Neck:
Book Overview Page
6. If You Build It Will They Come: Three Steps to Test and Validate Any Market Opportunity by Rob Adams
If You Build It Will They Come helps you execute the essential actions for any new product offering. Using this book's "Ready, Aim, Fire" framework, you'll:
- Evaluate product ideas
- Gather the right information on competitors
- Find and understand your target audience
- Match product features to market demand
- Determine pricing
- Utilize experts and data
- Prepare the market for your product
- Bring your product to market
About Rob Adams:
Rob Adams is a strategy consultant and venture capitalist, and on the faculty of The University of Texas at Austin's McCombs School of Business. He has been a founder, founding investor, or involved with the IPO or merger and acquisition of more than forty companies, involving the launch of more than 100 new products, representing more than a billion dollars of investment. He is the author of A Good Hard Kick in the Ass: Basic Training for Entrepreneurs
Book Overview Page
7. Consumerology: The Market Research Myth, the Truth About Consumers, and the Psychology of Shopping by Philip Graves
Philip Graves, one of the world's leading experts in consumer behaviour, reveals why the findings obtained from most market research are completely unreliable. Whether it is company executives seeking to define their corporate strategy or politicians wanting to understand the electorate, the idea that questions answered on a questionnaire or discussed in a focus group can provide useful insights on which to base business decisions is the cause of product failures, political blunders and wasted billions.
Using his unique AFECT approach, a set of five criteria to evaluate the reliability of any consumer insight, Graves asserts that it's time for a fresh approach that embraces this new understanding of human behaviour. Along the way, he reveals why the current practice of market research is a false science, why we often don't buy what we say we will, and how to understand consumers better than they do themselves.
About Philip Graves:
Philip Graves is a consumer behaviour consultant, author and speaker. 20 years observing consumers as a market research manager and research consultant made him aware of a conflict between what people said in research and what they actually did, which led to the introduction of the psychology of shopping into his work. He has advised numerous international businesses, including Comet, ITV, Whirlpool, Dr Martens, New Covent Garden Food Company, Camelot, Virgin Media, Hotpoint and Pepsi. In addition to running his own consultancy business, Shift, Philip is an associate of Frontier Economics.
Book Overview Page
8. Finding Your Niche Can Be a Real Bitch But It Doesn't Have to Be by Kathy Dolbow Doran
An excellent book for you:
- If you're someone who gets inspired by reading other people's success stories.
- If you're someone who knows you have a lot to offer, but has yet to find your calling.
- If you're willing to look at the world as a place of possibility, not as a victim who's had a run of bad luck.
- If you're willing to take a chance of becoming someone who's found their niche.
This book focuses on those people who have found their niche by manifestation. By reading transcribed interviews with people who have discovered their calling, you will begin to view your own situation as one in which there is a world of possibility. Think of the people profiled in this book as your own personal mentors. Each person has a story to tell and one of their stories may resonate with you and propel you to finding your niche. After the interviews, there's a section that highlights one aspect of each interviewee's philosophy. You will be given a chance to apply this data to your own situation to see how it could be used to change your life.
About Kathy Dolbow Doran:
Along the way to discovering her niche, Kathy Dolbow Doran, M.S. was an English teacher, a paralegal, a flight attendant, a writer/producer/hand model in advertising, a curriculum developer, and owner of a business developing training materials for corporations, government organizations and non-profits. She is now happily helping other people find their niche.
Book Overview Page
9. A Quick Start Guide to Online Selling: How to Sell Your Product on e-Bay, Amazon, i-Tunes and Other Online Marketplaces by Cresta Norris
In this book, new media marketing specialist Cresta Norris explains the fundamentals of online selling, the advantages of doing so, what to consider when creating an online shop, and the pitfalls to avoid. She explains online payments, creating an online shop, search engine optimization, pay-per-click advertising, distance selling, online trading, fulfilling customer orders, and planning for e-commerce. She also includes an array of international case studies.
