His name is John Harricharan and he can show you secret spiritual powers you didn't even know you had...
Some people have called him a "quack", yet he has shared the stage with world renowned speakers as Deepak Chopra, Elisabeth Kubler-Ross, Og Mandino, Gerald Jampolsky, Foster Hibbard, Eric Butterworth, C. Everett Koop and others!
Some people think his ideas are too "out there", but he has shared his secrets alongside the Dalai Lama, Paul and Linda McCartney, even His Royal Highness, Prince Philip of Great Britain himself.
And more importantly, his guidance... his own treasure trove of spiritual secrets have transformed lives across the globe spiritually, emotionally, physically, mentally and financially (and quite a few used to be skeptics)...
Why should you care?
Because once you experience just a taste of what he can show you, you will see a rush of transformational ripples take over your life. Everything you do, desire, or strive for will be revolutionized.
You will be a different person. You will be more "you."
By the way, John is an extremely humble man. He doesn't want huge fame (although he has become quite well known). For years, he has helped people from all over the world improve their lives by better understanding the forces at work in the spiritual and metaphysical world. He doesn't care for titles. He's not screaming at the top of his lungs, hoping you'll listen.
BUT, if you take a moment, step up, and see what he has to say, well...
See for yourself...
Secret Spiritual Power - The Master Speaks:
It consists of 12 audio modules with over 20 hours of jam-packed, interview content:
Module #1: Sense and Nonsense of the "Law of Attraction" – Here you will learn the truth about the Law of Attraction and why it only seems to work some of the time.
Module #2: Past lives, future lives and alternate realities – Here John reveals the secrets behind how to tap into your "soul memory" and use that information and wisdom to make your current life happier and more successful.
Module #3: How to make time stand still – According to John, we can all use our natural abilities to "Bend the Arrow of Time." Learn how to use your mind to slow time down or speed it up when you feel a need for it.
Module #4: Whispers from the Universe – Listen as John pulls back the curtain on the afterlife and those who've gone on; afterlife communications and mysteries of the "other side."
Module #5: The "cloak of invisibility" and the "power of silence" – Here John reveals the key to staying sane in an insane world and how to not be noticed when you need your silence and privacy.
Module #6: Dreams and the stories told in the night – How do dreams relate to our waking life? Is there any purpose or reason for them or are they just phantoms of a tired mind? They are just reality in a different level of consciousness and can be used for guidance and success.
Module #7: The Metaphysics of Money - Part A – Money is actually energy in motion. Why is it so difficult for many to get the amount they need or want, while it's the easiest thing for some to acquire large amounts?
Module #8: The Metaphysics of Money - Part B – Here the discussion about money, how to attract it and how to manifest wealth continues.
Module #9: Event Formation – From vaporizing clouds to vaporizing our problems. Clouds are like problems. Learn the strategy and methods of how to vaporize them and you could use the same techniques to rid yourself of your problems.
Module #10: The magic of the Morphogenic Field – Why do events that happen in one place seem to affect other events that occur in a totally unrelated place? How to tap into the Morphogenic (or Morphic) field to create more success and happiness.
Module #11: Intuition, Psychic Powers, Distance Healing, Remote Viewing and such matters of the mind – We are heirs to a tremendous degree of "powers." By learning the ways to develop and use these abilities, we could have an amazing, positive effect on our lives and the lives of others.
Module #12: The Power of Belief and its Relationship to Perfect Happiness and Success – A general wrap up of why our belief system could imprison or free us and how we can change our belief patterns to be more positive, productive, wealthy and fulfilled.
How much does the Secret Spiritual Power package cost?
Two Versions are available for purchase:
1. Digital Version (immediate download): $37
2. Physical CD Version (includes immediate download) : $47 + $5 S/H
Click here to buy or download Secret Spiritual Power
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