Here are some of the keywords (or phrases) they used in their search queries:
"Affiloblueprint Vs SBI"
"Comparison of Affiloblueprint and SBI"
"Is SBI better than Affiloblueprint?"
"Compare SBI with Affiloblueprint"
"Is Affiloblueprint more effective than SBI?"
I'm sure these folks would be very disappointed with what they saw here 'cos I'd never made any comparison of the two products. As a matter of fact, you can't compare an apple to an orange, can you?
Both Affiloblueprint and SBI! are top-rated products. But they are two completely different things -- Affiloblueprint is an Affiliate Marketing Course. Whereas SBI! is a Complete Business Building System! If Affiloblueprint were an apple, then SBI! would be the orange! It doesn't make too much sense to compare them, at least that's the way I think.
So I better do a post here to explain both products side-by-side for the benefits of my future readers.
O.K., let me do Affiloblueprint first...
Affiloblueprint is a high quality affiliate marketing course created by super affiliate Mark Ling, who reportedly earns over $1 million dollars a year from a variety of affiliate sites. Apparently he uses the same formula to create each site. He finds a niche, builds a site, gets up and running and then basically leaves it just ticking away – earning him money, while he just goes off and builds another one. I know Mark Ling. He has an excellent reputation as a marketer. I trust him.
Affiloblueprint consists of a 12 week program with 55 video lessons. It starts out with how to find a profitable niche and market research, you're taken through picking keywords, creating content, building a website, search-engine-optimization, creating newsletters, analytics, a brilliant troubleshooting lesson, and pay per click lessons. All are pretty comprehensive.
The main idea of Affiloblueprint is that you can learn step by step to create multiple sites, in any viable product niche you like, by using the same process over and over again. This means you can create a whole bunch of small $50 per week sites, and then just build up your income by building as many sites as you desire. Then, as Mark Ling explains, if you reinvest some of that money back into the sites in the form of building contents and SEO campaigns, you can very quickly accelerate your earnings into the thousands a week just by starting with a few $50 a week sites. This has got to be one of the simplest, but yet most believable methods I've seen for creating this level of income through affiliate marketing.
Affiloblueprint is designed for both the affiliate marketing newbie & intermediate marketers who wants a step-by-step guide to creating a successful affiliate business, plus includes the highly valuable WordPress theme which makes it easy for newbies to set up Affiloblueprint-style websites.
Affiloblueprint covers all the basics of affiliate marketing, while also providing a novice-proof formula that can be used over and over again to create profitable sites in different niches.
The Affiloblueprint course costs you a one-time investment of $197.
Detailed Information on Affiloblueprint can be found here.
Now SBI!...
SBI! is not just a site builder, not just a training course as a lot of people were confused.
SBI! is all about building a business per se. It is a platform on which to build a complete online business.
SBI! has a very long track record of creating successful businesses - 14 years, since 1997! I'm an SBIer myself, since 2005.
SBI! is an international provider of a proprietary web business building platform, the flagship product of SiteSell Inc., a company founded by Dr. Ken Evoy in 1997.
You can use SBI! to turn anything (your ideas, your hobbies or passion, your knowledge, anything) into a successful online business provided that you're a do-it-yourself type of person, who's willing to work for a long-term goal by following the SBI Action Guide. There won't be any shortcut in business building, not with SBI.
SBI! gives you EVERYTHING you'll ever need to build an online business - All the tools, learning & training, website building, traffic generation, content writing, web hosting, etc., etc. Absolutely everything needed for building an online business is inside SBI!
See All the Tools
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The SBI! C-T-P-M Process:
SBI! focus on C
C = Content: Internet users search for information, for solutions. They are not looking for you - they don't know you. They seek what you know. Give it to them. Convert your knowledge into in-demand Content. To succeed online, start where they start - at "the search."
T = Traffic: Your site content ranks high at the search engines (Google, Yahoo, MSN, etc), attracting free, targeted, open-to-you visitors. Basically, these future customers "meet you" at your site. These visitors are known as "Traffic." How well does SBI! drive "T"? Top 3% - Proof with Results.
P = Presell: Complete strangers develop trust and confidence in you. Why? Because you "presell" by overdelivering what they seek... relevant, original, information. Deliver this information in your own voice, in your own way, and go beyond merely instilling confidence. Your visitors will like you.
M = Monetize: Convert warm, willing-to-buy ("Presold") visitors into income. This is known as "Monetization," this is the easy part. But "M" cannot happen if you fail to first execute C T P. This is where 99% of small businesses fail!
SBI! is all about you starting and building your own business online.
SBI! costs $299 per year (or $29.99 per month).
Not possible to conclude which is better - SBI or Affiloblueprint? It all depends on What You Really Want or Aim For.
Affiloblueprint teaches just one type of business, which is Affiliate Marketing.
Whereas SBI! builds any types of businesses (including affiliate marketing), you name it, and SBI! has all the right tools and strategies to get you there.
Tags: SBI Affiloblueprint Business Affiliate Marketing Internet Marketing
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