About Cresta Norris:
Cresta Norris is former head of new media content at UKTV, a joint venture between Virgin and the BBC. She has created online content for the marketing arms of the BBC and has also worked for them as a radio producer.
Book Overview Page
10. The Handmade Marketplace: How to Sell Your Crafts Locally, Globally, and Online by Kari Chapin
The Handmade Market Place is a fantastic resource full of useful tips and guidelines from top D.I.Y. insiders. Whether the product is beaded jewelry or felted slippers, illustrations or tote bags, author Kari Chapin helps crafters determine cost of goods, market competition, and the pros and cons of wholesale and retail sales. If the price is right, customers will buy. The Handmade Marketplace breaks down and makes sense of the global possibilities for marketing and selling crafts.
About Kari Chapin:
Kari Chapin has worked in marketing and publicity for a variety of arts and non-profit organizations and managed a retail store featuring artisan goods.
Book Overview Page
Enjoy reading and well wishes for your online selling business!
Tags: Business Books Online Business
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Forex Training Course - Learn the Most Powerful Money Making Forex Trading Strategies with Instant FX Profits
So you're interested in Forex trading? But you don't know how or where to begin? And most importantly you're afraid of buying the wrong training course that may make you poorer?
Look no further, it's here...This could be the turning point in your life you've been waiting for... that is, if you're prepared to do what it takes to get where you want to go...
Let me cut straight to the chase...
One of the world's most experienced Forex experts is now accepting new students again! His name is Kishore M, who has been regarded as a World Class Forex Trading Expert...Who's shared the same stage with some of the top investors, authors & speakers in the world, including Jim Rogers, T. Harv Eker, Joe Girard, Blair Singer, Ray Barros, Robert Miles, Tom Gentile, Ron Ianieri, James Skinner, George Forkas & more...
Instant FX Profits by Kishore M...
The Most Powerful & Effective Forex Training Course On Earth - No Bull, No Crap, No Bells & Whistles, No False Promises...
AND it is the world's ONLY Forex trading course that is certified by a tertiary institution, Metropolitan Business School of UK.
The Instant FX Profits training course consists of 7 well planned modules, is based on over 7 years of Kishore M's experience in coaching and mentoring of over 100,000 students worldwide. The training course will walk you through the whole journey, transform anyone from a completely newbie into a master trader.
In the Instant FX Profits training course, you will learn through a series of online videos showing you step-by-step on starting your new source of income via Forex trading:
1. How to make money by trading Forex (whether you're trading already or complete beginner starting from scratch) — starting with as little as $100.
2. How to make $100,000.00++ in your first year of trading Forex with the exact step by step plan that has been laid for you.
3. Need cash fast? How to make quick and easy profits by trading forex using a unique technique that will help you to get daily income.
4. The 4 golden rules that most traders will never learn - violate any of the rules and risk losing thousands of dollars.
5. Peep into a world renowned Forex trader's mind and know exactly what he trades every single week.
6. How to trade forex with exact entry point and exit point. i.e. Buy before the currency goes up and Sell before it comes down.
7. The closely guarded secret in trading Forex with 100% accuracy almost every single month.
And much much more...
Kishore M's Media Exposure:
What you're getting as a Instant FX Profits Training Course student:
1. Annual Subscription to Daily Instant FX Profits Alert.
2. FX Home Study Course.
3. Charting Online Website which gives you exact entry and Exit after you insert the missing trading secret indicator ingredient.
4. Instant FX Profits Lifetime VIP Membership, which grant you lifetime email support and online chat support with Kishore M's team, and all future updates.
Click Here To Get Started With Instant FX Profits Training Course
Instant FX Profits Resources You Won't Want To Miss:
1. Closely Guarded 100% Accuracy Forex Strategy - A very powerful Forex secret discovery that could earn you $183,000 in just 2 months!
Watch Video
2. Instant Pip Profits Strategy
Instant Pip Profits is a strategy which CEO of Rich Dad Asia, Mr Bellum Tan (one of the ambassadors of Robert Kiyosaki) has been using. He made US$50,000 profits with a capital of US$5,000 within 22 days after learning this strategy from Mr. Kishore M.
