Saturday, May 1, 2010

Automated Blogging

Automated blogiing has become somewhat of a craze lately
with many different solutions cropping up that all claim to
allow people to just sit back, relax, and let the software do
the work for them. Most beginners who know relatively little
about automated blogging end up getting caught up in the
idea of being able to automatically earn cash while not even

Lets explore exactly what automated blogging is all about...

Contrary to popular belief, automated blogging does not consist
of software that writes blog posts on your behalf. While it would
be nice to have a robot that is able to churn out great blog posts
about any topic that you feed it, that simply isn't the case.
No matter how advanced the automated blogging software you
end up using - it needs to get its blog posts from somewhere!

More often than not, that somewhere ends up being RSS feeds.
Basically, RSS feeds are just syndicated content from other people's
blogs or websites and therefore they form a ready-made source
of content. Without getting too technical, it should suffice to say
that automated blogging consists of taking these pieces of content
and republishing them onto your own blog - automatically, of course!

Naturally, this makes blogging a whole lot easier and will rid you of
the constant need to manually update your blogs. Running one blog
is tough enough, but what if you're running 10? 20? 100? Can you
imagine having to write content for each and every blog that you
run on a daily basis? That's exactly why automated blogging is so

Needless to say, in order for automated blogging to truly work,
the monetization side of things needs to be automated as well.
Thankfully, there are many types of automated monetization
nowadays so you should be spoilt for choice in that regard.
Still - there are several important considerations that you need
to consider especially if you're promoting specific products.

After all, what's to say that the products themselves are going
to remain relevant.

From this small introduction to automated blogging, you should
be getting a feel for what it entails - and what it could potentially
do for you. Automating your blog may take a little bit of effort
initially, but in the long run you're going to find that the benefits
far outweigh that miniscule amount of initial work that needs to
be done!

Find out exactly how Auto Content Cash could change the way
in which you work with blogs, forevermore!

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