Friday, March 13, 2009

Niche Blueprint - Users' Comments

I got news from Steve Clayton and Tim Godfrey (the creators
of Niche Blueprint) that The 'Niche Blueprint' re-launch is
really hotting up and over the weekend nearly 2000 people
signed up after watching the pre-launch videos to be notified
as soon as the site goes live again next Monday, March 16th.

There is evidently a HUGE level of interest in this course as
there was a couple of months ago (the course sold out within
the first 36 hours from launch!).

You can watch All 4 Videos Here before the re-launch.

There are a lot of positive comments from actual users in various
marketing forums if you're interested to find out more about the

Here are a few comments I took from the Warrior Forum:

"Niche Blueprint is just as good as their last product..
as expected. I'd highly recommend it when it's made
available again.

Lots of good information to help you set up a niche
ecommerce site, and the guys behind it actually care
about their customers succeeding which is very cool."

"I have purchased NB and although I am only in
Modules 3 and 4 at the moment I have found it a
solid program with good support and a very clear
process in teaching. They also seem prepared to
react - ie) when people were confused about Market
Samurai (Steve didn't clearly explain the steps or
maybe was a bit too fast) they produced a real
simple step-by-step series of tutorials. As for a
course to teach you a new business model, how
can anyone complain about $497? - could you
learn another type of offline business with an
investment of $497....."

"I've bought it and gone through it. Pretty good
stuff. Most of the SEO stuff is pretty basic but
the whole process of finding dropshippers, the
software to set up and automate the ecommerce
sites etc is just awesome. Haven't contacted
support yet or ran into any technical issues yet
so cannot comment on that one, but the product
it self is really good IMO."

"I've now made it through the final module in
Niche Blueprint. The material from beginning
to end has been first class. In fact, when these
guys found they needed to educate the Niche
Blueprint owners on Market Research some
more, they made more videos.

The customer support area has been fast in
answering my questions and it seems like a
first rate gig.

I was fairly skeptical at one point, but now
that I have 2 stores setup and running I am
finally getting into the groove with this thing.
I am actually having my wife do everything
since I have too many things going on with
my PPC campaigns and other sites.

We are working the SEO program and I am
actually using some of the tips and tricks
mentioned to help some of my other sites
out too. Nothing ground breaking SEO wise
for a seasoned marketer, but it is great stuff
for someone starting out.

I am looking forward to seeing if we can climb
into the top spots with our chosen keyword
sites, and the traffic that results from it."

At time of writing, there are more than 200 entries on
Niche Blueprint discussion in the Warrior Forum! To read all
comments/entries, visit:

The Warrior Forum Internet Marketing Product Reviews & Ratings - Niche Blueprint.

Related Posts:
Niche Blueprint to re-open March 16th

Niche Blueprint - An Overview Of The Course Content

Niche Blueprint


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