Watch Video
3. Pip Breakout Explosive Profits strategy
It is a PROVEN & profitable forex trading strategy by Mr. Kishore M. This strategy aims at generating 350% ROI (Return On Investment) in a SINGLE trade.
Watch Video
Opportunity Is Knocking...Are You Answering?
Take Action, Enroll to The Training Course Now!
Related Forex Posts
Tags: Forex Instant FX Profits Kishore M
Look no further, it's here...This could be the turning point in your life you've been waiting for... that is, if you're prepared to do what it takes to get where you want to go...
Let me cut straight to the chase...
One of the world's most experienced Forex experts is now accepting new students again! His name is Kishore M, who has been regarded as a World Class Forex Trading Expert...Who's shared the same stage with some of the top investors, authors & speakers in the world, including Jim Rogers, T. Harv Eker, Joe Girard, Blair Singer, Ray Barros, Robert Miles, Tom Gentile, Ron Ianieri, James Skinner, George Forkas & more...
Instant FX Profits by Kishore M...
The Most Powerful & Effective Forex Training Course On Earth - No Bull, No Crap, No Bells & Whistles, No False Promises...
AND it is the world's ONLY Forex trading course that is certified by a tertiary institution, Metropolitan Business School of UK.
The Instant FX Profits training course consists of 7 well planned modules, is based on over 7 years of Kishore M's experience in coaching and mentoring of over 100,000 students worldwide. The training course will walk you through the whole journey, transform anyone from a completely newbie into a master trader.
In the Instant FX Profits training course, you will learn through a series of online videos showing you step-by-step on starting your new source of income via Forex trading:
1. How to make money by trading Forex (whether you're trading already or complete beginner starting from scratch) — starting with as little as $100.
2. How to make $100,000.00++ in your first year of trading Forex with the exact step by step plan that has been laid for you.
3. Need cash fast? How to make quick and easy profits by trading forex using a unique technique that will help you to get daily income.
4. The 4 golden rules that most traders will never learn - violate any of the rules and risk losing thousands of dollars.
5. Peep into a world renowned Forex trader's mind and know exactly what he trades every single week.
6. How to trade forex with exact entry point and exit point. i.e. Buy before the currency goes up and Sell before it comes down.
7. The closely guarded secret in trading Forex with 100% accuracy almost every single month.
And much much more...
Kishore M's Media Exposure:
What you're getting as a Instant FX Profits Training Course student:
1. Annual Subscription to Daily Instant FX Profits Alert.
2. FX Home Study Course.
3. Charting Online Website which gives you exact entry and Exit after you insert the missing trading secret indicator ingredient.
4. Instant FX Profits Lifetime VIP Membership, which grant you lifetime email support and online chat support with Kishore M's team, and all future updates.
Click Here To Get Started With Instant FX Profits Training Course
Instant FX Profits Resources You Won't Want To Miss:
1. Closely Guarded 100% Accuracy Forex Strategy - A very powerful Forex secret discovery that could earn you $183,000 in just 2 months!
Watch Video
2. Instant Pip Profits Strategy
Instant Pip Profits is a strategy which CEO of Rich Dad Asia, Mr Bellum Tan (one of the ambassadors of Robert Kiyosaki) has been using. He made US$50,000 profits with a capital of US$5,000 within 22 days after learning this strategy from Mr. Kishore M.
Watch Video
3. Pip Breakout Explosive Profits strategy
It is a PROVEN & profitable forex trading strategy by Mr. Kishore M. This strategy aims at generating 350% ROI (Return On Investment) in a SINGLE trade.
Watch Video
Opportunity Is Knocking...Are You Answering?
Take Action, Enroll to The Training Course Now!
Related Forex Posts
Tags: Forex Instant FX Profits Kishore M
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Secret Spiritual Power - Meet John Harricharan, The Man With Special Powers
I want to tell you something about a very special man who possesses "special powers". I think he's someone you'll want to meet.
