Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Rank Builder - Automated SEO

If you’ve ever wonder what it really takes to drive waves of 100% free search engine traffic and social media traffic to any niche, product or affiliate link with foolproof ease, blinding speed and near total automation, then Alex Goad's quick video presentation is the most important you will ever watch...

Usually when people tell you that they can show you how to increase your search engine rankings and dominate niche markets with organic search engine traffic, they show little proof or solid results…

The video on that page is a quick case study about a site he took from a measely 6 visitors a day to over 23,000 visitors a month – all non-paid, 100% free search engine traffic

Not only that, but this site is ranking #2 out of 90 million competitors in Google for the term "Internet marketing blog"… This is one of the most competitive in an already highly competitive niche.

And he also shows how he syndicated, and automatically fed his content to 349,000 pages that are all indexed in Google – building over 20,000 backlinks in the process.

Truth be told, this Rank Builder video is absolutely insane and especially because he also reveals the secret to how he achieved these results, which by the way, is completely automated.

Introducing Alex Goad's Latest SEO Secret Weapon:

Rank Builder

Recently launched and stormed the Internet marketing world...

In a nutshell, Rank Builder is a IM tool which is capable of getting your videos, articles, blurbs in front of your prospects in 2 ways:

1. By creating hundreds of profiles, listings and web 2.0 sites, it goes to where the traffic is and prominently displays your links and offers in front of your target audience.

2. Everyone of those links is counted by Google, who constantly improves your search engine positioning based on the constantly increasing authority and link popularity of your properties.

The end result?

Getting you free, targeted search engine traffic to any web property you may want!

Here's how Rank Builder does the job to benefit you:

Rank Builder -

- Creates blogs on web 2.0 sites

- Creates bookmarks on over 25 of the social media properties

- Creates profiles on some of the most heavy traffic websites in the world

- Submits your (spun) articles to directories with your links

- Creates advanced link wheels (a network of sites belonging to you which all point to your money pages)

- Leverages the link booster function, which automatically creates links to your links and to the properties Rank Builder already created for you.

The end result means hundreds or even thousands of links available at your finger tips -- ALL Fully Automated.

You could of course do all that manually but it would take almost a week or longer to do what Rank Builder can do in mere minutes!

One of the most useful services to get your sites to the top of Google is what's called "Link Networks". As a member of the Rank Builder community, you NOT only get the full traffic getting automation suite, but you ALSO get access to Rank Builder's Authority Link Network.

So for those who feel that SEO is too complicated or difficult but are ready for an avalanche of free search engine traffic and a flood of high quality links from all over the web, all you need to do is to...
Join Rank Builder.

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