Friday, June 8, 2007

Ojeez is officially LIVE !

Yes, the Ojeez community site has been officially
launched on June 06, 2007 as scheduled.
However, some bugs were found and the site went
down for several hours between June 07 and June 08.
Being new, you would experience some glitches from
time to time. Here's an important message which
appears as soon as you get into your profile page :

Extremely Important Message Ojeez has just
launched in Beta this month. To make Ojeez the best
experience in social networking on the web we will
continue to refine the site.

For this reason Ojeez will be under scheduled
maintenance till June 18th between 2 AM and

If you have any questions or comments please let us
know at

Have you been notified by an email from Ojeez
regarding your login information ? In case you didn't
receive any email, you can simply go to the login page:

--Insert your email address ( the one you registered
with Ojeez )
--Next, locate "Forgot your Login or Password?",
"Click Here".
--Check your email account. You should then receive
an immediate reply with your login password.

For those of you who are in my network you can
contact me through this blog (comment section),
or visit my Ojeez Profile Page to leave a message.
Here's my profile page :

Are you looking for a legitimate, money-making affiliate
program with proven track records and high credibility for
Visit: Internet Business Opportunities.

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Saturday, June 2, 2007

Ojeez official launch date is Wednesday, June 06 !

Great news !
I just received the latest issue of Ojeez Newsletter which
has confirmed the official launch date as :
Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Members will receive an email notification a day before
the official launch (which is Tuesday, June 05).

Hello Ojeezians,

As always we are both impressed and humbled by the
power of the people. We started at the beginning of
May with 3,000 members and now we are about to
hit 9,000. The only reason this has become a reality is
because each of you went out and told someone about

Ojeez has exceeded any expectations we might have had,
tripling in one month, so we need to quickly upgrade our
infrastructure just in case everyone decides to go crazy
and adds 10,000 more members in a week. This way
we can easily handle the traffic and new members
without a glitch.

Be patient a bit longer my fellow Ojeezians, we will have
everything ready on Wednesday night for you and our
enhanced stability will ensure that your Ojeez experience
will be a pleasant one.

On Tuesday we will send out an email to everyone
reminding you of your username and password, then
you can jump in and test out the waters.

As a bonus and a thank you for your patience we have
created this presentation showcasing some of the newest
pages of Ojeez that you will see on Wednesday.
We have really gone that extra mile and redesigned the
original look and feel, so enjoy and see you in a few more
New Community Site

Understand that what your seeing is all included in the
FREE part of the Ojeez Community. We challenge you to
find for FREE a Social Community anywhere with as
much value as you see here. Ownership has its benefits
so be sure to pass this on to all of your friends.

Remember, everyone will have an opportunity to be an
owner so immediately after the Wednesday launch we
will look forward to hearing suggestions on how to
improve your company.

Thank You!

Jim & Zach
One Voice* One World* No Borders

Join Ojeez

Are you looking for a legitimate, money-making affiliate
program with proven track records and high credibility for
Visit: Internet Business Opportunities.

Tagged :

Friday, June 1, 2007

Ojeez...the nicest social networking site...Wow !

We're almost there !
We missed the May launch date slightly but not a
problem 'cos the new site should be launched at any
moment from now.

Wow! The new community site is really very impressive !

Click Here to see for yourself.

Can't wait to get there !

Join Ojeez

Are you looking for a legitimate, money-making affiliate
program with proven track records and high credibility for
Visit: Internet Business Opportunities.