His name is John Harricharan and he can show you secret spiritual powers you didn't even know you had...
Some people have called him a "quack", yet he has shared the stage with world renowned speakers as Deepak Chopra, Elisabeth Kubler-Ross, Og Mandino, Gerald Jampolsky, Foster Hibbard, Eric Butterworth, C. Everett Koop and others!
Some people think his ideas are too "out there", but he has shared his secrets alongside the Dalai Lama, Paul and Linda McCartney, even His Royal Highness, Prince Philip of Great Britain himself.
And more importantly, his guidance... his own treasure trove of spiritual secrets have transformed lives across the globe spiritually, emotionally, physically, mentally and financially (and quite a few used to be skeptics)...
Why should you care?
Because once you experience just a taste of what he can show you, you will see a rush of transformational ripples take over your life. Everything you do, desire, or strive for will be revolutionized.
You will be a different person. You will be more "you."
By the way, John is an extremely humble man. He doesn't want huge fame (although he has become quite well known). For years, he has helped people from all over the world improve their lives by better understanding the forces at work in the spiritual and metaphysical world. He doesn't care for titles. He's not screaming at the top of his lungs, hoping you'll listen.
BUT, if you take a moment, step up, and see what he has to say, well...
See for yourself...
Secret Spiritual Power - The Master Speaks:
It consists of 12 audio modules with over 20 hours of jam-packed, interview content:
Module #1: Sense and Nonsense of the "Law of Attraction" – Here you will learn the truth about the Law of Attraction and why it only seems to work some of the time.
Module #2: Past lives, future lives and alternate realities – Here John reveals the secrets behind how to tap into your "soul memory" and use that information and wisdom to make your current life happier and more successful.
Module #3: How to make time stand still – According to John, we can all use our natural abilities to "Bend the Arrow of Time." Learn how to use your mind to slow time down or speed it up when you feel a need for it.
Module #4: Whispers from the Universe – Listen as John pulls back the curtain on the afterlife and those who've gone on; afterlife communications and mysteries of the "other side."
Module #5: The "cloak of invisibility" and the "power of silence" – Here John reveals the key to staying sane in an insane world and how to not be noticed when you need your silence and privacy.
Module #6: Dreams and the stories told in the night – How do dreams relate to our waking life? Is there any purpose or reason for them or are they just phantoms of a tired mind? They are just reality in a different level of consciousness and can be used for guidance and success.
Module #7: The Metaphysics of Money - Part A – Money is actually energy in motion. Why is it so difficult for many to get the amount they need or want, while it's the easiest thing for some to acquire large amounts?
Module #8: The Metaphysics of Money - Part B – Here the discussion about money, how to attract it and how to manifest wealth continues.
Module #9: Event Formation – From vaporizing clouds to vaporizing our problems. Clouds are like problems. Learn the strategy and methods of how to vaporize them and you could use the same techniques to rid yourself of your problems.
Module #10: The magic of the Morphogenic Field – Why do events that happen in one place seem to affect other events that occur in a totally unrelated place? How to tap into the Morphogenic (or Morphic) field to create more success and happiness.
Module #11: Intuition, Psychic Powers, Distance Healing, Remote Viewing and such matters of the mind – We are heirs to a tremendous degree of "powers." By learning the ways to develop and use these abilities, we could have an amazing, positive effect on our lives and the lives of others.
Module #12: The Power of Belief and its Relationship to Perfect Happiness and Success – A general wrap up of why our belief system could imprison or free us and how we can change our belief patterns to be more positive, productive, wealthy and fulfilled.
How much does the Secret Spiritual Power package cost?
Two Versions are available for purchase:
1. Digital Version (immediate download): $37
2. Physical CD Version (includes immediate download) : $47 + $5 S/H
Click here to buy or download Secret Spiritual Power
Some Related Resources You May Also Like:
John Harricharan:
John Harricharan is also extraordinary, compelling author. His award-winning book, When You Can Walk on Water, Take the Boat
was named 'Best Book of the Year' by the American Bookdealers Exchange. Its sequel, Morning Has Been All Night Coming
has been drawing rave reviews.
Deepak Chopra:
Deepak Chopra is a Indian medical doctor, public speaker, and writer on subjects such as spirituality, Ayurveda and mind-body medicine. Chopra began his career as an endocrinologist and later shifted his focus to alternative medicine...More >>
Books by Deepak Chopra
Elisabeth Kubler-Ross:
Elisabeth Kübler-Ross, M.D. (July 8, 1926 – August 24, 2004) was a psychiatrist, a pioneer in Near-death studies and the author of the groundbreaking book On Death and Dying (1969), where she first discussed what is now known as the Kübler-Ross model...More >>
Books by Elisabeth Kubler-Ross
Og Mandino:
Augustine "Og" Mandino II (December 12, 1923 – September 3, 1996) was an American author. He wrote the bestselling book The Greatest Salesman in the World. His books have sold over 50 million copies and have been translated into over twenty-five different languages...More >>
Books by Og Mandino
Gerald Jampolsky:
Dr. Gerald G. Jampolsky, M.D., a graduate of Stanford Medical School, is a child and adult psychiatrist, and the author of more than a dozen books. He is also the co-founder of the International Center for Attitudinal Healing in Sausalito, California. Dr. Jampolsky and his wife, Diane Circincione, Ph.D., are international speakers and teachers. When they aren’t traveling the globe, Jerry and Diane reside in Sausalito, California, and Kailua, Hawaii.
Books by Gerald Jampolsky
Eric Butterworth:
Eric Butterworth (1916-2003), often referred to as a "Twentieth Century Emerson," is considered a legend and spiritual icon in the Unity Movement. A visionary and an innovator, he originated the Spiritual Therapy Workshops. The author of sixteen bestselling books on metaphysical spirituality, a gifted theologian, philosopher, and lecturer, Butterworth was a highly respected New Age pioneer and innovator of New Thought, whose life was dedicated to helping people to help themselves.
Books by Eric Butterworth
Tag: Personal Development
His name is John Harricharan and he can show you secret spiritual powers you didn't even know you had...
Some people have called him a "quack", yet he has shared the stage with world renowned speakers as Deepak Chopra, Elisabeth Kubler-Ross, Og Mandino, Gerald Jampolsky, Foster Hibbard, Eric Butterworth, C. Everett Koop and others!
Some people think his ideas are too "out there", but he has shared his secrets alongside the Dalai Lama, Paul and Linda McCartney, even His Royal Highness, Prince Philip of Great Britain himself.
And more importantly, his guidance... his own treasure trove of spiritual secrets have transformed lives across the globe spiritually, emotionally, physically, mentally and financially (and quite a few used to be skeptics)...
Why should you care?
Because once you experience just a taste of what he can show you, you will see a rush of transformational ripples take over your life. Everything you do, desire, or strive for will be revolutionized.
You will be a different person. You will be more "you."
By the way, John is an extremely humble man. He doesn't want huge fame (although he has become quite well known). For years, he has helped people from all over the world improve their lives by better understanding the forces at work in the spiritual and metaphysical world. He doesn't care for titles. He's not screaming at the top of his lungs, hoping you'll listen.
BUT, if you take a moment, step up, and see what he has to say, well...
See for yourself...
Secret Spiritual Power - The Master Speaks:
It consists of 12 audio modules with over 20 hours of jam-packed, interview content:
Module #1: Sense and Nonsense of the "Law of Attraction" – Here you will learn the truth about the Law of Attraction and why it only seems to work some of the time.
Module #2: Past lives, future lives and alternate realities – Here John reveals the secrets behind how to tap into your "soul memory" and use that information and wisdom to make your current life happier and more successful.
Module #3: How to make time stand still – According to John, we can all use our natural abilities to "Bend the Arrow of Time." Learn how to use your mind to slow time down or speed it up when you feel a need for it.
Module #4: Whispers from the Universe – Listen as John pulls back the curtain on the afterlife and those who've gone on; afterlife communications and mysteries of the "other side."
Module #5: The "cloak of invisibility" and the "power of silence" – Here John reveals the key to staying sane in an insane world and how to not be noticed when you need your silence and privacy.
Module #6: Dreams and the stories told in the night – How do dreams relate to our waking life? Is there any purpose or reason for them or are they just phantoms of a tired mind? They are just reality in a different level of consciousness and can be used for guidance and success.
Module #7: The Metaphysics of Money - Part A – Money is actually energy in motion. Why is it so difficult for many to get the amount they need or want, while it's the easiest thing for some to acquire large amounts?
Module #8: The Metaphysics of Money - Part B – Here the discussion about money, how to attract it and how to manifest wealth continues.
Module #9: Event Formation – From vaporizing clouds to vaporizing our problems. Clouds are like problems. Learn the strategy and methods of how to vaporize them and you could use the same techniques to rid yourself of your problems.
Module #10: The magic of the Morphogenic Field – Why do events that happen in one place seem to affect other events that occur in a totally unrelated place? How to tap into the Morphogenic (or Morphic) field to create more success and happiness.
Module #11: Intuition, Psychic Powers, Distance Healing, Remote Viewing and such matters of the mind – We are heirs to a tremendous degree of "powers." By learning the ways to develop and use these abilities, we could have an amazing, positive effect on our lives and the lives of others.
Module #12: The Power of Belief and its Relationship to Perfect Happiness and Success – A general wrap up of why our belief system could imprison or free us and how we can change our belief patterns to be more positive, productive, wealthy and fulfilled.
How much does the Secret Spiritual Power package cost?
Two Versions are available for purchase:
1. Digital Version (immediate download): $37
2. Physical CD Version (includes immediate download) : $47 + $5 S/H
Click here to buy or download Secret Spiritual Power
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Tag: Personal Development
Monday, July 4, 2011
Online Selling Tips - Five Unique Niche Product Ideas For Newbie Sellers
Spotting a niche market is one of the key ingredients to be really profitable in online selling. Did you know that newbie sellers can become much more successful when they appeal to a very small market instead of trying to appeal to everyone?
Finding a niche isn't always easy - it takes time and persistence to find the right product to sell. To get you thinking, and to give you a few inspiring ideas, here's a list of five product niche ideas to share with you. While some niche ideas might seem abstract to beginner sellers, that is exactly what a great niche is - very precise and seemingly difficult to source.
Niche Product Idea #1: Plus Size Shoes
Many big-footers out there find it very difficult to buy shoes that will fit them comfortably from regular retail stores.
Why are plus size shoes a super niche product?
While plus size shoes are commonly made by popular shoe makers, stores often order only a limited quantity, which means that more and more big-footers must turn to buying online to get what they need.
These shoes have a high success rate on eBay (women's size 11 sell at 61.9% and men's size 14 at 75%!)
(Hot tip: women's size 11+ high heels could make a great little niche)
Niche Product Idea #2: Plus Size Maternity Wear
Another plus-size item with huge success on eBay!
It's a profitable niche because:
Maternity and baby gear always works because people are always going to have babies, so you'll never run out of customers!
Clothing items are easy to ship as they light and not fragile.
Niche Product Idea #3: Heart Rate Monitors
Heart rate monitors are used by athletes and gym bunnies or by people who need to keep an eye on their heart rate.
Why Heart rate monitors are an exciting niche product?
They have a 75% success rate on eBay (75% of all monitors listed on eBay in the last three months sold out!)
Heart rate monitors are lightweight and easy to ship and store. The best part, one size fits all!
Niche Product Idea #4: Antique Clocks
Another great niche market item.
Antique clocks are a first-rate niche because:
1. You'll appeal to both collectors and home decorators.
2. Antique clocks have an eBay success rate of over 67%.
3. You can often pick these up very cheaply from flea markets and yard sales, then
resell them to make a profit.
Niche Product Idea #5: Military Insignia
Collectibles always make great niches and you can dig really deep to find the best ones. They are also perfect for people who are interested in them - you'll find it much easier and much more rewarding when you sell something you enjoy. To really niche it up, go for US military insignia from the Vietnam War which is big on eBay.
Why military insignia makes such an excellent niche?
1. It rarely dates or goes out of fashion
2. There are so many sub-niches to discover like Russian war medals and World War 2 helmets, etc.
So you see, niche products really are the way to go for newbie sellers and there are so many out there to keep you interested and the best part, you can easily make money with these items!
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Tags: Online Selling Tactics Business
Finding a niche isn't always easy - it takes time and persistence to find the right product to sell. To get you thinking, and to give you a few inspiring ideas, here's a list of five product niche ideas to share with you. While some niche ideas might seem abstract to beginner sellers, that is exactly what a great niche is - very precise and seemingly difficult to source.
Niche Product Idea #1: Plus Size Shoes
Many big-footers out there find it very difficult to buy shoes that will fit them comfortably from regular retail stores.
Why are plus size shoes a super niche product?
While plus size shoes are commonly made by popular shoe makers, stores often order only a limited quantity, which means that more and more big-footers must turn to buying online to get what they need.
These shoes have a high success rate on eBay (women's size 11 sell at 61.9% and men's size 14 at 75%!)
(Hot tip: women's size 11+ high heels could make a great little niche)
Niche Product Idea #2: Plus Size Maternity Wear
Another plus-size item with huge success on eBay!
It's a profitable niche because:
Maternity and baby gear always works because people are always going to have babies, so you'll never run out of customers!
Clothing items are easy to ship as they light and not fragile.
Niche Product Idea #3: Heart Rate Monitors
Heart rate monitors are used by athletes and gym bunnies or by people who need to keep an eye on their heart rate.
Why Heart rate monitors are an exciting niche product?
They have a 75% success rate on eBay (75% of all monitors listed on eBay in the last three months sold out!)
Heart rate monitors are lightweight and easy to ship and store. The best part, one size fits all!
Niche Product Idea #4: Antique Clocks
Another great niche market item.
Antique clocks are a first-rate niche because:
1. You'll appeal to both collectors and home decorators.
2. Antique clocks have an eBay success rate of over 67%.
3. You can often pick these up very cheaply from flea markets and yard sales, then
resell them to make a profit.
Niche Product Idea #5: Military Insignia
Collectibles always make great niches and you can dig really deep to find the best ones. They are also perfect for people who are interested in them - you'll find it much easier and much more rewarding when you sell something you enjoy. To really niche it up, go for US military insignia from the Vietnam War which is big on eBay.
Why military insignia makes such an excellent niche?
1. It rarely dates or goes out of fashion
2. There are so many sub-niches to discover like Russian war medals and World War 2 helmets, etc.
So you see, niche products really are the way to go for newbie sellers and there are so many out there to keep you interested and the best part, you can easily make money with these items!
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Tags: Online Selling Tactics Business
Saturday, July 2, 2011
Rank and Pillage by Brian Johnson and Aidan Booth
I want to write something about "Rank and Pillage" though it has yet to be released to the public. The reason is very simple - The person behind "Rank and Pillage" is Brian Johnson whom I respect and trust very much.
You see, back in 2008 when I had tons of problems seo-ranking my niche WordPress blogs (more than a dozen of blogs in different niches). I went searching all over the Net hoping to find a solution. That was the first time I came to know about Brian, who was preparing to launch his first marketing course SEO Press Formula. I bought the course, including his 60-day mentoring program, the very moment it went live. This course has helped me solve most of my problems. Brian is an excellent teacher! I wrote about SEO Press Formula here.
Now, Rank and Pillage is Brian Johnson's newest affiliate marketing course. I'm sure it will be another great Internet marketing product of high value. Oh sorry, I forgot to mention Aidan Booth, the co-creator of Rank and Pillage. I don't personally know Aidan Booth. All I know is that Aidan Booth is Brian Johnson's top student. I'm quite sure Aidan Booth is pretty good at what he does since Brian thinks highly of him.
I'll be getting a lot more information on Rank and Pillage soon. For the time being, I just briefly write a few things that are included in the course.
Course Title: Rank and Pillage
Launch Date: July 26, 2011 at 12pm EST
Product Type: Affiliate Marketing Training Course for making money with both physical products (Amazon, Commission Junction) and information products (Clickbank).
Rank and Pillage Course Overview:
Rank and Pillage includes a huge manual consisting of over 250 pages of rock solid step by step content, 100+ "watch over my shoulder" video tutorials, link building roadmaps, money making blueprints, case studies revealing real money making websites, webinars, access to a link building blogging network (currently selling for $67 per month), a premium WordPress theme and much more.
Rank and Pillage Will Include:
1. Core Manual + Video Tutorials
2. Rank and Pillage Case Studies: Real Money Making Sites Exposed
Updated Post Here

Related Posts:
Insider Secrets to Rank and Pillage Profitable Niche Markets Revealed
Rank and Pillage
Tags: Rank and Pillage Affiliate Marketing Brian Johnson Aidan Booth
You see, back in 2008 when I had tons of problems seo-ranking my niche WordPress blogs (more than a dozen of blogs in different niches). I went searching all over the Net hoping to find a solution. That was the first time I came to know about Brian, who was preparing to launch his first marketing course SEO Press Formula. I bought the course, including his 60-day mentoring program, the very moment it went live. This course has helped me solve most of my problems. Brian is an excellent teacher! I wrote about SEO Press Formula here.
Now, Rank and Pillage is Brian Johnson's newest affiliate marketing course. I'm sure it will be another great Internet marketing product of high value. Oh sorry, I forgot to mention Aidan Booth, the co-creator of Rank and Pillage. I don't personally know Aidan Booth. All I know is that Aidan Booth is Brian Johnson's top student. I'm quite sure Aidan Booth is pretty good at what he does since Brian thinks highly of him.
I'll be getting a lot more information on Rank and Pillage soon. For the time being, I just briefly write a few things that are included in the course.
Course Title: Rank and Pillage
Launch Date: July 26, 2011 at 12pm EST
Product Type: Affiliate Marketing Training Course for making money with both physical products (Amazon, Commission Junction) and information products (Clickbank).
Rank and Pillage Course Overview:
Rank and Pillage includes a huge manual consisting of over 250 pages of rock solid step by step content, 100+ "watch over my shoulder" video tutorials, link building roadmaps, money making blueprints, case studies revealing real money making websites, webinars, access to a link building blogging network (currently selling for $67 per month), a premium WordPress theme and much more.
Rank and Pillage Will Include:
1. Core Manual + Video Tutorials
- The core manual rips apart every aspect of Aidan Booth's affiliate marketing business and reveals exactly how to create a sustainable and diverse income stream
- Step by step training which includes over 100 video tutorials and a massive 250 page blueprint detailing a system that bring in $1000's per week on complete autopilot.
- The 5 proven step by step money making formulas that give flexibility and freedom to quit your job and be your own boss in a matter of weeks.
- The outsourcing blueprint that will allow you to get 40 hours of work done in 1 day.
- Detailed instructions and tutorials revealing how to create your own high PR link network.
- Comprehensive "Wordpress on Steroids" tutorials showing you the exact configuration you need in order to build successful websites that rocket to #1 in Google.
- Top secret SEO roadmap detailing in intricate details, what you need to do and when you need to do it to virtually guarantee top rankings in Google
2. Rank and Pillage Case Studies: Real Money Making Sites Exposed
- Members of Rank and Pillage will get a front seat look at two money making websites (by Brian & Aidan). These websites make money in 2 very different ways and incorporate a range of cutting edge strategies. Discover exactly how these sites make money and what can be done to them right now to make them more lucrative than ever.
Updated Post Here
Related Posts:
Insider Secrets to Rank and Pillage Profitable Niche Markets Revealed
Rank and Pillage
Tags: Rank and Pillage Affiliate Marketing Brian Johnson Aidan Booth
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